Saturday, 24 April 2010

May 2010 — P.1 

The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor edited by Donald S. McAlvany is a monthly analysis of global economic, monetary, and geo-political trends which impact the 
gold and precious metals markets and is explicitly Christian, conservative, and free-market in its perspective. 

Information contained herein has been carefully selected 
from sources believed reliable, but absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. 

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“Those who understand Austrian economic theory 
know that this new model of healthcare will cause major 
problems down the road, as it has in every nation that ignores 
economic realities. The more government involves 
itself in medicine, the worse healthcare will get: quality of 
care will diminish as the system struggles to contain rising 
costs, while shortages and long waiting times for treatment 
will become more and more commonplace.” – Rep. 
Ron Paul (R-TX), Texas Straight Talk, 3/29/10 
“The Constitution does not authorize the Congress to 
regulate the state governments. Nevertheless, in this piece 
of legislation, the Congress has told the state governments 
that they must modify their regulation of certain areas of 
healthcare, they must surrender their regulation of other 
areas of healthcare, and they must spend state taxpayergenerated 
dollars in a way that the Congress wants it 
done.” – Andrew P. Napolitano, author, judicial analyst 
for Fox News, and former judge 
“This system will almost certainly prove to be much 
more costly than now projected. Pressure will be created 
to increase the prices of care and the amount of insurance 
premiums needed to cover the costs of care. The government 
will respond by measures that amount to price controls 
and by selective subsidies to lower-income people 
and to those with the most political clout. Shortages will 
increase; waiting times for care will increase; the quality 
of services will decrease. The overall health care system 
will cost more and more while delivering worse and worse 
care. Ultimately, the government will probably throw up 
its hands and nationalize the entire system because it will 
have become such a terrible mess.” – Robert Higgs, The 
Beacon, publication of The Independent Institute 
“Who gains control under the president’s proposal? 
The people in Washington, who will oversee what services 
are covered by your insurance and at what price, who will 
‘guide’ clinical decisions through a Medicare panel for 
HEALTH, WEALTH, AND FREEDOM··································································PG. 2 
II. A VERY DIFFERENT KIND OF KILLER·····························································PG. 7 
V. THE WORLD IN BRIEF ·····························································································PG. 10 
VI. PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS···········································································PG. 11 
Donald S. McAlvany 
May 2010 — P.2 

your doctor and who will regulate countless other aspects 
of health care with, literally, dozens of new committees 
and agencies.” – David Glazer, in Investor’s Business 
Daily, 3/11/10 

We’ve known for some time that America was on a 
very slippery slope away from freedom and toward tyranny. 
In March 2010, that slope just got a lot steeper. 
That’s when President Barack Obama signed into law a 
massive overhaul of America’s health care system. While 
the new law does not provide a “public option,” which 
would ensure a complete government takeover of the system, 
it does take a giant step in that direction. President 
Obama, upon signing the bill into law, declared that the 
overhaul takes a huge step toward universal coverage. 

You’ve probably heard a lot of horror stories about 
what this new law will mean to health coverage in the 

U.S. What you’re about to see, however, is that it’s much, 
much worse than anyone is telling you. In 2,700+ pages, 
the new law will strip you of your health, your wealth, 
and your freedom faster than any previous government 
maneuver. Not only are you about to lose your access to 
the best health care in the world, but you’re also about to 
see our country become a total police state, with armed 
agents swarming hospitals and breaking down the doors 
of your favorite clinic. 
You’re also going to see massive bankruptcies 
around the country. One by one, states will declare bankruptcy, 
handing over any remaining states’ rights to the 
federal government. Major corporations will fall to their 
knees, as the new law increases their spending on health 
care coverage for their employees. Major government 
takeovers, like we saw with GM and the banks, will be 
common place. Our government will soon own more 
businesses than any other entity in the world. And the 
ones it doesn’t own, it will completely control – we’ll be 
living with a peculiarly American mix of pragmatic authoritarian 
economic systems. 

The word “socialism” is thrown around a lot lately. 
While an economic system based on government ownership 
of business is definitely growing and playing a huge 
role in our new system, what we’re headed for is far 
worse. American government officials don’t hold to one 
ideological system. They’re far too pragmatic and greedy 
for that. They use whatever system plays to their 
strengths and gives them the best leverage for increasing 

power. When socialism works, they use it. But we’ll also 
face a revitalization of fascism – government control and 
cooperation with, but not ownership of, businesses. The 
new health care bill fits this description. 

However, the new bill does more than control businesses, 
it controls state governments and it controls individuals 
in ways this country has never seen. It sets the stage 
for economic destruction and coordinated moves toward 
international health care standards. 

Perhaps the biggest concern most Americans have regarding 
the new health care law regards their ability to access 
medical care. We’ve all heard the stories from Canada, 
where the average doctor spends about three minutes with a 
patient before writing a prescription. While it’s not much 
better here, in Canada, it’s a numbers game. They have to 
turn over scores of patients each day just to make ends meet 
because of the low government reimbursement. Doctors 
know the government doesn’t pay much. 

It also takes months just to get necessary surgeries. If 
you need knee surgery, it could take 10 months to two 
years. Any doctor who does your surgery outside of the 
system will lose his license, sustain a huge fine, and potentially 
go to jail. And you could see fines or prison time too, 
as it’s a crime to contract privately and use your own funds 
for medical care. 

That’s why thousands of Canadians cross the border 
every year and pay for medical care out of their own pockets. 
The surgery is done quickly and skillfully. 

While the U.S. doesn’t have the same free medical system 
Canada does, even with this new law, every intervention 
step the government takes brings us one step closer to 
this type of system – and this type of inefficiency. Amazingly, 
the Canadian government fears the U.S. moving to 
this type of public health system. As more Canadians stop 
coming across the border for their medical care, Canada’s 
government will have to pay for all of those surgeries it 
now avoids. 

As you’ll read shortly, this policy of implementing universal 
medical coverage under government control will 
cause massive financial troubles. But it’s not just the U.S. 
that will feel the devastation. It also will impact all of North 
America – and the rest of the globe. 

