Tuesday, 13 April 2010 09:58 'The Government has rejected parliamentary proposals for tough new laws to stamp out the UK's involvement in the kidnap and unlawful transfer of terror suspects to third-party states, The Independent has learnt. The Justice Secretary, Jack Straw, has written to the chairman of an influential parliamentary committee refusing to accept recommendations to outlaw rendition. The draft measures, drawn up by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Extraordinary Rendition (APPG), are mostly targeted at the airline industry, but Mr Straw says that such proposals would be too "burdensome" and would impose disproportionate obligations on private companies.' Read more: British Involvement in Rendition of Suspects Will Continue, Says Rothschild Zionist Straw Tuesday, 13 April 2010 09:47 'Three former Labour MPs accused of fiddling their parliamentary expenses have won taxpayer money to help pay their legal bills just weeks before the introduction of “means testing”. David Chaytor, Elliot Morley and Jim Devine are accused of stealing almost £60,000 in allowances through false mortgage claims, rent claims and invoiced services. They have been told they are eligible for legal aid to fund their defences which includes the argument that they are protected from prosecution by the ancient right of parliamentary privilege. The former MPs’ total legal bill is expected to reach tens of thousands of points but could reach six figures if they continue their legal appeal all the way to the Supreme Court.' Read more: Criminal MPs Who Fiddled Expenses Get Taxpayers to Pay for Their Defence Tuesday, 13 April 2010 09:34 Watch in full screen and with headphones if possible. Tuesday, 13 April 2010 09:14 'Social workers have been criticised as “arrogant and enthusiastic removers of children from their parents” by the judge who takes charge of the family courts today. Lord Justice Wall said that the determination of some social workers to place children in an “unsatisfactory care system” away from their families was “quite shocking”. In a separate case, on which Sir Nicholas Wall also sat, Lord Justice Aikens described the actions of social workers in Devon as “more like Stalin’s Russia or Mao’s China than the West of England”. The criticism of social workers from two of the most senior family court judges came as the number of children placed in care has reached a record high after the Baby Peter tragedy.' Read more: Judge in Charge of Family Courts Criticises ‘Arrogant Social Workers’ Tuesday, 13 April 2010 08:55 'The theory which Hitler had evolved in his vagabond days in Vienna and never forgotten—that the way to power for a revolutionary movement was to ally itself with some of the powerful institutions in the State—had now worked out in practice pretty much as he had calculated. The President, backed by the Army and the conservatives, had made him Chancellor. His political power, though great, was, however, not complete. It was shared with these three sources of authority, which had put him into office and which were outside and, to some extent, distrustful of the National Socialist movement. Hitler's immediate task, therefore, was to quickly eliminate them from the driver's seat, make his party the exclusive master of the State and then with the power of an authoritarian government and its police carry out the Nazi revolution. He had been in office scarcely twenty-four hours when he made his first decisive move, springing a trap on his gullible conservative "captors" and setting in motion a chain of events which he either originated or controlled and which at the end of six months would bring the complete Nazification of Germany and his own elevation to dictator of the Reich, unified and defederalized for the first time in German history.' Tuesday, 13 April 2010 08:44 'If the idea of turning consumers into true cyborgs sounds creepy, don’t tell Intel researchers. Intel’s Pittsburgh lab aims to develop brain implants that can control all sorts of gadgets directly via brain waves by 2020. The scientists anticipate that consumers will adapt quickly to the idea, and indeed crave the freedom of not requiring a keyboard, mouse, or remote control for surfing the Web or changing channels. They also predict that people will tire of multi-touch devices such as our precious iPhones, Android smart phones and even Microsoft’s wacky Surface Table. Turning brain waves into real-world tech action still requires some heavy decoding of brain activity. The Intel team has already made use of fMRI brain scans to match brain patterns with similar thoughts across many test subjects.' Read more: Intel Wants Brain Implants in Its Customers’ Heads by 2020 Tuesday, 13 April 2010 07:38 'Titled Strategic communications objectives and dated 11 March 2010, it outlines the key messages that the Obama administration wants to convey to its critics and to the world media in the run-up to the vital UN climate talks in Cancun, Mexico in November.” The Guardian reports. The number one item on the itinerary is to “Reinforce the perception that the US is constructively engaged in UN negotiations in an effort to produce a global regime to combat climate change.” (my emphasis) The news comes on the back of revelations that rich countries have threatened to cut vital aid to developing nations if they do not back the deal agreed at the UN climate summit in Copenhagen last year. Elsewhere, the leaked document pinpoints the need to continue “driving the climate change story” in the mainstream media, but also identifies the need to “disarm” critics and to bypass traditional media outlets to do so, focusing more on “new media”.' Read more: Leaked U.S. Document Calls For 'Global Regime' To Tackle Climate Change Tuesday, 13 April 2010 07:27 'Watching Washington’s growing anger Afghan president Hamid Karzai, one recalls the unhappy endings of such former US allies as South Vietnam’s Diem, Iran’s Shah, Indonesia’s Suharto, Nicaragua’s Somoza, and Pakistan’s Zia ul-Haq. Washington has been loudly hinting it would