Arabs For Israel
Arabs and Muslims who Support the State of Israel and
the Cause of Peace in the Middle East
An Email for Nonie
FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 2010
A Letter to Gaza
Arabs For Israel
Arabs and Muslims who Support the State of Israel and
the Cause of Peace in the Middle East
An Email for Nonie
Hi NonieI was so suprised to read some of the Emails from Muslims on your Blog.I read a lot from the Jewish side and then the ones from Muslims and Arabs. I would have at first thought that there would be nothing but insults and death threats, however I was touched and moved by some of the support that we have from the "other" side.Can I just say firstly that I think what you are doing is courageous and wonderful. Furthermore I would like to use this forum to Hold out my hand in Friendship and love to those in the Muslim world who dont hate me just for being born a Jew.We are all sharing this World together, we share the same History the same Root, From Abraham (Ibrahim) and we all worship the One G-d. The rest is just indoctrination and propaganda.I pray for Peace and the end to Death and war.With LoveJeff FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 2010
A Letter to Gaza
I recently received an email accusing me of hating Arabs and my father. This email is typical of Arab media accusations of my views regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. Since most Arabs have no chance to read my book, Now They Call Me Infidel, Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel and the War on Terror, which explains in detail my position, I will answer the email in this article. First, below is the translation of the Arabic language email which I received without a signature:Salam to you,With all of our pride in your father we pray that Allah will bless him with entering paradise, which is the wish of every person after this short prideful meaningless life. I want to ask you, has your father become your enemy after his death? We in the city of Gaza take pride in your father and I live on a street by the name of Shahid Moustafa Hafez which also has a school by the name of Shahid Moustafa Hafez. We never forgot his sacrifice, so how could you become an enemy to the tortured Palestinian people who are still suffering at the hands of Arab Zionists? I ask Allah to give you health and strength.Awaiting your response and thank you in advance.Here is my response:Dear Gaza resident,Your email touched me as sincere even though your accusations are wrong. I am not the enemy of Arabs and I assure you that I love my original culture and people. What makes me different is that I do not only love Arabs, but I also love the Jewish people. I am speaking my conscience. I respect their right to live in peace in their tiny homeland, Israel. I understand how that could be puzzling and unbelievable to many Arabs, to love both Jews and Arabs.We Arabs have suffered from an unnatural and consistent indoctrination into Islamic supremacy and Jew hatred for over 1400 years. Thus it has become unfathomable to the Arab mind to comprehend loving both Arabs and Jews and wishing both well. Our culture has deprived us for many centuries from loving all of humanity as equals, through intense religious indoctrination resulting in self-imposed isolation and non-integration with other cultures. This isolation and jihad against non-Muslims has become increasingly difficult to maintain. Muslims everywhere are trying desperately to save face, reform Islam’s image and deny the undeniable. But they also want to have their cake and eat it too. While they are telling the world Islam is a religion of peace, they still want to continue with the jihad against non-Muslim countries. While one leader says, let’s kill all the Jews and take over Rome, another says to Western media that Islam is a religion of peace and we are deeply offended by the anti-Islam rhetoric. To play his sick game, Muslim culture must live a dysfunctional double life where everyone is deceived, including Muslims.Thus to do the kind of jihad that Bin Laden, Ahmadinejad, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, Assad, Nasser, Saudi jihadists etc, do and which is dictated by Sharia, Muslims find it hard to be honest. Thus, Muslims must claim victimhood in order to justify jihad. The entire Muslim world is using your people, the Arabs of the West Bank and Gaza, to justify their jihad against not only Israel, but also all non-Muslim countries. That includes Iran, which supports Hamas and Hezbollah.Your people in Gaza should have realized this game a long time ago, but you refuse to see and be open about who is your true oppressor. Arab and Muslim media is using and abusing your people in order to justify their Islamic jihad around the world. That is why they never want to resolve your problem and want you to suffer and live in constant terror against Israel.Under Islamic law, non-Muslim countries are never equal to Muslim countries and actually their sovereignty as a non-Muslim nation must always be challenged by Islamic jihad. Islamic law codified jihad as a permanent war with non-Muslims to establish the religion. Muslims thus have to use Taquiyya, lies, to legitimize their aggression on Israel and the West. That is why Muslim countries can never abandon the constant hate propaganda, lies and misinformation about Israel and the West. If that ends, their jihad ends. The UN must be constantly bombarded by complaints from Arab countries against Israel. The Arab street must be constantly bombarded with ridiculous accusations and Zionist conspiracies. Lately on Syrian TV a Syrian intellectual accused Israel of stealing human organs in Haiti while they were helping them after the earthquake. This is not something new; it started in the 7th century, when the prophet Mohammed accused the Jews of treason to justify killing and expelling them and taking over their