Our other North American neighbor, Mexico, will have 
more freedoms in this area than we do. We already see 
many medical clinics moving south of the border so they 

May 2010 — P.3 

can operate with limited government intervention. Soon, 
Americans will act like Canadians and go south of the 
border for their medical care. 

Even though the U.S. still has insurance companies 
paying for coverage, our access is still set to dwindle. 
Doctors are already overwhelmed by bureaucracy, red 
tape, and regulation. With the new law, a survey from the 
Medicus Firm (a physician recruiting firm) says, “46.3% 
of primary care physicians (family medicine and internal 
medicine) feel that the passing of health reform will either 
force them out of medicine or make them want to leave 
medicine.” Losing nearly half of our physicians will substantially 
reduce the supply of quality medical treatment. 
We’ve already seen an uptick in the number of doctors 
retiring early. 

Add to this a drop in the number of students who will 
become doctors. Money is a major motivator for upcoming 
medical students. The same Medicus survey says, 
“41% of physicians feel that income and practice revenue 
will ‘decline or worsen dramatically’” with the new law, 
especially if we see a public option down the road. 

The survey, which was done prior to the new law, also 
said, “36% of physicians would not recommend medicine 
as a career, regardless of health reform.” And another 
“27% would recommend medicine as a career but not if 
health reform passes.” Over half of the doctors currently 
in practice would not recommend their profession to upcoming 
students. Combine lower incomes with little encouragement, 
and we’ll see the number of doctors fall dramatically 
in the years to come. 

In essence, you’re already losing your access to the 
health care you’ve enjoyed your entire life – even before 
the government implements a single-payer system. 

The Democrats like to cite the 47 million people in 
America who don’t have insurance as one of their primary 
reasons for passing the new law. Everyone assumes those 
47 million are poor people who can’t afford insurance. 
But over nine million of those without insurance make 
over $75,000 per year. And 11 million of the 47 million 
refused coverage offered by their employers. Another percentage 
consists of those who are so wealthy, they don’t 
need coverage. They can pay for their health care needs 
out of pocket. 

For all of these millions of people, the government 
says, “Too bad.” The new law requires them to buy insurance 
or face stiff fines ($1,000 or more) or prison time. 

You’re now a criminal in this country if you don’t pay for 
insurance. You no longer have the freedom to determine if 
you want insurance or not – regardless of whether you 
can afford it or not. 

While the new law still gives you the ability to chose 
your insurance carrier and even most of your doctors 
(according to the plan you purchase), it does remove other 
freedoms. Judge Andrew P. Napolitano of Fox News gave 
the following example: In February, “Sen. Frank Lautenberg 
(D-N.J.) collapsed in his apartment in Cliffside Park, 
N.J., a few miles south of the George Washington Bridge. 
When he called an ambulance and it arrived, he directed 
the driver to bring him to Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York 
City. That direction is today perfectly lawful. Under [the 
new law], such a direction would be unlawful; as an ambulance 
would be forced to take a patient to the hospital 
closest to the patient; in Sen. Lautenberg’s case, a small 
community hospital a few blocks from his apartment. Sen. 
Lautenberg voted [for a law] that would deny him the free 
choice that probably saved his life.” 

Insurance companies run their businesses by statistics. 
They know what it takes to make a profit. One of the least 
popular policies that has ensured big profits for insurance 
companies is their exclusion of people with pre-existing 
conditions. The policy limited people’s options for policies, 
created expensive premiums for those with previously 
existing health conditions, and prevented people 
from avoiding insurance only to sign up when their health 

The new law bans insurers from denying coverage on 
the basis of pre-existing medical conditions. If you’ll remember, 
though, many of the insurance companies supported 
the new law. Why? Doesn’t this eliminate a substantial 
portion of their profits? It would, but remember, 
the new law doesn’t allow people to avoid insurance until 
their health deteriorates. Everyone must be covered. So 
the insurance companies are protected – for now. 

The compulsory coverage clause in the new law is 
one of the most vulnerable to Constitutional challenge. 
Judge Napolitano believes the federal government doesn’t 
have the legal authority to order citizens to buy insurance. 
“The Congress [is] ordering human beings to purchase 
something that they might not want, might not need, 
might not be able to afford … that’s never happened in 
our history before,” Napolitano says. “My gut tells me 
that too is unconstitutional, because the Congress doesn’t 
have that kind of power under the Constitution.” 

May 2010 — P.4 

If the courts strike down that part of the law, it will 
leave the insurance companies unprotected. It’s hard to 
feel sorry for them when they’ve been in bed with the 
devil all along, but their destruction will only open the 
door for greater government control, including price controls 
and potential government takeovers – much like it 
did with AIG. 

One of the dirty secrets of the American health care 
system is the incestuous relationship between the Food 
and Drug Administration and the pharmaceutical companies. 
Most of the lawyers in the FDA have worked for the 
drug companies. And most of the drug company lawyers 
got their start in the FDA. There’s a revolving door of 
lawyers between them. 

Another dirty secret of the health care industry is that 
drugs don’t cure disease. Other than antibiotics, drugs just 
treat symptoms. In some cases, they really can help. But 
drugs kill nearly 800,000 people every year (that’s like 
265 terrorist attacks the size of 9/11 every year). Many of 
those drugs were allowed into the market by the FDA 
without a glance. The drugs didn’t have the proven safety 
record required by law, but the FDA turned a blind eye. 
Vioxx, the supposedly safe pain drug, caused heart attacks 
and killed hundreds. And the FDA knew it. The latest potentially 
fatal drug, Avandia, has killed hundreds as well. 
And the FDA knew it wasn’t safe. 

Since drugs don’t cure disease, you have to take them 
indefinitely to keep the symptoms at bay. Modern medicine 
doesn’t know how to cure much of anything – unless 
it’s an infection. And thanks to doctors over-prescribing 
antibiotics, many bugs are now antibiotic resistant. So we 
now have an industry that’s more about disease maintenance 
than cure. 

