The Palestinians Already Have Two States April 15, 2010 • Pajamas Media The world has gone mad—or at least, the American leadership has now formally joined the Islamist and international madness about "peace in the Middle East." President Obama has just claimed that American "vital national security" is linked to finding—or even imposing —peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians. South Africa's revered Archbishop Emeritus, Desmond Tutu, has just praised the recent Berkeley student vote (which the university's president later vetoed) to divest university money from companies that "profit from the injustice of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land in violation of Palestinian human rights." Tutu writes that what he witnessed in occupied Palestinian territory reminds him of the conditions he "experienced in South Africa under the racist system of apartheid." April 13, 2010 • Pajamas Media What more can be said? Are mere words sufficient? By now we know that Jew haters are never deterred by facts—only by force. We also know that the Arab-Muslim world has brainwashed its citizens and the world with a steady stream of blood libels against Jews and Israel. The United Nations, international human rights organizations, the world media, and the world's so-called intelligentsia have all piled on, as have President Obama and his carefully chosen advisors. Obama, who bowed to the Saudi King, and who publicly shamed the Israeli Prime Minister, has also, for the first time, decided to sell no bunker buster bombs to Israel; to deny Israeli scientists who work at Dimona visas to study in the United States; to manufacture a sham crisis over Israel building apartments in north Jerusalem—all in order to "impose" a Solution (hopefully not another Final Solution) on Jewish Israel. April 12, 2010 • NewsRealBlog I have gone on record, many times, about how hazardous the Islamic Veil is to women's health in both medical and psychiatric terms. There are other kinds of health risks involved in adopting Islamically "modest" dress. For example, in England, Muslim nurses are now refusing to leave their arms uncovered below the elbow which can potentially lead to spreading hospital superbugs and to the death of patients. The British National Health Service has given in to this demand—but has prohibited short-sleeved nurses from wearing crosses. Islamist Takeover of Manhattan, No Bullets Fired April 8, 2010 • Pajamas Media Tonight, Manhattan surrendered. Tonight, Manhattan, my own home town, was "taken" by its own desire to turn Arabs and Muslims into heroes. On the upper east side, where I now live, I saw a very important documentary about three—three!– known North African Muslims, (referred to throughout as "Arabs"), who saved a number of North African Jews whom the Vichy French and German Nazi armies hunted down in Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco. The audience was packed, eager. The filmmakers and their funders actually hope that this view of Arab-Jewish relationships (based on three cases) will somehow "heal" the tattered relationship….which once was so Golden. Well, I don't think so. Yes, Biblically, the Jews and the Muslims are half-siblings, cousins; we are both Semites. Yes, things were always easier for wealthy Jews in Arab lands but most Jews were very poor. Yes, things were better for everyone, both Muslims and Jews, when modernization, feminism, and the separation of mosque and state were afoot, at least in Turkey and Egypt, at the turn of the early twentieth century. POTUS Says: Jihad Is Only a Figment of Our Imagination April 7, 2010 • Pajamas Media Earlier today, Matt Apuzzo, of the Associated Press, led me straight down the rabbit-hole when he wrote that: "President Barack Obama's advisers will remove religious terms such as 'Islamic extremism' from the central document outlining the U.S. national security strategy and will use the rewritten document to emphasize that the United States does not view Muslim nations through the lens of terror, counterterrorism officials said." Say what? Hasn't the American State Department learned that we are not at war with "terrorism," but with "political Islam"? Which is not just a religion, but is also a political, economic, social, and military game plan? April 6, 2010 • The New York Times To the Editor: Mike Males and Meda-Chesney Lind do not seem to understand that girls and women do not usually commit direct, male-style acts of violence. Therefore, the female-perpetrator rates for violent aggression have not increased. Female-female aggression is indirect and involves slandering, taunting and ostracizing one vulnerable female target, which is what happened in the South Hadley, Mass., tragedy. Often, envy of a girl's beauty or brains, but just as often, the slightest difference (whether someone is new, an immigrant from another country, or school) will be seized upon by a female clique and treated as a high crime, an opportunity to tribally bond with one another — and as permission to torment the chosen outsider. Phyllis Chesler New York The writer is the author of "Woman's Inhumanity to Woman."HOME BIO ARTICLES AUDIO-VISUAL PHOTOS MAILING LIST DONATIONS ANTI-SEMITISM ARTS/FILM/CULTURE ISLAMIC APARTHEID JIHAD/TERRORISM JUDAISM LAW/GENDER PSYCHOLOGY/GENDER Latest Articles
The Truth According to Khaled Abu Toameh
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Tamar Yonah talks with Phyllis Chesler on Israel National Radio.
Whats going on with the Jews in the Diaspora-esp. in the U.S.A.
"The Absence of Outrage is Outrageous"
But What's It Got To Do With Isadora Duncan?
Letter to the Editor
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