There are consequential, disturbing revelations to be found when flipping through the visitors list at the White House. Bill Ayers is there no less than three times, Louis Farrakhan at least once, but there is also a separate visit for his family, and the infamous hater Jeremiah Wright is there at least five times (four times under Jeremy, one under Jeremiah). Contemptuously, Farrakhan’s visit is tagged as “MEETING WITH SCIENCE CLUB MEMBERS”…Al Sharpton is there twice, and Jesse "hymietown" Jackson is a regular (six times). It bears noting that despite solid evidence that Obama was tight with these haters, inciters and revolutionaries and traitors, he distanced himself from them during the campaign and outright lied about his ties to them. Mr. Ayers, for example, was dismissed as “a guy who lives in my neighborhood” and “somebody who worked on education issues in Chicago that I know.” Obama lied about his friends and nefarious colleagues because he he knew that his connection to them was deadly. He knew these were bad characters, and that his being involved with them would not sit well with the American people. He knew. And so he lied. And now they are regulars at the White House (while the Dalai Lama and Netanyahu are begrudgingly ushered in the side door or seen chilling with the trash). These are terrorists, inciters to genocide, America haters, the underbelly of an ugly America -- and they are in the House. Much thanks to Mark. Excel sheet: Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, March 26, 2010 at 12:17 PM in Obama's Mafia Presidency, Obama's Shadow Government, Obama: Post American Immorality | Permalink | Comments (5)ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! The color purple: Obama signs health-care bill. President Obama signed the bill into law in the East Room of the White House after addressing an audience that included lawmakers who supported the measure. (Associated Press, edited by The Washington Post) Yes, it seems this can no longer be written off as pure coincidence. The color purple is the fighting color of this administration. It is painfully clear who and what is running the show. Historically the color purple has signified royalty which, ironically, is exactly how the power mad pres thinks of himself.But this is SEIU, all the way. The Chicago way. Stella Paul writes exclusively for Atlas: OFFICIAL GANGSTA COLORS OF THE GANGSTA GOVERNMENT Every gang of thugs needs its own official color scheme and now our gangsta government has its: SEIU purple. The increasingly brazen thugs in charge have junked the red white and blue and now festoon themselves for historic occasions in the purple color of their most intimate ally, Service Employees International Union (SEIU). After Robert Gibbs showed up at a press conference with a purple braceletmatching that of his best bud, SEIU head, Andy Stern, was there really any doubt what color Nancy Pelosi would wear for the health care vote or what color ties her fellow congressional gangstas would choose? Did you need to turn on the TV for the signing ceremony to know Obama would wear a purple tie? It's increasingly clear who's the power behind Obama's gangsta throne. George Soros provides the money, but Andy Stern and SEIU provide the muscle. And by the Democrats' blatant signaling to their purple-shirted men in the street, it's clear they have already planned and coordinated their next crime spree. Obama signs health care law in purple tie - here. Obama wears purple tie to lobby for health care - here. Nancy Pelosi in purple suit and shoes with gavel and other Dems in purple ties - here. Gibbs and Andy Stern wear matching purple bracelets The bracelet is kind of a signal to tell Stern that the administration has it under control and ObamaCare will be delivered. Just a few more Democrats need to be shown the Chicago way. YouTube of SEIU beating Kenneth Gladney Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, March 26, 2010 at 12:53 PM in ACORN, SEIU: Democrat Racketeering Tools | Permalink | Comments (0) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! What took so long? Frum is a fraud. His betrayal of Bat Yeor and Robert Spencer (here) was the last straw for me. His intellectual dishonesty and flawed thinking hurt the right. He's been kicked to the curb -- long overdue, I say. Apparently he laid the blame of the passage of Demcare at the door of the Republicans. Hardly surprising. David Frum dropped by U.S. conservative think-tank The National Post hat tip Jane Conservative commentator and National Post columnist David Frum has lost his job at the American Enterprise Institute, a right-wing public policy think tank, four days after he called the Republican Party's opposition to U.S. health-care reform the "most crushing legislative defeat since the 1960s." Mr. Frum, who has been a resident fellow at the AEI since 2003, announced the "termination" of his position on his blog on Thursday, saying the decision was made over lunch with AEI President Arthur Brooks. "I appreciate the consideration that delays my emptying of my office until after my return from travel next week. Premises will be vacated no later than April 9," Mr. Frum wrote in his resignation letter to Mr. Brooks. "I have had many fruitful years at the American Enterprise Institute, and I do regret this abrupt and unexpected conclusion of our relationship." Mr. Frum declined interview requests last night, but told the Washington Post that his criticism of the Republican strategy, which he published on his website Sunday night and which ran in the National Post on Tuesday, did not appear to be a factor in the termination of his position. "They invited me to remain associated with AEI on a non-salaried basis," Mr. Frum said. It was an offer he declined. "While it has always been and will always be AEI's practice to not discuss personnel matters, David Frum is a truly original thinker and we are proud to have been associated with him for the last seven years. His decision to leave in no way diminishes our respect for him," Mr. Brooks told The Wall Street Journal in a statement through a spokeswoman. In his Sunday posting on his website, FrumForum, the former speechwriter for President George W. Bush said part of the blame for the passing of the U.S. health-care reform bill "attaches to conservatives and Republicans ourselves." "At the beginning of this process, we made a strategic decision: Unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when president George W. Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama's Waterloo," Mr. Frum wrote. "This time, when we went for all the marbles, we ended with none. ... It's Waterloo all right: ours." A contrarian conservative, Mr. Frum has been raising the ire of hardcore Republicans for some time. In his 2008 book, Comeback: Conservatism That Can Win Again, he criticized the party for losing sight of the issues he says matter most to Americans. He was also a vocal critic of John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as vice presidential candidate, but ultimately supported her during the last election. He has also criticized the country's right-wing media organizations, whose popular celebrity hosts, such as Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, he says are ruining the party brand. Last year he called Rush Limbaugh a "walking stereotype of self-indulgence - exactly the image that Barack Obama most wants to affix to our philosophy and our party." Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, March 26, 2010 at 12:00 AM in RINOs | Permalink | Comments (2) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! The six million are cold in their graves, weeping for what awaits you. The only difference between American Jews of the 2000s and the European Jews of the 1930s is Israel. This is what separates you from the dehumanization, the oven, the end. A Jewish homeland is the thin blue and white line between civilized men and bloodthirsty savages. Check out my latest column at Big Journalism. Here's an excerpt from Barack Hussein Obama II’s War Against Israel: But now here we are. Jews may then have tried to avoid Obama’s anti-Semitism, but they cannot now avoid the consequences of avoiding Obama’s anti-Semitism. He has unleashed an evil in this world the extent of which we are only now beginning to see. He has made the world safe for haters and killers. The post-World War II peace was no accident; it was a direct result of American hegemony. But now he is following the European lead and unraveling it. Europe learned the wrong lessons from the war and the Holocaust. The lesson that Europe decided to take from Auschwitz was that everything was caused by nationalism. European leaders decided that therefore what they really needed was a European Union that would obviate their need for nationalism and prevent another Auschwitz. They took all the wrong lessons from World War II and continue to apply them, while ignoring the only lesson that’s really relevant from World War II, which is that you have to choose good and defend good, and fight with the intention of defeating evil. We have to be able and willing to make moral distinctions and stand up for the good and fight evil — and that is something that both the Europeans and Obama refuse to do. Nationalism isn’t evil. British nationalism hasn’t been evil. French nationalism isn’t evil. Polish nationalism isn’t evil. American nationalism wasn’t evil and has never been evil. Contrary to Obama’s actions, American exceptionalism isn’t evil. But what did the Jews learn from the Holocaust? What does “never again” mean? Why does the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., cover up the crimes of the Muslim world and the Mufti of Jerusalem in the execution of the Holocaust? Why does the State of Israel not fight global anti-Semitism? Why is Islamic anti-Semitism not decried from the pulpits and the bimas of the shuls and Hebrew schools across the Jewish world? Why aren’t Robert Spencer The Jewish people, both in Israel and the diaspora, seem to be suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome. There can be no logical reason why an American Jew could intellectually excuse Obama’s twenty-year friendship and closeness with the anti-Semitic Farrakhan acolyte Jeremiah Wright. There is no way an American Jew could explain away or rationalize Obama’s connections to Rashid Khalidi, Ali Abunimah, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, and know about those connections without knowing what was coming. These Jews (and our history is plagued with them) love ideas, not people. They are so married to their dogma, their ideology, that they cannot, will not, see what is right in front of them. They worship at the church of human secularism. That is their religion. They have no G-d. They are merely wearing a Jewish coat, but do not speak for Jews. It is the curse of the Jewish people historically to be betrayed by our own. This is the deepest cut of all. The kinderlach, the mamas, the tatas, the bubbies and zadies, shvestas and bruders who were tortured and died unspeakable deaths are crying out to you. Are we so broken a people that they shall have died in vain, for nothing? Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, March 25, 2010 at 08:18 PM in Atlas Articles, Obama: Lethal for Israel | Permalink | Comments (20) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, March 25, 2010 at 07:27 PM in Radio Interviews | Permalink | Comments (0) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Did you miss my two columns this week at Newsmax? Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, March 25, 2010 at 05:33 PM in Atlas Articles | Permalink | Comments (2) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Obama shamed and humiliated the Jewish Prime Minister of Israel, while demanding we respect sharia and Islam. Jewish self-defense against virulent, genocidal Islamic anti-Semitism repels the leader of the free world. Now here we are. Jews may then have tried to avoid Obama’s anti-Semitism, but they cannot now avoid the consequences of avoiding Obama’s anti-Semitism. He has unleashed an evil in this world the extent of which we are only now beginning to see. He has made the world safe for haters and killers. The Jewish people, both in Israel and the diaspora, seem to be suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome. There can be no logical reason why an American Jew could intellectually excuse Obama’s twenty-year friendship and closeness with the anti-Semitic Farrakhan acolyte Jeremiah Wright. There is no way an American Jew could explain away or rationalize Obama’s connections to Rashid Khalidi, Ali Abunimah, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, and know about those connections without knowing what was coming. These Jews (and our history is plagued with them) love ideas, not people. They are so married to their dogma, their ideology, that they cannot, will not, see what is right in front of them. They worship at the church of human secularism. That is their religion. They have no G-d. They merely wearing a Jewish coat, but do not speak for Jews. It is the curse of the Jewish people historically to be betrayed by our own. This is the deepest cut of all. Are we so broken a people that they shall have died in vain, for nothing? The six million looked like you, laughed like you, denied like you. The six million loved their country -- some were war heroes for Germany in World War I. They too thought the fringe would stay relegated to the margins of society. Fringe, meet White House. For a head of state to visit the White House and not pose for photographers is rare. For a key ally to be left to his own devices while the President withdraws to have dinner in private was, until this week, unheard of. Yet that is how Binyamin Netanyahu was treated by President Obama on Tuesday night, according to Israeli reports on a trip seen in Jerusalem tonight as a disastrous humiliation. After failing to extract a written promise of concessions on Jewish settlements, Mr Obama walked out of his meeting with Mr Netanyahu but invited him to stay at the White House, consult with advisors and “let me know if there is anything new”, a US congressman who spoke to the Prime Minister said today. “It was awful,” the congressman said. One Israeli newspaper called the meeting “a hazing in stages”, poisoned by such mistrust that the Israeli delegation eventually left rather than risk being eavesdropped on a White House phone line. Another said that the Prime Minister had received “the treatment reserved for the President of Equatorial Guinea”. Left to talk among themselves, Mr Netanyahu and his aides retreated to the Roosevelt Room. He later spent a further half-hour with Mr Obama and extended his stay for a day of emergency talks aimed at restarting peace negotiations, but left last night with no official statement from either side. He returns to Israel dangerously isolated after what Israeli media have called a White House ambush for which he is largely to blame. Sources said that Mr Netanyahu failed to impress Mr Obama with a flow chart purporting to show that he was not be responsible for the timing of announcements of new settlement projects in east Jerusalem. Mr Obama was said to be livid when such an announcement derailed Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel this month, and his anger towards Israel does not appear to have cooled. Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, cast doubt on minor details in Israeli accounts of the meeting but did not deny claims that it amounted to a dressing down for the Prime Minister, whose refusal to freeze settlements is seen in Washington as the main barrier to resuming peace talks. The Likud leader now has to try to square the demands of the Obama Administration with his nationalist, ultra-Orthodox coalition partners, who want him to stand up to Washington, even though Israel desperately needs US backing in confronting the looming threat of a nuclear Iran. “The Prime Minister leaves America disgraced, isolated and altogether weaker than when he came,” the Israeli dailyHa'aretz said. Haaretz is a far left, jewicidal, ugly Israel newspaper. They are secretly loving this. Think of America haters -- well, same thing. Israel haters. In their meeting Mr Obama set out a number of expectations that Israel was to satisfy if it wanted to end the crisis, Israeli sources said. These included an extension of the freeze on Jewish settlement growth beyond the 10-month deadline next September, an end to Israeli building projects in east Jerusalem, and even a withdrawal of Israeli forces to positions that they held before the Second Intifada in September 2000, after which they re-occupied most of the West Bank. Newspaper reports recounted how Mr Netanyahu looked “excessively concerned and upset” as he pulled out a flow chart to show Mr Obama how Jerusalem planning permission worked and how he could not have known of the announcement that hundreds more homes were to be built just as Mr Biden arrived in Jerusalem. Mr Obama then suggested that Mr Netanyahu and his staff stay on at the White House to consider his proposals, so that if he changed his mind he could inform the President right away. “I’m still around,” the Yediot Ahronot daily quoted Mr Obama saying. “Let me know if there is anything new.” With the atmosphere so soured by the end of the evening, the Israelis decided that they could not trust the phone line they had been lent. Mr Netanyahu retired with his defence minister, Ehud Barak, to the Israeli Embassy to ensure the Americans were not listening in. UPDATE: Robert has a disturbing development. Nightmare: I expect that the President of Equatorial Guinea would be treated better. But meanwhile, the Obama Administration can't do