With the danger inherent in drugs, we’re trading 
symptoms for side effects. And we’re becoming dependent 
on an industry that’s even more in bed with the government 
than the insurance companies. Remember, always 
follow the money trail on whatever government 
forces upon you to learn what’s really behind it. And with 
this law, the money flows straight to the drug companies. 
It’s no wonder their stocks went up when it passed. 

Another clear threat to our liberty is the new authority 
granted to the IRS. According to Devin Dwyer of ABC 
News, “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 
authorizes the IRS ... to collect penalties imposed on indi

viduals for not having health insurance, and on companies 
for not offering it when the mandates take effect in 

“Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee 
warn that as many as 16,500 new IRS auditors and 
investigators – or 17% of the agency's current work force 

– could be needed to administer and enforce new health 
insurance rules under the law. 
“That could mean more audits, confiscated refunds, 
and incursions into details of individuals’ health insurance 
plans – all at a cost of up to $10 billion over 10 years, they 
said in a report published last week.” 

The IRS, of course, tries to downplay its role. IRS 
Commissioner Douglas Shulman said, “I think there have 
been some misconceptions out there,” and that taxpayers 
have nothing to fear. But Americans already fear the IRS. 
According to the GOP, “The bill gives the IRS many new 
powers and tasks the IRS with the responsibility to enforce 
the mandates on individuals to purchase insurance 
the government deems acceptable as well as employer 
mandates to provide insurance the government deems affordable. 
In short, the Democrats’ bill will give the IRS 
sweeping new powers and require the IRS to become a 
much more intrusive force in every American’s life.” 

Just how intrusive will the IRS be? An IRS collections 
officer with 25 years of experience testified anonymously 
at a Senate hearing. He said the Taxpayer Bill of 
Rights, which is supposed to give you rights before the 
IRS – and tame IRS abuses, “had very little effect on the 
conduct of the IRS. The Taxpayer Bill of Rights is very 
positive ... but who is going to enforce this for the taxpayer? 
If you’re going to sue the IRS it’ll take thirty, 
forty, fifty thousand dollars.” 

And Phoenix tax lawyer Bob Kamman told James 
Bovard of The Freeman, “The taxpayer rights provisions 
of the Internal Revenue Code are like the civil rights provisions 
of the former Soviet Union’s constitution. On paper, 
they tell a wonderful story. In practice, for many taxpayers 
there is no effective protection against government 

So you have nothing to fear ... nothing but a growing 
police state in the presence of an ever-expanding fascist 

The IRS role in the new health bill doesn’t stop with 
enforcement of the insurance coverage mandate. The Na

May 2010 — P.5 

tional Review got its hands on a House GOP memo that 
said the new law “just doesn’t tax individuals and employers 
if they don’t comply with the complex mandates in the 
bill. The bill sends the IRS out to tax the very products 
Americans use to maintain and restore their own health. 
New taxes on medical devices, on prescription drugs, and 
on health insurance itself are all targets of the bill. And, 
with $10 billion in new enforcement resources, you can bet 
the IRS will be taking its full share out of the pockets of 
every American who uses any of these products or services.” 

In other words, the new health care law is a classic 
“Read my lips, no new taxes” moment. During his campaign, 
then-Senator Obama said, “I can make a firm 
pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than 
$250,000 a year will see any form of tax increases. Not 
your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital 
gains taxes, not any of your taxes.” 

Fred Lucas, staff writer for, said, “As 
many as a dozen taxes in the new health care law violate 
President Barack Obama’s campaign pledge not to raise 
taxes on families earning less than $250,000 and on individuals 
earning less than $200,000.” 

The one that will undoubtedly affect the most people is 
the new level for medical deductions. Right now, you can 
deduct medical expenses that exceed 7.5% of your adjusted 
gross income. The new law raises that threshold to 10% of 
adjusted gross income. You’ll find this huge new tax in 
Section 9013 of the new law. The government estimates 
that this change alone will raise $15.2 billion in revenue. 
But there are several other provisions in the new law that 
will increase taxes for Americans making less than 
$200,000 per year. 

Higher taxes during a financial crisis will be the first 
steps toward a complete financial meltdown. Productivity 
is already down. Taxes will stifle it further. More importantly, 
new taxes will increase the government’s control 
over individuals and corporations. In a fiat money system, 
where the government can print all the money it needs, the 
only purpose for taxes is control and wealth redistribution. 
These higher taxes will rob you of your wealth – and damage 
your health at the same time. 

A few months ago, we showed you how unfunded 
mandates from the federal government on state governments 
is wreaking havoc on state budgets. California is one 
of several states about to declare bankruptcy, partly due to 
unfunded mandates. 

Unfunded mandates are requirements placed on state 
governments to fund new programs without any financial 
assistance from the federal government. In other words, the 
feds force the government to pay for the fed’s new programs. 
Of course, the states have to raise taxes to pay for 
the new mandates. But the federal government doesn’t take 
the blame for the new taxes. The states do. This allows 
President Obama to raise taxes even more without taking 
responsibility for them. 

The repercussions, though, are far greater than broken 
campaign promises. With 48 of the 50 states already showing 
budget deficits for 2010, the financial burden on state 
governments is untenable. For some of these states, the 
new health care law will be the straw that breaks the 
camel’s back. California is already on the brink. Illinois 
and New York are close behind. Many others are right on 
their heels. 

As states begin to default, the feds will be there to rescue 
them. When states can’t make their budgets, cuts come 
from education, corrections, and other services. The federal 
government is already stepping in with education 
“assistance.” But it’s really a complete takeover. 

The new Race to the Top federal grant program provides 
money for education for “winning” states. This year, 
Delaware and Tennessee were the first to win. The states 
are excited about the new cash coming in. It means they 
don’t have to lay off teachers and other staff. But at what 

When a state accepts the Race to the Top grant funds, 
it must forever give up its sovereign right to educate its 
children the way it wants. The rules for the grants are very 
clear. The winning state MUST accept 100% of the national 
core standards. This includes acceptance of the national 
core standards and the national curriculum and tests. 
Eventually it will mean acceptance of national textbooks 
and their rewritten history. 

