Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Worldview Weekend Newsletter
Featuring Brannon Howse and Friends
Item #1
By Brannon Howse
Item #2
Brannon's guest today is Jan Markell. Jan and Brannon discuss John Piper inviting Rick Warren to speak at his national conference. Why would John Piper do this? Is John in agreement with what appears to be Warren's social justice agenda as Warren calls for the solution to the world's problems being the three legged stool of government, corporations, churches? Rick Warren states in his book The Purpose Driven Life that end-times issue are really known of our business. Really? What does God say about this? What has John Piper had to say about end-times issues and why is he not a supporter of the nation of Israel? John Piper is showing a serious lack of discernment in this decision. Is it possible that Piper was taken in by the Warren personality and not the facts? Does Piper agree with Rick Warren's endorsement of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation that is working to bring the religions of the world together? Does Piper agree with Warren signing the Yale Center document that states that Christians and Muslims worship the same God? This is a very sad day for the church in America. Another leader we thought had enough common sense and Biblical discernment not to be taken in has revealed otherwise. Please pray that John Piper will change his mind and withdraw the speaking invitation of Rick Warren at his conference. John Piper is giving Rick Warren credibility and thus Piper is losing his.
Item #3
By Brannon Howse
I would like to read your thoughts on the decision of John Piper to invite Rick Warren to speak for his national conference. Please click our feedback button and post your comments.
Item #4
By Trevor Loudon
In today's Peoples World he claims an "historic victory" in the health care front and looks forward to more more battles on the road to American socialism.
Item #5
Item #6
By Phyllis Schlafly
For as long as we can remember, the U.S. Supreme Court has included at least one military veteran. Recent examples include Republican-appointed Chief Justice William Rehnquist, who died in 2005, and Justice John Paul Stevens, who is expected to resign this year.
Item #7
Slaughter of the Dissidents Dr. Jerry Bergman is the author of the book, "Slaughter of the Dissidents: The Shocking Truth About Killing the Careers of Darwin Doubters." Himself a victim of discrimination, he talks about the scandals and schemes to marginalize and even silence any who suggest there might be intelligent design and the career destruction of creationists. Darwin rules the roost in all of academia and it is anything but a proven science.
Item #8
By Tom DeWeese
Many Americans believe Bill Clinton has spent his years away from the White House simply enjoying the good life of an ex-president. He gets a full security team; travel expense around the world; a cool presidential library equipped with full living quarters; the best tables at the fanciest eating establishments; huge speaking fees to share his own two cents worth of opinion on any given issue; he gets to show his face on television as an appointed spokesman for the latest disaster relief project; and sometimes even gets to represent the United States at some international meeting.
Item #9
The Influence of the Bible on America - Part 1 Guest: Presentation by David Barton
Item #10
By Ray Comfort
Evolution has no explanation for man's beginning. Some of its believers think that perhaps there was a big bang, but they don't know where the materials came from for it to take place. They don't know what was in the beginning, but they are certain that there was no God. They believe the scientific absurdity that life rose out of non-life. It was simply a case of evolution-did-it.
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Britannia Radio