1. Concluded nuclear arms reduction treaties are as such not a bad thing. Are they then a good thing? Not necessarily. In food terms, some deals remind one of an Indian dish without curry. “Bland” is the word. In his last show, Obama achieved a deal by which Russia and the US contract to reduce their arsenal by a bit. The notable extra attached to the American’s trade is a derivate of the powwow’s final terms. It is the US’ promise not to use nukes against those foes that are signatories to the non-proliferation agreements even if they resort to chemical or biological weapons. The sense this makes and what it encourages by not discouraging it, is not the subject of this commentary. The notable achievement of the summit was that, nothing significant has been agreed upon to prevent proliferation. It so happens that, proliferation – aided by the massive involvement of Western suppliers out to earn a buck – is the main threat to our future security. Ignoring this fundamental will not make proliferation go away; it assures us that it will happen. Belgium, the state of origin of EU president Herman Van Rompuy, is proving its status of non-country once again. For the fifth time since he was elected in 2007 the prime minister Yves Leterme, a Christian Democrat of Van Rompuy’s party, has either failed to put or keep a government together. Yesterday, he submitted his resignation to the King after one of his Flemish coalition parties, the Liberal VLD, withdrew from the government.Off Center
The Rise and Fall of Spanish “Super-Judge” Baltasar Garzón
Belgian Stalemate: King Prohibits Parliament from Convening, Prevents BHV Vote and Burka Ban
Sunday, 25 April 2010
From the desk of George Handlery on Sat, 2010-04-24 09:49
From the desk of Soeren Kern on Fri, 2010-04-23 18:38
» 2 comments | 799 reads
From the desk of Alexandra Colen on Fri, 2010-04-23 12:26
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