The states, ever burdened by unfunded mandates, consider 
the funds “must haves” just to remain solvent. The 
federal government obviously has plans for takeover as it 
places further burdens on the states. Soon, the state governments 
will be nothing more than arms of the federal government. 
States rights will be gone. And any remaining 
ability to reign in the federal government will evaporate. 

The goal of the Obama Administration is obviously 
complete control over every aspect of the country. They 

May 2010 — P.6 

have no respect for liberty, whatsoever. And the biggest 
threat to the federal government’s power is the states, 
which gave the federal government its charter and actually 
hold Constitutional authority over it. If the federal government 
can overtake the state governments, it eliminates any 
potential threats to its authority. Judge Napolitano, in an 
interview with, says the new health care 
law essentially commandeers the state legislatures for federal 
purposes. “The Constitution does not authorize the 
Congress to regulate the state governments,” Napolitano 
says. “Nevertheless, in this piece of legislation, the Congress 
has told the state governments that they must modify 
their regulation of certain areas of healthcare, they 
must surrender their regulation of other areas of health-
care, and they must spend state taxpayer-generated dollars 
in a way that the Congress wants it done.” 

He continues: “The Supreme Court has ruled that in 
areas of human behavior that are not delegated to the Congress 
in the Constitution, and that have been traditionally 
regulated by the states, the Congress can’t simply move in 
there. And the states for 230 years have had near exclusive 
regulation over the delivery of healthcare. The states 
license hospitals. The states license medications. The 
states license healthcare providers whether they're doctors, 
nurses, or pharmacists. The feds have had nothing to 
do with it.” But this new law changes all that. 

Napolitano believes this part of the law won’t stand 
up to court scrutiny. He says: “The Congress can’t simply 
wake up one day and decide that it wants to regulate this. I 
predict that the Supreme Court will invalidate major portions 
of what the president just signed into law....” We 
hope he’s right. But we suspect by the time this makes it 
to the Supreme Court, the makeup of the court will be significantly 
different (thanks to new Obama appointments) 
and will lean more toward federal control. 

As with all of the federal government’s plans, the goal 
is not just to control the United States. America’s elite 
have bigger plans, in concert with the international establishment, 
to build control globally. Along with such 
schemes as global warming, globalization, and uncontrolled 
immigration that we’ve also detailed in these 
pages, the new health care law fits right into elite plans to 
bring the U.S. into an ever-more-powerful and intrusive 
world government. 

According to a article, Senator John Kerry, 
Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 
remarked that “A strong global public health system is not 
merely a favor we do for other countries. It is the right 

thing to do morally and strategically, and it protects our 
own citizens.” 

The Democrats assert that a global public health system, 
apparently administered by a world government, will 
help prevent wars. Former President Bill Clinton said in 
remarks to the Committee, “We have to build a world 
with more partners and fewer adversaries. That’s what 
foreign policy’s about. If people think you care whether 
their children live or die, you don’t have to send our 
young people off to war as often.” 

However, more than just Democrats will be involved. 
Kerry said, “U.S. work on global health issues should be 
strongly bi-partisan, such as President George W. Bush’s 
Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the reauthorization 
of the measure in 2008.” 

During these meetings, Kerry disclosed plans by the 
Obama Administration to take the global health care system 
one step further than Bush. The article continued, 
“Kerry also said that an Obama administration 
proposed global health initiative has identified principles 
that should guide U.S. thinking on the matter: Looking 
beyond the ‘vertical silo’ of any one disease; focusing on 
women and girls, who are at the ‘center of each family’s 
health’; and empowering other countries to eventually 
assume full responsibility for their citizens’ care. Kerry 
said the administration is ‘finalizing’ the initiative.” 

Obama’s plans are not altruistic. They are clearly focused 
on government control of health care. This initiative 
starts with individual countries taking control of health 
care, then moves it to the international government, as 
Kerry outlined. 

We’ve detailed the plans of the World Health Organization 
to globalize health standards through CODEX Alimentarius 
in previous issues. The new health care law 
takes the U.S. one step closer to adopting the international 
treaties of the WHO – and showing other countries how to 
follow our lead. 

If you think there was a real battle on Capitol Hill 
over health care, think again. Butler Shaffer recently made 
it clear on his article: “The recently 
enacted government health-care grab was accompanied by 
the kind of legerdemain that would make Harry Houdini 
smile. While congressmen met behind closed doors to 
rehearse their scripts – not unlike professional wrestlers or 
magicians practicing their routines – a few would ascend 
their media perches to assure their constituencies that they 

May 2010 — P.7 

would not allow some trivial measures to become part of 
the legislation. Government-funded abortions was settled 
upon as the detractor, thus allowing the public to lose 
sight of the greater wrong of state-defined and state-
controlled medical practice. If the abortion question had 
not been available as a substitute for colored scarves, the 
issue of government-funded breast augmentation, or tattoo 
removal, would have sufficed. (Can’t you envision Wolf 
Blitzer turning his ‘Situation Room’ into a debating platform 
for either of these alternatives; or of Glenn Beck 
bloviating on the anti-patriotic implications of allowing a 
man to have an American flag tattoo removed from his 
chest at government expense?) 

“How many times have you sat in front of your TV 
set to watch one of these ‘too-close-to-call’ state-powerexpanding 
measures being voted upon by Congress, only 
to have the proposed legislation sneak through by five or 
six votes? Did you truly expect otherwise? Do you think 
this charade was not carefully orchestrated long before CSPAN 
arrived on the scene? Did you really expect ‘Attilathe-
Great’ to lose his bout to ‘Jack Armstrong: The All-
American Boy,’ an outcome that would likely have precluded 
you from attending next week’s re-match?” 

