Friday, 2 April 2010

April 2, 2010

‘Militia’ Used as Manipulation
The founding generation had personally experienced the efforts of Great Britain to disarm the people of the colonies. They knew the potential reality that government would attempt to disarm the people and eliminate the militias so that the people would be good little subjects to the government. To tyrants, obedience is all that is required to be a.........
by Attorney Timothy Baldwin

Is State Sovereignty Dead?
As we have seen, at least in our lifetime, changing of the guards in Washington DC has done absolutely nothing to resolve the problem. In most instances the only difference between the two major parties, at least on the big issues, is not where we are going but only bickering on how to get there. In my opinion the only place this will be resolved will be within the states of the Union; but for this to happen we need a small handful of states to grow a spine and intestinal fortitude by standing up to the federal and say enough.......
by Michael LeMieux

America’s Growing Social Insecurity
According to a recent report released by the Social Security Administration, this year Social Security will pay out more in benefits than it receives in payroll taxes. While this report may simply sound like other depressing financial headlines that are unleashed on a daily basis, this one has some teeth. According to projections by the Congressional Budget Office, Social Security was not supposed to experience an upside down year.....
by Jerry Robinson

Obama wants his private army
We must hold our Government accountable and not allow ourselves to be taken over. We can’t support violence in anyway but we must not be seduced when dictator type behavior is everywhere. Focus behind the conservative, freedom loving candidate in your city and state! Do more than talk over coffee. You need to organize, call, fax, march if need be and campaign..........
by Laurie Roth