Friday, 26 March 2010 07:27 'What has become of our beloved America? Since Christmas Eve, 1913 our standard of living and quality of life has made a death spiral towards complete and utter despotism. If you could go back in time to that fateful day when Congress met in the dark hours of the night to relinquish the sovereignty of this nation to the Federal Reserve, would you not do anything and everything within your power to make sure that never came to pass? Today we face the same dilemma. Just three days ago, Congress yet again met under the cover of darkness to pass a draconian health care bill that will no doubt seal this countries fate. Its 1913 all over again, and the very same banking families that brought us the Federal Reserve are responsible for this latest tax scheme veiled in a façade of socialism. It will be this, combined with an almost certain carbon tax scheme that will deliver the people of this once great Republic into a bondage of the likes the world has never seen. Every member of the House who voted in favor of this monstrosity bear an equal share of the blame for delivering a deathblow to this nation. Their names will forever be etched into our minds even after the pages of history turn yellow and parched. But of all those responsible, one name stands out from the rest.' Friday, 26 March 2010 07:12 Friday, 26 March 2010 07:06 'In the aftermath of the foiled "underwear bomber" attack on Christmas day, there's a major push to install whole-body x-ray scanning machines at airport screening areas. The effort is being led by former Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff, now a paid consultant for a manufacturer of these x-ray machines. He's calling for their "large-scale deployment." Estimated to cost $3 billion over the next eight years, the Homeland Security department plans to have 1,800 scanners in place at U.S. airports by 2014.' Friday, 26 March 2010 07:02 All tickets were gone six months in advance for David Icke's all-day event at the O2 Brixton Academy in May this year and another event has been arranged to meet the demand to see David's most advanced presentation yet. This second event is at the O2 Brixton Academy all day on Saturday, September 11th. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All-day events confirmed in Johannesburg (September 18th); Cape Town (September 25th); New York (October 17th); San Francisco (October 23rd); Portugal (October 30th); Barcelona (November 6th); Athens (November 14th); Amsterdam (November 27th). There will be more events to follow and full details of venues and tickets when we have them. Friday, 26 March 2010 06:56 'Among the most extraordinary powers claimed by both President Bush and President Obama as part of the post-9/11 "war on terrorism" is the power to nullify -- or ignore -- jury verdicts of acquittal in federal criminal cases involving terrorism. They came to a screeching halt on 9/11, when President Bush, the Justice Department, and the Pentagon announced that they now possessed the power to treat suspected terrorists either as criminal defendants or as enemy combatants, at their option. As part of that announcement, the president and the military quietly assumed the power to nullify -- that is, ignore -- federal-court jury verdicts of acquittal in terrorism cases and treat the acquitted person as an enemy combatant, including subjecting him to indefinite incarceration.' Friday, 26 March 2010 06:50 'Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden warned that more Americans would be killed if the self- proclaimed mastermind behind the Sept. 11 attacks is executed, according to an audio tape aired by al-Jazeera. “The day America will take such a decision it will have taken a decision to execute whomever we capture,” Bin Laden said in the audio tape. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four accused co-conspirators are to go on trial in the U.S. and the government intends to seek the death penalty.' Read more: Pentagon Front IntelCenter Release Another Dubious Bin Laden Tape Friday, 26 March 2010 06:45 'US President Barack Obama quit a recent meeting with Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu to have dinner in private after the latter failed to hand a written promise of concessions on Jewish settlements, reports say. The Tuesday meeting was held amid an alleged dispute between the two allies over Tel Aviv's recent announcement that it would build a 1,600-unit settlement in the occupied East Jerusalem (al-Quds), Times Online reported on Thursday. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called the announcement — which came during a visit by US Vice President Joe Biden, aimed at promoting Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations — a "deeply negative signal".' Friday, 26 March 2010 06:03 'The US gives written consent to generously boost the Israeli military despite Washington's alleged dissatisfaction with Israeli settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territories. Upon agreeing on a relevant deal, the United States agreed to hand over roughly 250-million-dollars worth of Hercules C-130J aircraft to the Israeli army, the Israeli Haaretz newspaper said on Thursday. Later in the day, the US Defense Department is to issue a formal announcement on the deal, which is to be financed by the American foreign assistance funds.' Read more: Despite 'Row,' US Seals Military Deal With Israel Friday, 26 March 2010 05:53 'North Korea has accused the US and South Korea of seeking a regime change in the country, threatening to launch nuclear strikes to counter any provocations by the two. "Those who seek to bring down the system in the DPRK (North Korea)... will fall victim to the unprecedented nuclear strikes of the invincible army," a North Korean General Staff spokesman told the official Korean Central News Agency on Friday. The spokesman cited a South Korean newspaper report as evidence of desperate moves of the US imperialists on the Korean Peninsula.''Whenever I reach for you, gonna all that I can...'
David Icke Around The World In 2010
Friday, 26 March 2010
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Britannia Radio