Just how orchestrated was the health care debate? As 
soon as the law passed, President Obama made a clear and 
deliberate step to the right by overturning the executive 
order to ban off-shore drilling. Obama has about six 
months to make the country think he’s really governing 
from the middle. So far, he’s been far left on every move 
he’s made. To avoid a massacre in the November elections, 
expect to see him throw the right a few more bones, 
with bipartisan support. The real reason Obama had to 
rush the health care vote is that he needed enough time to 
sell the new law and to make enough center-right moves 
that people will forget how far left he really is. Americans 
have short memories. By the time November rolls around, 
all they’ll see is a moderate Obama. If he can’t stop the 
massacre this year, he’ll do everything he can to save his 
own job in 2012. 

It’s orchestrated as well as a premier symphony. And 
the music you’re hearing is the march of total control. 
Judge Napolitano said it well: “I believe we have a one 
party system in this country, called the big-government 
party. There is a Republican branch that likes war and 
deficits and assaulting civil liberties. There is a Democratic 
branch that likes welfare and taxes and assaulting 
commercial liberties.” And both parties conspire to build 
government into a massive, power-grabbing, liberty hating, 
war-mongering behemoth. Each party’s losses are 
largely illusory; the real loser is you. 


America has been edging closer and closer to the 
precipice of government takeover for decades. Since the 
progressive income tax passed over a hundred years ago, 
each president and Congress takes us one step closer. 
Even “conservative stalwarts” like Reagan took us closer 
to the edge. But in the last two years, your representatives 
have pushed us over the edge. We are now diving headfirst 
into the pit of socialism and fascism. 

To ensure there is no safety net, a massive police state 
is growing in the halls of the IRS. No one is exempt from 
the totalitarian control. Individuals, corporations, and even 
local and state governments are about to come under the 
arm of the federal government. What our Founding Fathers’ 
feared most is occurring before our eyes. 

What can you do about it? Continue to fight this monstrosity. 
There’s a short window of opportunity to repeal 
the health care law. Tensions are high and it’s fresh on 
everyone’s mind. Once the law settles in and people get 
used to it, our opportunity to repeal it will go away. So the 
election this November is very important. The only way 
the massive move toward global government control will 
stop is for people around the world to stand up and demand 
liberty. And Americans need to lead this fight – 
against our own government. If you live in a district with 
a traitor to the Constitution – vote him out. Run for office 
if you have to. But fight for candidates who will stand up 
for the Constitution – for our inalienable rights granted to 
us by our Creator. Unless government understands where 
our rights come from, they won’t respect them. 

As Judge Napolitano indicated, even a Republican 
landslide doesn’t guarantee the law will be repealed. So 
you have to look out for your own health – and find ways 
to provide health care for your family in the future. We 
still have good health care here. But that won’t last forever. 
Start looking for clinics outside the U.S., especially 
in Latin America and the Caribbean. While the health care 
systems as a whole in these countries aren’t up to U.S. 
standards, many individual facilities are, and the rest will 
likely begin to improve quickly. Don't wait until the 
changes occur. Take action now. It could save your life – 
or the life of your child or grandchild. 

Say the term “hit man,” and images of cement shoes 
and ruthless goons come to mind. But even such a real-life 
contract killer may be a humanitarian compared to an economic 
hit man. 

May 2010 — P.8 

The concept of someone “rubbing out” an economy is 
mind boggling. Is it really possible to financially bust the 
kneecaps of or utterly destroy a nation in a planned, cold-
blooded fashion? Who would benefit from such a cynical 
and manipulative scheme? It’s safe to say that those who 
actually plot such conspiracies are the ultimate insiders 
with positions of great power and influence. 

Arranging economic hits is a much more complex – 
and lucrative – occupation than knocking off mob rivals 
or stuffing bodies in car trunks. Technically speaking, 
there is no blood on the hands of the perpetrator(s), although 
his actions may result in much indirect suffering 
and chaos. 

As outrageous as it may sound, such agents exist and 
spread their poison as opportunities arise. Since their work 
is shadowy, unscrupulous, and pays extremely well, those 
in the field tend to keep a low public profile. 

John Perkins was among the leading moles in the 
world of international finance. Although he was talented 
at setting up one-sided loans and other deals, Perkins 
eventually found that his conscience – a rarity in this line 
of work – led him to get out of the business. 

As a former member in good standing of the international 
economic Mafia, Perkins knew that silence about 
his past dealings was the wise and safe course of action. 
After much internal struggle, his conscience – that pesky 
word again – led to Perkins to reveal his past and how 
mostly Third World nations as well as countries higher on 
the affluence scale can be ensnared in a web of debt. 

It’s hard to sum up Confessions of an Economic Hit 
Man in a few words. Although it’s nonfiction, the book 
has some of the elements of a tightly written suspense 
novel. Confessions also provides a thorough, well-
documented script on international high finance and promoting 
debt to the obvious disadvantage of the borrower. 

Most importantly, Perkins provides plenty of proof to 
refute naysayers who label those who acknowledge that 
people work together secretly to perform evil as 
“conspiracy nuts.” His own introduction to this little-
known field was cloaked in mystery. 

The son of New England prep school teachers, Perkins 
graduated from Boston University in 1968 with 

rather ordinary credentials. Thanks to the intervention and 
influence of a mysterious “Uncle Frank” (not a family 
member), he was also interviewed by the National Security 
Administration (NSA), an organization Perkins described 
as “the country’s least known – and by most accounts 
largest – spy organization.” 

By his account, Perkins went through a grueling day-
long series of polygraph tests. He spilled his guts and admitted 
to a strong desire for wealth and to jealousy towards 
the affluent preppies his parents taught, as well as 
an incident where he lied to the police. 

The author felt such negatives were a sure disqualification 
for the NSA and went on with his life. To the contrary, 
however, those exploitable weaknesses made a candidate 
more desirable in the eyes of the NSA, and Perkins 
was offered a job. He declined the offer, and instead 
served three years as a Peace Corps volunteer in rural Ecuador. 

