Saturday, 24 April 2010
April 24, 2010
Obama’s Eligibility: Here’s Your Sign!
In a recent article written by JB Williams entitled, “DC Knows that Obama is Ineligible for Office,”[1] Williams highlights some facts signaling that the federal government, the main-stream media and those closely related to both know that Barak Obama is ineligible to be the President of the United States of America under the U.S. Constitution. Williams cites these facts in support of his........
New Spirituality; Old Lie, Part 3
Rightly named one of the 100 Most Influential People of the 20th Century by Time magazine, Oprah Winfrey likewise received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (1998). Oprah purports to serve “a higher good.” She boasts having “a contract with the universe” and, in its execution, is numbered as a foremost spiritual authority among swamis, yogis and Tibetan masters....
America’s All-out Spiritual Battle, Part 3
The enemy’s strategy is to nudge. In the name of tolerance, diversity and unity we’ve been nudged into normalizing sodomy. In some states, public school children are actually being taught how to become homosexual or bisexual. They’re being taught that cross-dressing’s okay, too. Society is being forced into accepting controversial sexual lifestyles to include same-sex “marriage.” More and more “gender confused”........
The Fake "Conservatives" in Britain
Guess which political party is dedicated to funding “the training of an army of independent community organizers to help people establish and run neighborhood groups?” It’s the British Conservative Party. This “conservative” movement has actually adopted the idea of creating a “Big Society” as an alternative to Big Government. Making a complete mockery of the term “conservative,” the British Conservative Party also.....
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Britannia Radio