wealth. To explain this away, he stated that Jews are worthy of this treatment since they are the descendants of apes pigs and enemies of Allah. Muslims still use the same dynamic and the world still falls for it every time.The Arab mind was trained to never venture outside of the box of Islamic superiority, and that prevented us from treating the rest of humanity as equals. It is alien to Muslim preachers today to preach love to all of humanity and wishing non-Muslims the same human rights as Muslims. I have never heard that from a Muslim preacher. Only after 9/11 and in the West today, do we see some Muslim preachers trying to preach some Western values and engage in interfaith dialogue, in order to rehabilitate the image of Islam in the West and attract more converts.I often get mail from secular Muslims who ask me: I can understand that you chose to leave Islam, but how can you support the Jews? I get mail like this because, in the Muslim mindset, loving, accepting and feeling good about Jews or Christians and thinking of them as equals, is unthinkable and an act of treason to Islam itself and even worse. It is as though the whole religion of Islam is dedicated to hating and killing Jews.After centuries of this kind of education, the Muslim world produced a dysfunctional society, unable to relate to the rest of the world. While wanting to convince the world they are a religion of peace, do not be afraid of Islam, they are still hell-bent on conquering the world for Islam. That is Islam’s dilemma today.What I, and a few others, are trying to do is to bring the truth to both Muslims and non-Muslims to finally face this sick game. We want to encourage Arabs to look at Jews and others as human beings and not as enemies to conquer. What kind of God will tell his followers to kill more than half of humanity if they don’t submit to Islam? The Muslim world today is a disaster waiting to happen. Ahmadinejad, who is not an Arab, wants to continue the Islamic jihad against Jews by destroying Israel. I have news to especially the Left in Europe and America: Islamic jihad will not end with Israel; you will be next.To my email writer: in your letter to me, I have noticed that your outlook on life is pessimistic describing it as short and meaningless pride. Your views are prevalent in Muslim culture and I have heard it thousands of times when I lived in the Middle East. I remember even when we laughed and giggled as young girls, we were immediately silenced as being improper and that Allah somehow does not like us to laughing for no reason or in public. Even a heartfelt laugh to a Muslim was not going to get you friends, but critics. Your message to me and to Muslims is that life on earth will not get us happiness and the only escape from such misery is the everlasting happiness in the pleasures of Allah’s paradise after dying in jihad. But why take the Jews with us? They want to live and enjoy life and to make the earth, right here, a better place.Our rejection of life is not a coincidence: since jihad does not value life, then it must value death. The first casualty of the jihad principle is peace and that is why I never learned peace as a value in Gaza. I have never heard a peaceful song in Arabic. To think of peace with the Jews is equal to treason to Islam. Rejection of peace has detrimental consequences to the healthy functioning of the Arab personality, family, society and the whole region. It is not a coincidence that Saudis reject under the law any celebration of Valentine’s Day, reject celebrating love between a man and a woman, teaching peace and compassion to their children towards the others. Just look at our Islamic law books and see the most cruel and unusual punishments ever created in any culture on earth. Only a culture that demands war and terror can promote such cruelty.As to your question about hating my father, again I want to assure you that I adore and respect my father more than all of the people of Gaza. Actually I love him and wish him heaven not because he killed Jews, but because he was a good human being who was respected by many including the Israeli soldiers who killed him. He was known even to Israel as a cut above his peers and had integrity and honor. My father was the victim of the blood-thirsty culture of death all around him. He is one of the many thousands and even millions of victims of the jihad ideology, practiced over the last 1400 years.Dear Gaza resident, yes, I cannot blame the Jewish people, or the government of Israel, for what you call the ‘misery’ of the Palestinians. I can only blame Arab and Islamic culture which used and abused you and which you allowed. I believe that this is an Arab self-inflicted crisis that has nothing to do with Israel.Arab education has never told us the truth about the Israeli people and the story from their side and what Jerusalem means to them. We were told that Jerusalem was a Muslim city simply because Mohammed dreamt one night that he went to the farthest mosque but he never mentioned Jerusalem. The Koran never mentioned Jerusalem, which is mentioned hundreds of times in the Bible as the heart and soul of the Jewish people. We as Muslims never respected other religions holy cites and always claimed them to Islam; even Spain and India are being claimed as Muslim land. It was the tradition of Muslim conquerors to convert churches and temples to mosques and that is exactly what happened to the Jewish Temple Mount when 100 years after the prophet Mohammed died, Muslim conquerors built the mosque right on top of it. Just imagine if Jews or Christians had built a temple on top of the Kaaba in Mecca. This is how Islam has treated the Jews. It is time for Muslims to seek redemption and forgiveness and to extend the hand of reconciliation and peace to the Jewish people.Nonie DarwishAuthor: Cruel and Usual Punishment; the terrifying global implications of Islamic law.