But the NSA and/or those close to the agency hadn’t 
forgotten about the young applicant. A man in a business 
suit landed on a remote air strip near where Perkins and 
his wife were living. Einar Greve was a vice president at 
Chas. T. Main, Inc. (also referred to as MAIN by Perkins). 
MAIN was “an international consulting firm that kept a 
very low profile and that was in charge of studies to determine 
whether the World Bank should lend Ecuador and its 
neighboring countries billions of dollars to build hydroelectric 
dams and other infrastructure projects.” 

Greve admitted to a connection with the NSA and 
spent several days with Perkins, pitching the young Peace 
Corps volunteer on the benefits of working with the firm. 
He also asked Perkins to provide MAIN with regular reports 
on Ecuador’s economic prospects and other related 
information. Perkins honored Greve’s request, diligently 
writing 15 letters in a year. 

That led to an interview and a job offer. Even though 
he was a business administration major, Perkins was hired 
as an economist. During the interview and in his early 
months on the job, Perkins discovered that MAIN – ostensibly 
an engineering firm – had close connections with the 
World Bank and other quasi-government organizations. 

Three staff economists were fired shortly after Perkins 
joined MAIN. According to management, they were let go 
because of a lack of ability to adapt to and deal with 
working in situations with little or no reliable statistical 
data. Perhaps it was ethical concerns that caused the 

May 2010 — P.9 

economists to balk at making off-the-cuff predictions, as 
Perkins soon discovered. 

Perkins was trained by a mysterious and beautiful 
woman who worked under an assumed name. Even with 
the cloak-and-dagger secrecy, the trainer bluntly told Perkins 
that he was going to be an economic hit man. In 
something straight out of a Mafia initiation, Perkins was 
told that he was in the organization for life. 

The newly minted hit man was assigned to Indonesia 
to assess the potential for building a nationwide electrical 
system. Perkins met a crusty old American electrical engineer 
who was also on the MAIN payroll. Under orders to 
deliberately inflate the potential of the project, Perkins 
found that his estimates for growth in electricity usage and 
demand were more than double what his co-worker predicted. 

The older man berated Perkins for giving in to the 
hype and systemic lies. The experienced engineer was 
soon fired, and Perkins presented his glowing projections 
to the Indonesian government. Why would Perkins and 
MAIN engage in such dishonesty? 

MAIN and other firms such as the very politically 
connected and notorious Bechtel engaged in the same 
game. They created cheery, unrealistic scenarios of how 
large-scale infrastructure and construction projects would 
turn impoverished nations into bastions of prosperity. 

So where would a poor nation get the funds to spend 
hundreds of millions or even billions with MAIN? The 
money could be borrowed from the World Bank or similar 
sources. Minus graft and corruption (part of MAIN’s 
game plan, as they knew the opportunity for politicians to 
grab some loot helped sell the project), MAIN would end 
up with handsome profits for their work. What about the 
poor nation that was deeply in debt for an expensive 
boondoggle that never lived up to MAIN’s promises? 

The end result was sometimes a default that cost 
American and European taxpayers dearly. In most cases, 
the World Bank imposed strict controls on the debtor, destroying 
its independence and national sovereignty. 

Poor countries in search of an ego-boosting project 
weren’t MAIN’s only source of income. Oil-rich Saudi 
Arabia and other Arab states were in serious need of infrastructure 
upgrades during the 1970s and 1980s, and 
MAIN, along with its competitors, was quite willing to 
work with a cash customer. 

His experience in the Peace Corps meant Perkins was 
somewhat different than the typical economic hit man. He 
enjoyed mingling with local people and often wandered 
away from the plush hotels and country clubs where well-
connected foreigners hung together. Those first-hand experiences 
of how the impoverished masses lived, combined 
with his ever-growing salary and status, contributed 
to his doubts and growing inner turmoil about this sinister 
line of work. 

Even as such doubts grew, however, Perkins did 
whatever it took to close the sale. Among other favors, he 
lined up western prostitutes for Saudi clients. To further 
illustrate the strong big government/big business connection 
(properly known as fascism, or Mussolini’s 
“corporate state”) of MAIN, Bechtel, and other multinationals, 
the Saudis were urged to put their ever-growing 
oil revenues into U.S. Treasury bonds. 

What could beat having a wealthy client who could be 
easily dazzled by phony numbers? As Perkins explained, 
“From our perspective, the prospects for immense profits 
seemed limitless ... and to make the deal even sweeter, no 
one had to obtain congressional approval – a process 
loathed by corporations, particularly privately owned ones 
like Bechtel and MAIN, who prefer not to open their 
books or share their secrets with anyone.” 

Life as an economic hit man has some risks. Perkins 
found himself in Iran just before the overthrow of the 
Shah. An old college friend – an Iranian foreign exchange 
student – and several other locals warned Perkins to get 
out just before the Ayatollah Khomeini took over, and he 
boarded a plane on the eve of the revolution. MAIN took 
a rare loss that time. 

It was on to Panama and Ecuador for Perkins. According 
to the author, Panamanian president Omar Torrijos 
was a staunch nationalist who wouldn’t take the bait of 
millions in graft and kickbacks. The general wasn’t a 
stereotypical Central American caricature. Perkins described 
Torrijos as a canny leader who had a sophisticated 
understanding of geopolitics; his negotiations with Jimmy 
Carter to regain control of the Panama Canal were shrewd 
and effective. 

Torrijos let Perkins know in no uncertain terms that 
he was well aware of the possibility of being assassinated 
by the CIA or traitors in his own circle. While he was 
willing to do business with MAIN, Torrijos insisted that 
any project benefit all economic classes in Panama. 

May 2010 — P.10 

Ecuadoran college professor Jaime Roldos won election 
as a populist candidate for president in 1978. Part of 
his platform included regaining oil fields from Standard 
Oil (the Rockefellers) and Texaco, or at least getting a 
larger share of the proceeds. 

