Of all the subversive acts ever in the history of the United States of America ................ this one is the killer.
You can avoid evil, you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding evil.
In a word..................... duck. The jihad president in action:
Islamic radicalism doesn't exist NY Post Abby Wisse Schachter
According to the latest proposal from the Obama administration, from now on there is no such thing as “Islamic radicalism” . That’s according to the document that will outline the government’s national security strategy. This would mark a radical shift in tone and language considering that the current national security strategy document reads: “The struggle against militant Islamic radicalism is the great ideological conflict of the early years of the 21st century.”
Obama administration officials still believe that if we make nicey nice with the Muslims and Muslim states, they will stop trying to kill us and destroy the country. One example was Obama’s choice to partner with the Organization of the Islamic Conference to fight polio. “President Obama saw it as an opportunity to say, ‘We work on things far beyond the war on terrorism,’” World Health Organizationspokeswoman Sona Bari said.
And where is it written that the United States can’t do two things at once in its foreign policy? And by the way, didn’t the Bush administration work on humanitarian issues within the Muslim world? And more importantly, if a guy shouting “Allah Akhbar” tries to blow up Americans, isn’t that an expression of Islamic radicalism?
Are these people thinking up these politically correct terms really that stupid or do they just not realize how dangerous and unsafe they are making every American’s life?
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, April 07, 2010 at 04:12 PM in Obama: Lethal for Israel, One of the Really Good Guys | Permalink | Comments (0) ShareThis
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Wednesday, April 07, 2010
"....Hamas officials say Obama is different from all his predecessors. As its deputy "foreign minister," Ahmed Yussuf, told the Journal, "We believe Hamas' message is reaching its destination" -- the White House." (source: NY Post)
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, April 07, 2010 at 04:06 PM in Obama: Lethal for Israel | Permalink | Comments (0) ShareThis
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This is not surprising -- but revealing. Muslim journalists blacklisted and thrown out for meeting with Jewish journalists. It's in the koran. It's part of Islamic text. Totten has ben covering the Middle east for how long and he still doesn't know it's about the annihlation and extermination of the Jews?
This is man bites dog story -- but revealing just the same because it validates the unspeakable obvious.
Palestinian Journalists Blacklistsed Michael Totten
Those who believe peace in the Middle East may be just around the corner need to think long and hard about this. Palestinian journalists who last week met with their Israeli colleagues and an IDF spokesman in Tel Aviv have come under fire from both Hamas and Fatah. The trip was arranged by the non-profit Israel advocacy group The Israel Project, whose Web site described the group as "an international non-profit organization devoted to educating the press and the public about Israel while promoting security, freedom and peace."
The journalists met with Maj. Avichai Edri, head of the Arabic-language branch of the IDF Spokesman's Office.
Three of the journalists -- Lana Shaheen, Mueen al-Hilu and Abdel Salam Abu Askar -- are from the Gaza Strip, while another two are from the West Bank.
They now face expulsion from the Fatah-controlled Palestinian Journalists Syndicate on charges of promoting normalization with Israel.
One of the groups, the Democratic Press Association, called on the journalists to "repent" and express publicly apologize for visiting the "Zionist entity and meeting with Zionist reporters."
No one has ever demanded I "repent" or apologize for visiting an Arab country or meeting with Arab spokesman or colleagues. I even lived in an Arab country and would do so again, and not a single American has ever accused me of being a traitor. I haven't even been mildly criticized for it. I'm not Israeli, of course, but I know Israeli journalists who have worked in Arab countries and have Arab friends, and they don't face these kinds of problems at home.