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Harold Hoffman
No comments are accepted on any of these recordings.
Harold Hoffman presents alternative understandings from his personal archives - recorded 35 years ago.
Preservation and Humility, what they mean, for real.
click to listen circa 22.00 Sunday 20.8.2008
The Line of Life. "I WANT... I AM... WHERE AM I?"
This discussion will loose most of you but don't worry, love the struggle!
The natural laws and some further world history.
Extra: Explains the soul and spirit.
An updating of the Human Condition.
click to listen
This is different... not heard before in open lectures. Challenging and you may think confrontational - but Harold has made the decision to release it anyway! Accept the information or reject it... that's your choice!
No comments are accepted on any these recordings.
Harold Hoffman presents alternative understandings of Religion in three 90 minute lectures. Covering briefly, but not in our chronological order, so be patient - some challenging goodies are contained herein.
PART 2 18.7.2008
click to listen
PART 3 18.7.2008
click to listen
These lectures are from Harold's personal archives - dating back 35 years ago.
Covering 'World History' from pre sands Egypt to current times and 'Esoteric Understandings'. History, Esoteric and Occult keys, the different types of religions, from whence they came and what this portends for the future - including how it all fits into the current times, of economics, geo-politics, law, judiciary, religious practices, moral philosophies, ceremony, magic and rituals; all in brief.
Before listening to these recordings it may be useful to have also listened to film director, Chris Everard, in conversation with Harold Hoffman.
The Pig Barn Meeting: Sheer delight, 3 hours of pure esoteric and occult delight. For those that have the Ears to SEE!
Ashley Mote: Independant Member of European Parliament
Weekly Letter from Brussels.
Starting in next few days:
Letter from the Asylum
ashley mote
Britain is committing collective suicide”
Sensational new pamphlet J’Accuse…!
calls on British “to re-install own standards”
Most of the elderly in Britain are indigenous. Most of the young are the children of migrants.
The British nation and its way of life are in serious danger of disappearing within one lifetime, certainly within two.
“We are committing collective suicide.”
That is the conclusion of a new pamphlet J’Accuse…! by Ashley Mote MEP, vice-president of the Alliance of Independent Democrats in Europe.
'J’Accuse!' accuses the European Union and the British government of the “deliberate destruction of British identity”.
The pamphlet points the finger at uncontrolled immigration, the failure of the British to produce enough children to sustain their own future, the utterly inadequate education of tens of thousands of young people, and the exploitation of so-called ‘terrorism’ to impose a regime of oppression.
Together these factors have eroded fundamental British values. Britain is becoming a third-world country – a western version of a banana republic.
“Much of this change has been imported. It is our fault. We have allowed it to happen and we are now allowing other ideas and ways of life to replace our own.”
'J’Accuse!' goes on…“The whole point about the British way of life is our absolute right to enjoy our country and freedoms in peace. They are not the product of the law. Instead, the law and our government are there to protect that right and those freedoms – not destroy them.
“Yet it is our own government that is today the greatest single source of terrorism. Theirs is the terrorism of state control.”
The number of criminal offences on the statute book has doubled since 1997 – one more for every day Labour has been in power. Britain has become a self-imposed police state.
'J’Accuse!' concludes : “Our British way of life is at terrible risk. We British need to go back to our roots, and re-install our own standards.”
Copies of 'J’Accuse!' are available via the website or by writing to PO Box 216, Alton, Hants, GU34 4WY.