enough to soothe Pakistani sensibilities ruffled by our horrible Islamophobic airport security procedures: "US ambassador in UK ensures no body scan for Pak foreign minister," from the PTI, March 25 (thanks to Block Ness): When Qureshi's commercial flight to the US stopped in Manchester this week, American ambassador in London, Louis B Susman, drove four hours to be there for the hour long layover. Susman's mission was to "avoid any unpleasantness - including the possibility that British-based US airline security might insist on body-scanning Qureshi - that might start the US-Pakistan strategic dialogue in Washington off on the wrong foot," the Washington Post reported. As Pakistan and the US struggle to overcome what both characterise as a mutual "trust deficit," the Obama administration hopes that the upgraded strategic talks will consolidate the new partnership the President promised in exchange for Pakistan's cooperation in shutting down Taliban and al-Qaida havens in that country, the paper said.... Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, March 25, 2010 at 05:16 PM in Obama: Lethal for Israel | Permalink | Comments (29) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! I like Dr. Wheeler's column this week because it strikes at the heart of what I have been saying recently: that the difference between the two political parties could not be more stark. The Democrats -- fascist in their tactics, collectivist and statist in their policy, anti-Israel, anti-America, anti-military, and the Republicans -- pro-small government, pro-Israel, pro-individual rights, pro-America. Dr. Wheeler takes this idea on in his column: ARE AMERICANS STILL AMERICANS? I am running the whole thing, as Jack's site is paid only (and well worth it). I hope Jack doesn't mind. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, March 25, 2010 at 04:26 PM in How the Left Destroys the Nation | Permalink | Comments (9) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Could the parties be more different, the differences more stark? The Democrats -- fascist in their tactics, collectivist and statist in their policy, anti-Israel, anti-America, anti-military. Republicans -- pro-small government, pro-Israel, pro-individual rights, pro-America. The left has spent the last year demonizing the great Americans who are standing up against this unprecedented marxist putsch. And it has become increasingly clear that the one thing the thugocracy is terrified of is -- the tea parties, aka the will of the American people. The day of the vote of the largely opposed radically transformative demcare bill, two or three polarizing Congressmen alleged that the n word and homophobic slurs were hurled. They are lying -- with all the cameras and audio rolling, there is/was no documentation of their libel. Millions marching for a year against the totalitarians and on the day of the vote, fallacious accusations hurled. How coincidental. Now they are accusing the right of threatening congressmen via voicemail (talk about thin skinned), when in fact it is the left that is inciting to violence and firing on the office of a Jewish congressman. Snakeoil salesman Stupak was crying about ugly voicemails this week and the media was all over it like vampires to human blood, but when left wingers threatened Stupak last week, you never heard a peep about it. Gunshots at Eric Cantor's office. Now that's a threat. The deal is that Republicans don't publicize this stuff, but we need to start filing discriminatory/hate crimes police reports. Why are we protecting demons? Eric Cantor blames Democrats for ‘fanning flames’ on threats House Minority Whip Eric Cantor blamed top Democrats for “fanning the flames” regarding threats to members of Congress — and says his office in Richmond was shot at earlier this week. Cantor, a Virginia Republican, said the heads of the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee are using allegations of harassment and threats to Democrats nationwide for political purposes. Cantor said he doesn’t release information about the incidents of threats against himself to the media because it would only ratchet up violence. But he did say a bullet shot through the window in his campaign office in Richmond on Monday evening, and he has received threats because he is Jewish. “[I] have deep concerns that some, DCCC Chairman Chris Van Hollen and DNC Chairman Tim Kaine in particular, are dangerously fanning the flames by suggesting that these incidents be used as a political weapon,” Cantor said. Democrats and Republicans today moved to distance themselves from the violence. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said “we all reject” any derisive language used by protestors Sunday in the lead up to the health care vote. The top House Democrat said protesters and those engaging in violence and threats should not be lumped together. Meanwhile, House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio said that the “violence and the threats are unacceptable.” Tea party organizers across the country have also condemned the threats and vandalism. Dear MoveOn member, The Tea Party movement has been marked by racially inflammatory and violent outbursts since its inception a year ago. And while most Republicans are probably disgusted by this behavior, the Republican Party and its leaders have repeatedly tolerated it at events they support.13 But the hateful rhetoric and the tacit acceptance of "isolated incidents" of violence have gotten way out of hand. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, March 25, 2010 at 03:43 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This!WHITE HOUSE EXPOSED: FARRAKHAN, AYERS, WRIGHT, SHARPTON, JACKSON ARE IN DA HOUSE
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
, Bat Ye’or, and Ibn Warraq mandatory reading in Jewish day schools? How can we fight a mortal enemy that promises our annihilation when we dare not speak its name?