If I were blacklisted out of my profession for visiting, say, Lebanon or Iraq, I wouldn't want to live in America anymore. Posted by Michael J. Totten at March 30, 2010 8:17 PM
And more Muslim taqiya for Western asshats from PMW:
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques ZilberdikContrary to statements by both Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and ChairmanMahmoud Abbas supporting a "non-violent resistance," their actions continue to support violence and terror. As Palestinian Media Watch has reported, the PA leaders have repeatedly honored terrorists in well-publicized acts of support in recent months.The PA leadership's most recent show of terror support was last week, when both Abbas and Fayyad honored one of the notorious terrorists of the first years of the Palestinian terror war (the "Intifada"). The terrorist Abdallah Daud headed the Palestinian intelligence service in Bethlehem, and was actively involved in the Palestinian terror against Israeli civilians. When Israel entered Bethlehem in 2002 in an attempt to eradicate the Palestinian terror, Abdallah Daud was one of the most wanted Palestinian terrorists who stormed into the Church of the Nativity.For several weeks, Daud and his fellow terrorists continued fighting against Israel from inside the church, essentially using the monks and the religious site as their shields. The confrontation ended when Israel decided to let the terrorists leave without trial and they were deported to foreign countries and Gaza. Daud was sent to Cypress and later Mauritania, where he died last week of natural causes.Ignoring the crimes and terror that led to Daud's deportation, the PA leaders last week chose to honor the terrorist Daud by giving him an "official" funeral. The official PA daily reported on the funeral with a large picture on its front page.Abbas sent his personal emissary to the funeral. He spoke in Abbas's name:"We must maintain the way of the Shahid (Martyr) Daud, who always believed in the struggle, in love of the homeland, and in the realization of national unity." [Al-Quds, March 28, 2010]Palestinian PM Fayyad chose to honor the terrorist publicly and in person by paying a condolence visit to the home of his family. Fayyad "enumerated the Shahid's (Martyr's) virtues" and noted his "suffering from the injustice of his expulsion." The story of his honoring the terrorist was also reported on the front page of the official PA daily.Other recent examples of Fayyad honoring terrorists:On December 26, 2009, Fayyad paid condolence calls to the homes of each of the three terrorists who murdered Israeli Rabbi Meir Avshalom Hai in a drive-by shooting.On February 14, 2010, Fayyad paid a condolence call to the family of a terrorist who attempted to stab an Israeli soldier.Other recent examples of Abbas honoring terrorists:On December 27, 2009, Abbas honored the three terrorists who murdered Israeli Rabbi Meir Avshalom Hai, in a drive-by shooting, calling them "Shahids [Martyrs] of the Palestinian revolution..."On December 29, 2009, Abbas honored the terrorist Dalal Mughrabi with a birthday party.On January 17, 2010 Abbas defended naming a square after the terrorist Dalal Mughrabi.On March 6, 2010 Abbas promoted imprisoned terrorist Mahmoud Damra to major-general.On March 9, 2010 Abbas's representative honored the terrorist Dalal Mughrabi by calling her the "bridge over which we pass on the way toour freedom."The following is the report from the front page of the official PA daily about Fayyad's condolences last week:"Prime Minister Dr. Salam Fayyad yesterday expressed his condolences at the Balata refugee camp in Nablus, over the death of theShahid (Martyr) Abdallah Daud. The Prime Minister enumerated the Shahid's virtues and said that his death far from the homeland and suffering from the injustice of his expulsion, bestows upon his Martyrdom a clear national and human character."[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 31, 2010]The following is the report on Abbas's statement read by Mahmoud Al-Aloul, member of the Fatah Central Committee, at the funeral:"Mahmoud Al-Aloul, member of the Fatah Central Committee, delivered a speech on behalf of PresidentMahmoud Abbas , during which he recounted the life story of the Shahid (Martyr), who sacrificed his life for his country and for his people. Al-Aloul said that we must maintain the way of the Shahid Daud, who always believed in the struggle, in love of the homeland, and in the realization of national unity."[Al-Quds, March 28, 2010]
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, April 07, 2010 at 03:57 PM in Islamic Jew hatred | Permalink | Comments (0) ShareThis
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Silly me, I thought it was an .........accident. I received two forms, one right after the other, not one or two days apart. This was weeks back. And mind you, this is on top of the Census stalking ......
Counting Once, Counting Twice: U.S. Census Sending Millions of Americans A Second Form
(CNSNews.com) – About 40 million “replacement” Census questionnaires are being sent nationwide to households in areas with low mail return rates, even if those households already have returned the first form they received, Census officials announced on Thursday.And just days after completing their paid training, hundreds of Census enumerators in Northern Virginia were abruptly laid off without explanation on Thursday.Census officials said mailing out a second form is designed to increase census mail participation, get a better headcount for the states, and save taxpayers the cost of sending out census takers to collect information.The Census Bureau estimates that mailing a second questionnaire “in targeted areas” could save more than $500 million and raise the participation rate by 7 to 10 percentage points.But what about double counting?“[P]eople who have completed and returned their questionnaires need not fill out the replacement Census form,” said a news release issued Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau's Charlotte region. "You should only complete and return one census form," the release said. “Extra census forms should be discarded.”