MEP, vice-president of the Alliance of Independent Democrats in Europe.
'J’Accuse!' accuses the European Union and the British government of the “deliberate destruction of British identity”.
Harold Hoffman interviews Ashley Mote M.E.P
They discuss: Europe... the UK.. and what the future holds for the sceptred isle... this jewel this "new jerusalem"?
click to listen
Access full details of Ashley Mote site a:
See below for his home page.
Journalist turned businessman turned author. Now a regular columnist, broadcaster and political campaigner. Special interest in British constitutional history.
In 1972 he started his own international marketing business, helping major industrial companies to increase their export business. At one time the company had offices in Houston and Atlanta, USA, Geneva and London. The Tory government's foolhardy attempt to shadow the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) in the late 1980s and early 1990s ultimately forced interest rates to 15% and destroyed Ashley Mote's business, along with over 100,000 others.
Having had such bitter first-hand experience of the damage the ERM could do, he started researching the European Union. This led to his book Vigilance - A Defence of British Liberty. Vigilance is one of the fastest-selling books about the EU ever published. His second political book, OverCrowded Britain is about the UK's immigration crisis, and was published in 2003.
In 2000, Ashley drafted a Petition to Her Majesty under Article 61 of Magna Carta, which was later signed by 28 peers and taken to Buckingham Palace by the Duke of Rutland and others. The petition asked Her Majesty not to grant the Royal Assent to the Bill to ratify the EU's Treaty of Nice - an appeal which reports suggest came close to success.
A founder member of the SANITY group (Subjects Against the Nice Treaty), Ashley worked closely with Trevor Colman to produce three videos about the EU. The launch of Shockwaves resulted in sales of over 1000 a day. Since then he has written and directed two others - Better Off Out and Who Governs Britain?
Briefly active in the Liberal Party of Joe Grimond and Jeremy Thorpe, Ashley left when the party was taken over by left-wingers. He joined the UK Independence Party just before the 2001 general election as the only political home for people wanting Britain to leave the EU altogether. At the 2004 European parliamentary elections he won the second seat for UKIP in the south-east of England.
He now sits as the UK's only independent member of the European Parliament, free to fight for the early withdrawal of the UK from the European Union and the restoration of government of the British by the British for the British.
Married with two adult children. Ashley Mote is the author of several other books, including The Glory Days of Cricket, which won the Cricket Society Literary Award in 1997.
He is a member of the Hambledon Club and a Freeman of the City of London. His other interests include music, the theatre, good company and rugby.
Gerard Batten UKIP MEP
Interview and possible weekly fortnight
Review from Brussels
Interview with Gerard Batten (U.K.I.P- M E P member of the european parliament) Click to Listen
his website, Gerard Batten
Experts in their Fields
Dr Richard North
E U Referendum
Dr Richard North explains the The Reform Treaty and Why the people MUST have a vote! with Harold Hoffman
Click to Listen
27.7.2007 (7993)
Prof Dennis Cuddy
Modeling the Modern Middle East
The U.S. waved its light saber at Iran again this week, amid will- they or won't-they speculation about attacking that country, Russian President Putin's admonitions notwithstanding.
The world didn't arrive at today's Middle East in a vacuum. It's largely a product of century-old streams of globalist political thought, coupled with interventions by western counties such as France, Great Britain and the United States, topped off with Shiite Islamic expectations for the re-emergence of the Twelfth Imam. Dr. Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D, author of "The Globalists," is our sole guest for today's perspective-oriented program.27.10.2007
Prof Dennis L Cuddy fortnightly letter from the East Coast
via News with Views
Click to Listen 28.7.2007 (8057)
Dr Dennis Cuddy-A brief dissertation on whats really happening-The Revelations of the WORLD GOVERNMENT-BACKED BY HIS DOCUMENTATION-A MUST LISTEN-A WARNING TO WAKE UP-NOW !!!