Perkins wrote, “Roldos was the rare modern politican 
who was not afraid to oppose the status quo.... Roldos 
struck me as a man who blazed the path struck by Torrijos. 
Both stood up to the world’s strongest superpower…. 
Like Torrijos, Roldos was not a Communist, but rather 
stood for the rights of his country to determine its own 
destiny. And as they had with Torrijos, pundits predicted 
that big business and Washington would never tolerate 
Roldos as president.” 

That last sentence says it all. Where does “big business 
and Washington” – fascism defined – get the right to 
run other nations? It’s certainly not in the Constitution, 
nor was it ever advocated by the founding fathers. In 
sharp contrast to Perkins’ assessment, the American mainstream 
media declared Torrijos and Roldos to be Marxist 
dictators. Both men died in mysterious aircraft crashes. 

The inner turmoil continued to grow. It wasn’t just the 
nature of the work that ate at Perkins. Where else could he 
earn the kind of lucrative salary and many perks that came 
with being a high-level manipulator? It’s probably hard 
for the average person to understand just how enslaving 
such golden handcuffs can be. 

Perkins finally made the break, but kept silent about 
his work. His initial reluctance to talk paid off when Perkins 
went into the alternate energy field, as funding and 
investors came easily. It was no coincidence, but a reward 
for being a good soldier. 

His conscience still nagged and tugged. Perkins knew 
what could happen if he exposed this elitist oligarchy, but 
truth won out in the end. The result is a tightly written 
story that grabs and holds the reader’s attention. 

Reading Confessions of an Economic Hit Man raises 
another question. As Perkins describes how small nations 
and their leaders are sold on lies that lead to debt, a loss of 
independence and control by a cartel of financial tricksters, 
it makes one ponder if tens of millions of Americans 
bought the exact same pitch over the past 20 years. 

How many people bought cars, vacations, and especially 
homes they couldn’t afford? Aside from a lack of 
thinking and impulsive behavior, how did this happen? 

Like Perkins’ victims, a willingness to ignore reality 
and believe fantasies and propaganda led to taking on excessive, 
unsustainable debt and fiscal disaster. Maybe the 
economic hit men turned their attention to American consumers 
after milking Third World nations dry. But the 
question now is, will Americans stand for this kind of 
abusive, exploitative treatment, or will they wake up and 
re-institute just and Constitutional government? 


Real personal income for Americans – excluding government 
payouts such as Social Security – has fallen by 

3.2 percent since President Obama took office in January 
2009, according to the Commerce Department's Bureau of 
Economic Analysis. 
Three weeks after Congress passed its new national 
health care plan, support for repeal of the measure has 
risen four points to 58%. That includes 50% of U.S. voters 
who strongly favor repeal. 


The vast majority of Russians believe “order” is more 
important than “democracy,” an opinion poll published on 
Monday by the Russia Public Opinion Research Center 
(VTsIOM) showed. Fully 72% of respondents preferred 
order to democracy, which was backed by just 16%. The 
figures have changed only slightly in 10 years. 


A third of female British students would happily top 
up their funds by stripping, while four percent would consider 
escort work as a way to make ends meet. The findings, 
which will strike fear into the hearts of parents 
across the UK, come from a survey of 1,022 female students 
by temp work webwise Studentgems. 

Barely a mile from the Georgia Capitol building, Metropolitan 
Parkway provides a straight thoroughfare for 
motorists traveling from downtown Atlanta to the airport. 
Metropolitan Parkway has garnered another odious 
distinction – it is widely considered to be the epicenter of 
child prostitution in the United States. 

A review of filings in the Thomson Reuters Westlaw 
legal database shows foreclosure proceedings against U.S. 
churches have nearly tripled since December 2007, when 
the recession began, compared with the previous seven 
years, which included the bust and economic 

May 2010 — P.11 

you noticed how few real estate agents there are now, 
relative to the height of the real estate boom in 2005? 
Only the good ones can make it in slow times – and the 
same is true of any sales-related profession. 
There’s a saying that, in a hurricane, even turkeys can 
fly. In a strong bull market, even substandard salespeople 
can sell a given product. Think about that in relation to 
the current bull market in gold. The field is full of rank 
amateurs, fly-by-nighters, and outright crooks. 

How can you tell the good gold sellers from the bad 
ones? Well, one way is to find those that survived the 
long bear market in gold from 1980 to 2002. Anyone who 
survived a 22-year bear market did so on the basis of 
reputation and fair dealing. 

ICA has been in business for 38 years, including 
every one of those lean, hard years. If you look long 
enough, you might find someone who sells their gold 
products cheaper than ICA (most sell at higher cost). But 
you won’t find anyone who grades their coins more meticulously 
(allowing for maximum liquidity in the coins), 
provides you more information pertaining to your investment 
in gold, or who has a greater commitment to being 
there when you need them. 

Despite the rosy forecast from the government and the 
media about our economy, it is still in grave danger. People 
in the know realize this, and are still investing heavily 
in gold. In fact, many gold coins are becoming extremely 
hard to find, and many companies can’t get any to sell. 

ICA’s solid reputation for integrity and professionalism 
has resulted in far deeper and more reliable supply 
lines than most gold companies can ever hope for. But 
even ICA is affected by supply shortages. The availability 
of gold may be limited. That will certainly be true 
once the already-hyperinflated U.S. money supply makes 
its way into the general economy. 

So don’t wait. This is a crucial time for you to reduce 
your exposure to volatile and vulnerable stocks, bonds, 
and dollars. For your own safety and that of your family, 
call 800-525-9556 today and talk to an expert at ICA. 
And don’t forget: eagles fly in good times and bad. Deal 
with someone who will be there when you need them. 

DRINKABLE WATER – Be sure to read the flyer on 
Berkey water filters in this issue of MIA. Berkey filters are 
excellent products that do what they’re supposed to do. 
Whether for everyday drinking water or emergency water 
purification, you just can’t do any better. Company owner 
Jim Shepherd is a man of great integrity, and you’ll be 
glad to do business with him. His products are highly recommended. 