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, April 07, 2010 at 11:58 AM in Census 2010: Constitutional Coup | Permalink | Comments (6) ShareThis
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Because it is "reason" that drives these blood hungry cannibals. Always smoothly patterned ...... reason! Rational! Logic!
They steal the best stuff.
Get this. The fakestinians are the raison d'etre for the ummah ............ a couple of Jewish fellas in their homeland is the reason for living, or should I say dying, in the Muslim world. Not the jihad in Darfur or Ethiopia or Somalia or the the Philippines or Beslan or Moscow or London or Madrid or Paris or New York or Bali or Mumbai -- nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, it's the fookin Joos.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said Tuesday the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) should focus on its primary objective of defending the Palestinians as a Zionist plot to drive them out of their homes unravels.In a meeting with government officials and prominent scientific and political figures, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said recent developments in the occupied Palestinian lands reflect the signs of a "dangerous plot" by Tel Aviv against the Palestinians."De-Islamisation of Islamic works, incidents at Ibrahimic Mosque and the driving of Muslims out of their homes are a dangerous plot which is unfolding before the eyes of a Muslim world that has been engaged with trivial matters," the Leader said.The remarks come at a time when the Israeli regime has stepped up a campaign to expand illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian lands in defiance of international opposition and UN Security Council resolutions.Moreover, Israeli forces in recent months have shut down the al-Aqsa mosque to Palestinian worshippers and damaged Islamic properties on the site, attacking, killing and arresting protesters.Ayatollah Khamenei said the OIC should make serious efforts to unite Muslims against Israel."[Thus], the Organization of the Islamic Conference, which was essentially established to uphold the rights of the Palestinians, should fulfill its duty in defending Palestine and uniting the Muslim world against the mischievous moves of the Zionists," the Leader said.Ayatollah Khamenei described the potentials of the Muslim world in countering "the evil acts and greediness of the Zionists" as very high, reiterating that the strength of the Muslim world is not limited to oil. "Rather, the Muslims possess the biggest market for consumer goods, as well as the world's most vital routes and pathways."He said the Muslim world can achieve its "rightful aspirations" by merely sticking to reason and sound political interactions in the world.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, April 07, 2010 at 03:23 AM in OIC: Oppression and Submission | Permalink | Comments (1) ShareThis
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Please read my latest oped piece in the American Thinker:
I am actually embarrassed for my nation.
Obama is leaving America flailing in the hostile wind. Was there ever a more frightful time in American history than the age of Obama? Yes, there were very dangerous periods (the Civil War, World War I, World War II), but during those times of great crisis the steward of this nation was always a patriot, a freedom-lover -- an American. As I explain in my forthcoming book The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America (Simon & Schuster), Obama, in contrast, is a socialist internationalist who clearly despises this country and the whole idea of America, the first moral nation, built on the principle of freedom itself, in human history.
He himself said it in April 2009. During a visit to London for a summit of the Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (G-20), a reporter asked Obama: "[C]ould I ask you whether you subscribe, as many of your predecessors have, to the school of ‘American exceptionalism' that sees America as uniquely qualified to lead the world, or do you have a slightly different philosophy?"
Obama offered no avowal of American uniqueness. Instead, he equated American exceptionalism with the national pride that a citizen of any nation could feel: "I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism."
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, April 07, 2010 at 01:51 AM in Atlas Articles, Nuclear Roulette: And the Band Plays On | Permalink | Comments (5) ShareThis
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Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Look at these articles. They basically argue for Obama's policies and threaten Israel. Also they are portraying Israel as some rogue militarist police state persecuting peace activists. The Obama era -- rise of the barbarian.
The fix is in. Obama and his goon administration have enlisted the media to turn on Jews. Watch for more W & M articles, lobby stories and fakestinian sob stories romancing Muslim terrorists, defending Iran -- the complete fallacious narrative. It is sickening to see such media manipulation by the state in the USA. This is what occurs in dictatorships. (hat tip Armaros)
Oz abaim falt springen hint.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, April 06, 2010 at 11:45 PM | Permalink | Comments (3) ShareThis
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Today the anniversary of the Thracian Genocide was remembered in a gathering across from the UN (video and pics here.) Never heard of it? Another genocide by Muslims scrubbed?
Like the Armenian Genocide, this too was committed by the Turks. It appears they have an appetite for such wickedness.
The Thracian Genocide was the systematic torture, massacre and ethnic cleansing of several millions Hellenes (Greeks) perpetrated by the Turks throughout historic THRACE an area that includes Constantinople (now called Istanbul by the Turks), Eastern Thrace, and the islands of Imvros, Tenedos.