Click to Listen
Prof Dennis Cuddy with Harold Hoffman
An interview harold hoffman-world view and global implications
Prof Eugene Narrett a series of commencing beginning August
weekly 1 hour interviews on:-
Israel End Times
Israel End Times
Reminder of First Lecture by Prof Eugene Narrett
Click to Listen
2.8.2007 (8179)
To include:
Broad strokes. With illustrative details and examples of the situation in Israel and how it clarifies the drive toward a world state. Then in the subsequent shows, the topics on the list below:
Machiavelli and the Counter-Revolution of Paganism, 1500-1815
Western fragmentation, progress and regression, 1500-1900
Sympathy for the Devil: Romanticism and 'Darwin' 1790-1930
British Hysterics: Gothicism, Feminism and the New Empire
Working for the Three Bloc World: Betrayal, Eugenics, and Control
There's no Success like Failure... 1920 - 1966, Wars, cults and Vietnam
The pivotal year of the endtimes: 1967 and the Great Betrayal, Eras in Conflict
Land for Peace, the borderless world and War Eternal
Prof. Eugene Narrett lecture-part 2
Machiavelli-and paganism-1500-1815
Click to Listen 8.8.2007 (8353)Link
his current book World War threeBooks by Dr. Narrett
3rd Lecture Machiavelli-Shakespeare
Click to Listen
4th Lecture Shakespeare
Click to Listen
Part 5 William Blake- click to listen
Part 6 Symapthy with the Devil
Prof Narrett part 6 shelley-hegel-marx-Dialectic-new theology in the west-a new social order-auguste comte-darwin-galton-huxley-conflict to religious thought-Romanticism-ROMAN TICISM
click to listen
Prof Eugene Narrett lecture 7-Mary Shelley and Frankenstein -click to listen PURPOSE-social physchological social control-prohibition-sympathy-despair and horror-Illuminati in Engelstadt & Percy Shelley & Rosicruscianism
Prof Eugene Narrett-leture 8 Shelley-Frankenstein Dialectics-intellectualism gone mad click to listen
Prof Eugene Narrett in conversation with Harold Hoffman
leture 9 Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus-the monsters education and the authors blind spot: the failure of romantic teaching
click to listen
apologies for bad background hiss
Professor Eugene Narrett in conversation with Harold Hoffman lecture 10 Gothicism Terror Awe Majik or Madness into the Culture of the West
click to listen
Prof Eugene Narrett and Harold Hoffman discuss the span of history involving the EUGENICS MOVEMEMNT-FROM 1850's to the 1950's lecture 12
The deeper understandings of how this PROCESS AND PHILOSOPHY applies to destruction of Nation States and the furthering of the Global Agenda with such notaries as Machiavelli-Malthaus-Darwin-Galton-Huxleys's-Carnigie-Rockefeller-Sanger-Blavatsky-H G Wells-
click to listen
click to listen
Professor Eugene Narrett and Harold Hoffman discuss 1967 Turning Point in the Mid East-Israel
click to listen
Prof Eugene Narrett with Harold Hoffman ANNAPOLIS -ISRAEL-THE END TIMES -VITAL TO LISTEN
Israel as the control group for human kind and a template for whats already done in Europe and being done in USA-FROM 1967 TO 1973 -2007-The True state of Israel- Israeli Politics-Whats happening now The Future Problems !!!!!
Prof Eugene Narrett with Harold Hoffman discuss Annapolis-N Intelligence Iran Holocaust
click to listen
18.12.2007 16
Prof Eugene Narret in converstaion with Harold Hoffman-Israel's Destruction-Global Security State-what it all means-part 7
click to listen
Professor Narrett analyzes the dark side of the War on Terror and exposes its true and startling target. You will read the news with new and opened eyes after examining this study. With his characteristic breadth of relevant sources, he examines Western culture from ancient works to post-Modernism.
The Policy to Destroy Israel
and timely for Annapolis)with the shifting comments on
geopolitics and religion
click to listen
Please note our 10 plus 4 more
interviews to come on britanniaradio
In this show, Dr. Eugene Narrett describes the interlocking strands between
British policy from 1920s through 1940s (and timely for Annapolis)
with the shifting comments on
geopolitics and religion of Aquarian guru Alice Bailey.
These facts give a new meaning to "land for peace" and
"internationalizing Jerusalem".
This show exposes the diabolical plans the British
and the wider International Community have,
planned for Israel.
Prof Francisco Gil White
History of the 20th Century
14 hourly lecturesd
(Nazi Ideaology and infiltration into terrorist movements
How it effects the Mid East and Israel perhaps future prophetic interpretations?
