April 25, 2010 Moral Hazard Ahead: Beware One of the things that became very clear to me years ago is the need to more clearly define the words we use. Without clear definitions, we can easily become victims of misinformation or disinformation – or even mis-disinformation. It’s a power game in a complex world. Last Sunday, I listened to George Will define “moral hazard” on ABC’s morning news show. Friday, I listened to newscasters describe the work time pornography habits of high-paid lawyers and accountants at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as their secrets were bared (so to speak)......... Do "Colored" People Need Jobs and Food? As I start my election campaign for state senate of California, my thoughts are still clear about last week's candidate forum featuring my Democratic opponent and myself. The one good thing in this year of total political corruption and smoke and mirrors is: never before have voters in my district had such a clear choice. No twiddly-dee, twiddly-dum rather our two visions of the state cannot be more starkly contrasted........ Blacks, Media and the Tea Parties Liberal mainstream media all but call me an Uncle Tom. Their reports imply that I am a token black too stupid to realize I am being used by the tea party movement. In typical liberal mainstream media arrogance, they are totally blind to the blatant racism of their reporting...... Bring America Back To Her Religious Roots, Part 11 Daniel Webster spoke before the Supreme Court in a case in 1844 where a school would not let a minister speak at the school. This brought outrage from the people because the Bible was not allowed in the school as a teaching text. Daniel Webster deliberated in defense of using the Bible before the Supreme Court for three days! Today a lawyer only gets 30 minutes. His case was so decisive that it was printed as a book and........ by Pastor Roger Anghis |
Sunday, 25 April 2010
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Britannia Radio