Another genocide committed by the Turks. ..
The speakers we heard speaking were Armenian, Assyrian and Greek.
The event is supporting:
- Worldwide Affirmation of the Genocide of Hellenes (Greeks) perpetrated by Turkey and the Young Turk Party in Thrace, Anatolia, and Asia Minor.
- Recognition of the ongoing cultural genocide of Thracian Hellenes (Greeks).Speakers included the President of the Hellenic Organization of University Graduates of America HOUGA, the Pan-Pontian Federation USA and CANADA President and officials, and members and officials of the Federation of Hellenic Societies of Greater New York.This year’s memorial included unique scholars and a solemn recital of the orphic hymns for our dead.
For more information on the Hellenic Genocide Memorial go to WWW.THRACIANGENOCIDE.ORG and download the pamphlet : “The Genocide of the Greeks”
All were there to remind those passing by that this genocide really did happen and sadly, continues today.
Pamela H has more.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, April 06, 2010 at 11:16 PM | Permalink | Comments (6) ShareThis
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I thought you would enjoy this exchange. George Bennett of the Palm Beach Post asked Lt Colonel Allen West (rousing applause) how he would respond to the smear, trash and chicanery from the Head coward of the Broward Democ-rat Party, Mitch Caesar.
Here is leftist anti-America vomit being spewed by the Anti-Americans. Their objective? Destroy the USA and those that love, honor and treasure it.
My favorite thing is when the left invokes decency and honor ...............bwahahahahahahahaha. Their idea of decency is John Edwards owning up to paternity.
This afternoon, the Broward County Democratic Chair blasted Republican Congressional candidate Allen West today for his continuing use of extreme rhetoric and incendiary language. West's rhetoric is similar to recent extremist communication from conservative darling Sarah Palin, who endorsed West recently.
West called on his supporters Monday night to make his opponent, Congressman Ron Klein, "scared to come out of his house," at an event earlier this week:
"Let me tell you what you got to do. You've got to make the fella scared to come out of his house," West said. "And that's the only way that you are going to win. That's the only way that to get these people's attention. You got to put pressure on them and make them understand...the clock is ticking."
"Allen West is willfully fanning the flames," Broward County Democratic Chair Mitch Ceasar said. "One of the great ironies is that Allen West loves to talk about freedom and one of the greatest tenets of our democracy is the ability to have divergent opinions, yet Allen West thinks it is appropriate behavior to call his opponent names and use violent language.
"It's not surprising Allen West uses extreme rhetoric to raise his profile. These are serious times and people want a responsible leader who will work to solve problems and move our country forward. Allen West represents exactly the kind of leadership Florida's 22nd Congressional District doesn't deserve," said Ceasar.
West's irresponsible leadership is evidenced by his repeated use of threatening language in his speeches.
"How many people remember that movie The Untouchables? Remember when Sean Connery said with Kevin Costner in that movie, in that church, and he said you got to understand the Chicago way. If you understand the Chicago way, you got to understand how far are you willing to go. Because if they send one of yours to the hospital, you got to send two of theirs to the morgue," West told his Tea Party supporters in Fort Lauderdale March 27.
A day later on his official campaign website, West attacked Congressman Klein in a blog posting.
"I plan to beat you like you stole something dear to me!" West wrote.
In addition, West has used incendiary rhetoric in public forums, saying at Fort Lauderdale club Revolution, "If you're here to stand up-to get your musket, to fix your bayonet, to charge into the ranks-you're my brother and sister in this fight."
West's mentor Sarah Palin is also no stranger to using violent references in her communications. Palin last month unveiled a national political map using rifle crosshairs to mark the members of Congress across the country who supported healthcare reform.
"West and his mentor Sarah Palin are shamefully stoking violent language and symbolism that threatens the safety of our leaders and public officials," Ceasar said. "The hard working people of South Florida know that inciting people with extreme and violent language sometimes leads to far more violent and monstrous acts. It's sad that Allen West and Sarah Palin lack the basic decency, common sense and responsibility to realize this."