like to oust Karzai, but so far it has not managed to identify a suitable replacement who commands any respect or tribal support from Afghans. Read more: The Puppet Tries to Cut His Strings Tuesday, 13 April 2010 07:13 'For a long time many of us have had very serious suspicions that the prices of gold and silver were being highly manipulated. But now, thanks to the mind blowing testimony of one very brave whistle blower, the blatant manipulation of the world gold and silver markets is being blown wide open. What you are about to read below is absolutely staggering. Once the American people learn how incredibly corrupt the world financial system is, it is going to change everything. The government that we are all trusting to guard the integrity of the financial system is failing to do that job. It turns out that the Commodities Futures Trading Commission has been sitting on solid evidence that the elite banking powers have been openly and blatantly manipulating the price of gold and silver. Even though they were basically handed a “smoking gun”, they have done absolutely nothing with it. But now the information has gone public and the CFTC is red-faced.' Tuesday, 13 April 2010 06:56 'Modern research on remote viewing began in the 1970s, largely funded by the CIA and other U.S. government agencies, which were primarily interested in the possibility of psychic spying. Two physicists, Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ developed the basic experimental procedure at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI). In these tests the subject had to try to describe a place where an agent, or ‘beacon person,’ was located. The researchers usually worked with a small number of preselected subjects with good remote-viewing abilities. During the test the subject was closeted with one of the experimenters, and isolated from any possible information about the beacon person’s movements. Meanwhile, the beacon person went with another experimenter to a randomly chosen place several miles away, called the target site. After they had arrived there, at a prearranged time the subject tried to describe and draw what the beacon person was seeing, while being tape-recorded. Independent judges later evaluated the recording and drawings.' Read more: Fortean Diversions: Remote Viewing, Ingrained Hubris & Authentic Leadership Tuesday, 13 April 2010 06:51 'At least seven US state attorneys general are investigating whether Monsanto Company has abused its market power to lock out competitors and raise prices on seed. Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, Texas, Virginia, and two other unidentified states are in a working group to investigate the biotech giant. Tuesday, 13 April 2010 06:31 Everything you buy is about to become 20% more expensive... I'm not kidding. The latest idea out of Washington is to pay for its insatiable appetite for spending with what's called a "Value-Added Tax." It's like a huge new national sales tax, on everything. In simple terms, the difference is that with a sales tax, the consumer pays it. With a "VAT," the manufacturer pays it. The consumer won't see it in the price on the shelf or on their receipt. Politicians love this tax because it's a stealth tax... You can't see it when you buy something, but they still get their money. And unless you make your voice known, chances are excellent we'll eventually have a Value-Added Tax here.' Tuesday, 13 April 2010 06:20 'International troops opened fire on a bus carrying Afghan civilians today, killing four people and setting off anti-American protests by furious locals. Witnesses said the bus, which was travelling in Kandahar province's Zhari district, had pulled over to allow an American convoy to pass when gunfire broke out. The shooting left another 18 people wounded, 12 of whom were taken to a military hospital.' Read more: Afghan Fury After Nato Troops Open Fire on Bus Full of Civilians, Killing Four People Tuesday, 13 April 2010 05:52 'And once the giant shit machine was built and the note on all that fancy construction started to come due, Wall Street came back to the local politicians and doubled down on the scam. They showed up in droves to help the poor, broke citizens of Jefferson County cut their toilet finance charges using a blizzard of incomprehensible swaps and refinance schemes — schemes that only served to postpone the repayment date a year or two while sinking the county deeper into debt. In the end, every time Jefferson County so much as breathed near one of the banks, it got charged millions in fees. There was so much money to be made bilking these dizzy Southerners that banks like JP Morgan spent millions paying middlemen who bribed — yes, that's right, bribed, criminally bribed — the county commissioners and their buddies just to keep their business. Hell, the money was so good, JP Morgan at one point even paid Goldman Sachs $3 million just to back the fuck off, so they could have the rubes of Jefferson County to fleece all for themselves.' Read more: Main Street: How the Nation's Biggest Banks are Ripping Off American Cities
The Obama administration flirted with trying to replace Karzai by the North Alliance chief, Abdullah Abdullah, but he had too many Communist and drug-dealer skeletons in his closet. The Obama administration is blaming the largely powerless Karzai, a former CIA `asset,’ for America’s failure to defeat Taliban.
Washington accused its man Karzai of rigging last year’s elections. That’s true. But the US pre-rigged the Afghan elections by excluding all parties opposed to Western occupation. The US is doing the same thing on Iraq’s elections.'
The states are probing whether Monsanto violated laws by offering rebates to seed distributors for excluding rival seeds, imposing limits on combining the product with other genetic modifications, or offering cash incentives to switch farmers to more expensive generation of seed varieties.'
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
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Britannia Radio