Friday, 2 April 2010

Christian Weekly News 02/04/2010
Friday, 2 April, 2010 12:37:40


Every Friday CCFON will bring to you stories of fundamental significance to Christians and our Nation. To equip you to pray and act. To put the hope of Christ at the centre of our Nation.

Click on titles for full stories

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Easter Message, Election 2010, Wilberforce Academy, Religious Freedom, Bioethics, Education, End of Life, Social, Islam, Sexual Orientation


 Easter Message


This Good Friday we remember the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus, who rescued us from our sins, and we give Him all the glory for the hope that is found for all mankind in the resurrection.


...the men said to them, "Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen." (Luke 24:5-6)



Election 2010


CCFON (Video): How Christians can become involved in mainstream politics.


Christians and Candidates: How to host a hustings.


Christians and Candidates: Dates of currently announced hustings.


Christian Peoples Alliance will be launching its campaign for the coming parliamentary and local elections at noon on Saturday, 10 April 2010, 85 Tarling Road, Canning


David Burrowes MP on how Christians can become involved in politics



01 Apr 10 (5m 54s)


Town, London E16 1HN. The party has local and parliamentary candidates standing around the country.


Candidates and activists for the Christian Peoples Alliance will be campaigning on the streets of the London Borough of Newham.


For more information visit, or call 07873 625396 or 07856 054554.


Christian Peoples Alliance: Election Page.


Christian Today: Christians called to challenge political candidates on funding.


Christian Today: Commentary: The awakening of the religious in politics?


Economist: Interview with David Cameron: Does he have what it takes?



Wilberforce Academy Report


CCFON: Wilberforce Academy Report.


On Sunday 21st March, 70 delegates gathered in the stunning grounds of Exeter College, Oxford, to embark on a week of intense study, fellowship with one another, and worship.

Wilberforce Academy Group Photo





Religious Freedom


CLC case of Shirley Chaplin: Judgment due soon. Please pray that justice will be done.


CLC: Pray for Nurse Chaplin and her freedom to wear a cross


Sunday Telegraph: Senior bishops call for end to marginalisation of Christians in Britain.


Sunday Telegraph (Letter): The religious rights of Christians are treated with disrespect.


Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali featured in report on marginalisation of Christians


BBC News at Ten,

28 Mar 10 (2m 43s)




BBC News: Crucifix removal 'faith violation', Exeter nurse claims.


CCFON: Street preacher arrested in Glasgow for saying that homosexuals would go to hell.


Christian Today: Cathedrals expect thousands to mark Jesus' death and resurrection.


Daily Telegraph: BBC Documentary, Easter Sunday, 10:30pm: Christians feel marginalised by human rights law and councils Andrea Williams and CLC clients will appear.


Telegraph blog: In face of persecution Christians need to be as strident as Muslims.


World Net Daily: EU to defend Christian minorities and combat persecution.


Spero News: Iraqi Christians ask for peace and security.





Guardian: Boy’s windpipe replaced in pioneering ethical stem cell operation.


Jurist News: Russia president signs bill extending human cloning ban.


Chemistry World: Ethical stem cells find their polystyrene niche.


The New Nation: Umbilical cord blood: Panacea for all diseases.





Act now to protect Parents’ Rights


CCFON: Hundreds of head teachers and church leaders say ‘No’ to sex education for seven-year-olds.


One News Now: Parents sue Spain over mandatory school material.



End of Life


Daily Telegraph: Government plans for elderly care branded a 'train crash'.


BBC News: Couple who sent suicide letter to BBC killed themselves.





CCFON: Marriage more stable than cohabitation, shows Office for National Statistics.


Daily Telegraph: Catholic voters told to ask election candidates about support for marriage.


Daily Telegraph: Councils can legally ignore objections to sex clubs, late night bars, under new rules.




Reuters: UK banks, Government bodies launch Sharia finance lobby.


Daily Mail: We are selling our hotel, say Christian couple in row with Muslim guest.


The Times: Muslim leaders ‘failing to tackle extremists’.


Europe News (Video): Spencer at Florida State University School of Law.


Daily Telegraph: The Prevent strategy: a textbook example of how to alienate just about everybody.


Daily Telegraph: Female Muslim doctors allowed to wear disposable sleeves for modesty, says official guidance.


Daily Telegraph: Hard-line Muslim clerics' books still publicly available.


Daily Mail: Smacking ban extended to Muslim madrassas and after school clubs.


Euro News (Video): Belgium moves to ban the burqa.


The Times: Saudis fund Balkan Muslims spreading hate of the West.


Europe News: Battle of the Warsaw mosque.


Spiegel Magazine: International right-wingers gather for EU-wide minaret ban.


Right Side News (Video): Jihad in Philadelphia and jihad USA.


National Post: MasterCard offers card aimed at Muslims.


Jakarta Post: NU rules in favour of no age limitation for marriage under Islamic law.



Sexual Orientation


CCFON: New surrogacy law removes mothers and fathers from birth certificate to allow homosexuals to be named as parents.


Daily Mail: Minister ties the knot in Parliament's first homosexual 'wedding'.


WFAA News: Tarleton State University cancels homosexual Jesus play.


Paul Coleman, CLC in debate on B&B owners who refused homosexual couple


BBC Radio 5 Live,

22 Mar 10 (14m 59s)





One News Now: US Judge: Same-gender 'marriage' not a 'fundamental right'.


World Net Daily: PepsiCo and Homosexuality: The choice of a new generation?


One News Now: California adoption bill embraces homosexual agenda.


USA Today: US Court mulls speech rights and more over aggressive homosexual agenda.



Andrea Minichiello Williams

Christian Concern for our Nation

Andrea can be contacted at and 020 7935 1488