Here is West's response:
Yes George, here is my response. The history of the Democratic party is steeped in intimidation. It was the Democratic Party that started the KKK to enforce Jim Crow segregation laws. It was the Democratic party that instituted lynching and other means of violence to preclude blacks from enjoying the Constitutional rights the Republican party established in the 13-15th Amendments and the early Civil Rights Legislation during the Reconstruction Era through the 1960s.It is the Democratic party which today promotes the intimidation tactics of ACORN, SEIU, Code Pink, Anarchist groups, and the New Black Panther Party. Mitch Ceasar is typical of liberal Democrats in seeking to create a smoking mirror when nothing exists. Caesar is a true representative of the politics of hypocrisy that infests the Democrat party.The liberals of Broward County are evidencing their fear of the American people, and our campaign, and OUR voices will not be silenced.If Nancy Pelosi's puppet Congressman Ron Klein will not face his constituents, then yes, he should remain in his gated community home.....and not continue with the charade of being a Representative of the people of Congressional District 22. This is not stoking any violent fringe, it is simply stating the fact that Congressman Ron Klein is a liberal Democrat coward. And Mitch Caesar lives in a world of delusion...perhaps he should focus on the culture of corruption that is the Broward Democrat Party, not this Congressional race.George, tell Mitch to stop playing these petulant, immature games of petty character assassination politics, another Democrat trait, trying to fight for a weak Congressman. Let Klein stand on his own, I am. And yes, the clock is ticking, because on 2 November Ron Klein will indeed be former Congressman Ron Klein.George, feel free to print this entire response as it is going out all across the blog world.Steadfast and Loyal, LTC(R) Allen B West.....Candidate, US Congress Florida District 22
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, April 06, 2010 at 11:06 PM in Allen West: Lt. Colonel's Column from Kandahar | Permalink | Comments (13) ShareThis
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For any other South Africans who are reading this who are still living in SA - I speak to you with a sincerity of a South African who has lived here all his life.. I was born here, I have been schooled here. Yes, South Africa is a beautiful country. But you see what has been happening in our land, politically and racially.. You see how little there is left of our country. There is no hope for our children and in fact any young adult wishing to make a success out of his/her life. What type of a life are we living in if we are having to watch over our shoulders at every turn?
I urge you - get out while you still can, even if it means starting over. Do not become a statistic that is reported on the news. Josh, Atlas reader in South Africa
ANCYL president Julius Malema has defied a court ruling and has sung the revolutionary song 'Kill the Boer.'
Mining groups fear backlash in South Africa Telegraph hat tip Laura
London-listed mining companies are bracing themselves for a wave of ethnic violence in South Africa as tensions escalate following the murder of notorious far-right politician Eugene Terreblanche.
The white supremacist leader was hacked to death at his Transvaal farm on Saturday – the same day that a senior member of the African National Congress (ANC) called for the nationalisation of all South Africa's foreign-owned mines.
Speaking in Zimbabwe on Saturday, Julius Malema, leader of the influential ANC Youth League, said South Africa's mines should be returned to black ownership.
They have exploited our minerals for a very long time. We want the mines, now it's our turn," Mr Malema said.
Most of the UK-listed miners have significant interests in South Africa, particularly Anglo American, but Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton and Xstrata all have major assets within the country. Anglo American has majority stakes in many of the country's miners, including Anglo Platinum and Kumba Iron Ore. These four mining companies make up more than 10pc of the FTSE 100.
Widespread violence could lead to disrupted mine output, analysts said, potentially causing spikes in some commodity prices.
"This is one of the biggest threats to the South African mining industry today," one senior executive told The Daily Telegraph, although they declined to be named.
According to the South African Department of Minerals and Energy, the country has about 85pc of global reserves of platinum, which is used to make catalytic converters for vehicles.
It also has almost 80pc of the world's reserves of manganese and 73pc of global chrome stocks, which is used in the manufacture of stainless steel.
The country also has significant reserves of gold, zirconium and titanium.
"If South Africa adds to the problems it already has, investment is going to go elsewhere," John Meyer, head of mining at broker Fairfax said. "Other African countries such as Mozambique and Burkina Faso are opening up to foreign investment. South Africa's main advantage is its infrastructure, but these developments could prompt companies to look to safer countries to invest."
The outspoken Mr Malema, who has praised the farm seizures of Robert Mugabe, is widely blamed for stoking violence against white farmers after singing a controversial apartheid-era song which includes the line "kill the Boer".
He has been calling for nationalisation for the last three months, prompting Susan Shabangu, South Africa's respected mining minister, to say that a state takeover of the industry would not happen "in her lifetime". She said that Mr Malema was merely stretching his "intellectual muscles".