For many years MIA has written how the great majority 
throughout history have always been wrong. Albert Jay 
Nock, in his essay “The Remnant” describes the majority 
(he called them “the masses”) as “those who neither have 
the force of intellect to understand the important principles 
of life nor the force of character to adhere steadily to 
those principles as laws of conduct.... [B]ecause such people 
make up the great and overwhelming majority of mankind, 
they are collectively called the ‘masses.’” 

By way of contrast, Nock says that in every civilization 
there is also a small minority of right thinking and 
behaving people “who by force of intellect are able to 
apprehend the important principles of life, and by force of 
character are able to cleave to (to live by) those principles.” 
He calls them the “remnant.” This writer first came 
to understand this differentiation between the great majority 
(the masses) and the remnant about 40 years ago when 
a friend gave me a copy of Nock’s essay. 

If you become an observer of the human scene, you 
can certainly see the propensity of the great majority to do 
the wrong thing at the wrong time in most (or at least 
many) areas of life. This is especially true in our day, as 
seen in Americans’ blind faith in the stock market and 
Wall Street; in the politicians of the day and what they are 
telling us; in the television news commentators and the 
managed news they continually serve up to us; in our 
failed medical system which is primarily based on money 
and making huge profits for the medical establishment; 
etc., etc., etc. 

Over the years, Nock’s essay has been of great help to 
this writer in understanding why the great majority simply 
cannot understand or act upon the truth in most instances. 
It has also been very encouraging over the years to know 
that, even in our day, when America is in decline in almost 
every way (morally, spiritually, financially, and politically), 
there is still a remnant of right thinking, discerning 
individuals who do understand and care about truth; 
who do grieve over the decline of our nation; our loss of 
freedom; our descent into the MTV/Hollywood/Washington/
Wall Street-type immorality; and who will oppose 
these trends as best they can – wherever they can. 

May 2010 — P.12 

This writer has long debated with friends about the 
actual size of the “remnant,” wondering if it is 1% of the 
population, one-tenth or one-hundredth of a percent of the 
population, or whatever. We will never know – as Nock 
says – it is sufficient to know that they are there (a fact 
that seems to bring this writer great comfort). We have 
also debated why the “remnant” seem to have wisdom and 
discernment, while the great majority clearly do not. 

One of the things that this writer has concluded (over 
the years) that differentiates the “remnant” from the majority 
in our day is a knowledge of, and adherence to (as 
best as they can), the principles laid out in the Holy Scriptures 
(the Bible). The Bible is (in this writer’s opinion) a 
blueprint for successful living for those who adhere to its 
rules and principles. 

The wisest, most discerning people this writer has 
personally known over the past 40 years or so have had an 
in-depth knowledge of the Bible; have followed its principles 
as a ruling passion of their lives; and have had a close 
personal relationship with the God of the Bible, and His 
Son, Jesus Christ. 

Albert Nock says the “remnant” is differentiated from 
the masses by “quality,” not “quantity.” The people I have 
known over the years who were the highest quality, the 
wisest and most discerning were such Christians. Not just 
the “nod to God” crowd on Sundays in church, but those 
whose lives were immersed in the God of the Bible and 
His scriptures as the top priority in their lives. 

These people grieve over the decline of America; they 
recognize, hate, and oppose where possible the evils of 
our day; they recognize the difference between good and 
evil, which the great majority cannot discern; and for the 
most part, their lives seem to work. And where does their 
wisdom come from? James 1:5 says: “If any of you lack 
wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all 
without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” Paul 
writes in Philippians 1:9-11: “And this is my prayer: that 
your love may abound more and more in knowledge and 
depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what 
is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of 
Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes 
through Jesus Christ.” 

In I Kings 3 (in the Old Testament) Solomon had become 
king after his father, David, died. Verse 6 says: “At 
Gibeon, the Lord appeared to Solomon during the night in 
a dream and God said, ‘Ask for whatever you want me to 
give you.’” Solomon replied in verse 9: “Give your servant 
a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish 
between right and wrong.” 

Verses 10-13 say: “The Lord was pleased that Solomon 
had asked for this. So God said to him, ‘Since you 
have asked for this and not long life or wealth for yourself, 
nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for 
discernment in administering justice, I will do what you 
have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so 
that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will 
there ever be. Moreover I will give you what you have not 
asked for both riches and honor…’” 

Proverbs 14: 6 says: “Knowledge comes easily to the 
discerning.” Proverbs 16:21 says: “The wise in heart are 
called discerning.” Proverbs 28:7 says: “He who keeps 
the law is a discerning son.” Throughout Proverbs and 
indeed the entire Bible, we are told that wisdom and discernment 
come from God. 

This writer believes that it is just such wisdom and 
discernment that differentiates the “remnant” from the 
“masses” (the majority) and that such wisdom and discernment 
comes from the God of the Bible. Job 32:8 
says: “But it is the spirit in a man, the breath of the Almighty, 
that gives him understanding.” Psalm 111:10 
says: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all 
who follow his precepts have good understanding.” 

So it would seem that what sets apart the “remnant” 
from the “masses” is wisdom, discernment, and understanding 
that comes from the God of the Bible. That being 
said, it seems that if we want to be wise, discerning, understanding 
members of the “remnant,” we need to spend 
time with the God of the Bible every day; reading His 
Scriptures; talking to Him; and living by His principles as 
best we can. 

And that is the bottom line! 

Subscription Information, Mail Problems 
The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor 
P.O. Box 84904 
Phoenix, AZ 85071 
Editor Offices 
The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor 
P.O. Box 84904 
Phoenix, AZ 85071 
The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor (reflecting its editor, Don 
McAlvany) is pro-U.S. Constitution; pro-Biblical, traditional, 
and family values; diametrically opposed to all forms of racism, 
violence, hate, or violation of any U.S. laws (local, state, or 
federal): and in no way involved in the tax resistance, militia, or 
sovereign citizens movement in the U.S. Selling of this newsletter is 
in violation of all copyright laws and is strictly forbidden. 
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