History of the 20th Century
14 chapters-14 interviews(listed as per his book chapters)
Click to Listen
to his site HIR
part1-as promised
Dissertation by Prof Francisco Gil White
His Background
The Importance of History
The Creation of the Eugenics Movement
Oh -Its those Jews Again
Dr Francisco Gil White-part 2 History of the 20th Century- The Name -Palestine-and Hadjamini al Husseini-in converstaion with Harold Hoffman
Click to Listen
30.7.2007 (8113)
Prof Gil White(-chapter 4-) our part 3- The Rise of the Eugenics Movement in Germany-History-Aristocracy-and the rise of Hitler-the role of the USA/UK ELITE-
Click to Listen
The role of the Vatican -pope pius 12th -chapter 5 part our part 4-Click to Listen
Who is Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.?
First Interview with Gaylon Ross Snr.
Born in Big Lake, Texas, he holds a BS degree in Industrial Engineering from Texas A & M University. While active in engineering, he was a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Texas, and a National Certified Manufacturing Engineer. After graduation, he accepted a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant (later promoted to 1st Lt.) in the Army Security Agency (ASA), a branch of the National Security Agency (NSA), which is a big brother to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Military training was in the field of cryptoanalysis (the breaking of codes), and served as a Company Commander with an Intelligence Unit on the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in the Chorwan valley of South Korea, from 1956 to 1957 (after the fighting had ceased).
Upon leaving active duty, began his professional career in the petroleum industry. Served as an Industrial Engineer for ten years until being promoted into management, and was a manufacturing Plant Manager for over ten years.The past seventeen years he served as an International Management Consultant, working in the US, Japan, Mexico, Canada, England, and Iran.
After completing the manuscript to the first book, Who's Who of the Elite, he contacted a number of publishers to ascertain their interest in this material. They all declined because of the subject matter, so he formed his own publishing company, RIE, and published this first of fourteen books in progress. The author has devoted the rest of his life to exposing the real truth about those evil ones in this world who would like to make us all their slaves
March 23, 2008
Back to the future
By Ted Belman Israpundit, for regular update of news from Toronto, London and Israel.
We discuss Obama Barak and his background. Real revelations! The battle with the Clintons and McCain's position. Finally, Ted Belman's view of Israel's state. Optimistic.
Dr Sean Gabb director of Libertarian Alliance monthly review of one to two topical news items and their relevance to current issues and the Libertarian Alliance philosophy Libertarian Alliance
Interview with Dr Sean Gabb of the Libertarian Alliance by Harold Hoffman Click to Listen We are pleased to announce the discussion with Dr Sean Gabb-
John Galt on a fortnightly basis and his views on the current state of Nations and the lack off a Spiritual -Religious Dimension in the West.
The Cassandra File click to listen Be a fly on the wall and listen to John Galt and Cassandra and myself discuss: The failure of the UK and its population.
Harold Hoffman interviewed by Tamar Yonah, Israel National Radio. PARADIGM SHIFT: the Financial Tsunami WE ARE IN NOW... Tuesday morning interview on site click to listen
Four weekly interviews
1a: Secret Societies; Illuminati.
click to listen
1b: Spirit Worlds; Illuminati.
click to listen
2: Royalty,
Space Programmes.
Very Revealing!
click to listen
click to listen
Filmography -
He is Britain’s most successful documentary film-maker. He is the only British director making feature-length documentaries for cinema audiences and the only British director to have late show slots every weekend at cinemas in Los Angeles, New York, Paris and Rome simultaneously. His is called the ‘Enfant Terrible!’ (which means the terrible child) of British Cinema by Paris Match magazine.
In 2007, he made no less than 4 x 2 hour feature-length documentaries, which were all subsequently released on DVD, each with 2 hour bonus discs. That means in 2007 he almost single-handedly matched the entire cinema output of the combined British Film Industry. Since 2004, he has made no less than 7 feature-length documentaries which have all been on independent cinema release and then sold to DVD worldwide.
Previous interviews on site under Listen Again and Listen Now.
Nigel Farage with Adrian Lithgow.
Nigel Farage leader of UKIP
Daniel Hannan with Martin Jay.
Interview on the EU and its various implications for the UK - Daniel Hannan noted Journalist and MEP FOR S.E. ENGLAND.
Click to Listen
Tamar Yonah with Harold Hoffman.
Harold Hoffman with Tamar Yonah on aspects of the EU.
John Loeffler: Steel on Steel with Harold Hoffman.
Part 2 of 2 on the EU.
Part 1 of 2 on the EU.