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, April 06, 2010 at 08:06 PM in South Africa: Genocide of White South Africans | Permalink | Comments (8) ShareThis
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EDL Rally: [4/5/2010 10:01:06 PM] Trevor Kelway: This is the Russian girl who did the short speech in Russian to support the families of those who have died in recent suicide attacks. She wanted to lead the march.
I thought my readers should see more of what actually happened at the EDL rally.
Sareeta, a British Indian Sikh girl and her friend, who was of Caribbean appearance immediately made it clear that the English Defence League was not formed as an organisation which discriminated against individuals from an ethnic background other than English. Surprisingly there are still some narrow minded individuals and groups around in this day and age who will attempt to smear an organisation with these accusations for political gain, even though they know the accusations to be false. Also, Guramit gave a speech, and there was also a speech by a young girl with family in Russia. She gave her speech in Russian as a message of support for the recent Muslim Metro suicide bombings. Sareeta's speech, and the young girls speech can be found here.
EDL Supporters are pelted with Bricks and Bottles
Unfortunately, whilst Sareeta was giving her speech, a mob had approached a corner of the cage surrounding us and started to throw bricks and bottles at us. This caused a surge towards the area, and the missiles were thrown back. Police officers outside the cage did nothing. They stood idly by as we were pelted with a barrage of missiles. This was the moment when some members of our group proceeded to shake the fences down in an attempt to chase the offenders away. We were completely defenceless from inside this makeshift cage, and though we do not condone violence, self defence is the right of every human being. As i mentioned , the police stood and did nothing from outside the cage, and left our stewards to attempt to diffuse the situation. Eventually the fences came down, and at this point the police officers who were standing at the safety of the exterior of the cage appeared to run away! Our stewards did a fantastic job at calming the crowd and containing them in the designated area alone, and as you can see by the video, no major disruption was caused.
Robert Spencer has more on the latest subterfuge to infiltrate the EDL.
EDL rejects white supremacists, neo-Nazis trying to infiltrate
Here is a message from English Defense League leader Tommy Robinson, further belying charges that the group is racist, neo-fascist, neo-Nazi, etc. "Extreme Far Right Nationalists Trying To Recruit EDL": EDL rejects white supremacists, neo-Nazis trying to infiltrate
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, April 06, 2010 at 01:01 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) ShareThis
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The brutality of the crackdown on the Iranian people marching for freedom, for one man one vote, was impossible for those of us in the West to fathom. We heard the horror stories. We saw unarmed people meeting bullets with sheer will. But you cannot win this way.
We watched our President of the United States sanction a crushing suppression of people yearning to be free. We witnessed our President of the United States sanction mass raping and torture and public hangings of innocent people by an Islamic regime that our President of the United States demands that we respect.
Video evidence of rape in the prisons of the Iranian regime *warning – graphic* Planet Iran hat tip Banafsheh
I covered the Iranian revolution extensively -- please scroll here -- there are well over a hundred posts of just revolution coverage. Brutal. The Iranian revolution was what we were waiting for. We knew it was coming. Bush knew it was coming.
Obama sanctioned its squashing like a bug.
Atlas FLASHBACK: Taraneh Moussavi's family says they found her burnt body on the road between the Tehran suburb of Karadj and the town of Qazvin, northwest of Tehran. Taraneh was arrested by the regime's guards just after leaving her beauty school class & was waiting for a friend to arrive.Iran Press News (hat tip Banafsheh)
Taraneh M. is a 28 year old trainee beautician who was arrested more than two weeks ago by security forces on the fringe of the rally on 7th tir (28th june).
Atlas July 14th:
Reports indicate that her family were told that she was in danger due to damage to her anus and womb.
According to reports, this young woman was arrested by plain clothes security forces at 6 pm after participating in the 7th tir ceremony at Ghoba mosque. While after interrogation all other detainees were brought to Nobonyad police station by basij and intelligence agents, the plain clothes agents kept Taraneh in a building near Hosseinie Ershad.
According to witnesses, while most of the participants in the ceremony were dressed in normal clothes and trainers, Taraneh was wearing chic clothes and high-heeled shoes, and caught the interrogators’ attention because of her hairstyle, make-up and beauty.
Obama say: We seek broader engagement based upon mutual interest and mutual respect. We will listen carefully, we will bridge misunderstanding, and we will seek common ground. We will be respectful even when we do not agree.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, April 06, 2010 at 12:11 PM in Iran: The Revolution | Permalink | Comments (10) ShareThis
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