Tags: Brzezinski-Solarz ME plan Ex-President Jimmy Carter's National Security advisers Zbigniew Brzezinski and former Democratic congressman Stephen Solarz have come up with yet another Middle East peace plan - this one, as published in the Washington Post, relies heavily on a dramatic Barack Obama peace odyssey to the region with a party of Arab leaders and Quartet (US, Russia, EU and UN) members climaxing in a dramatic speech "to all the peoples of the region" from the Old City of Jerusalem. If the A bubble without substance Who should know better than Carter's former adviser that the most perfect peace plans burst like bubbles without solid substance? Yet the duo opened their article with this quarter-truth: "More than three decades ago, Can Carter's former adviser Brzezinski or former congressman Solarz produce a single Arab ruler prepared to accept the current Likud prime minister's peace messengers and hear what they have to offer - much less meet him in Jerusalem or anywhere else in the world as he has proposed? In the 33 years since the Begin-Dayan peace initiative, four Israeli leaders have offered the Palestinians the lion's share of the areas Israel captured from Jordan and Egypt in the 1967 war. In 2000, Ehud Barak, then prime minister, sat opposite Arafat at Camp David and in the presence of Second, the genuine sharing of There is nothing new in these three principles, all of which have been accepted as bases for negotiations by all Israeli governments from the 1993 This reversal of the conventional agenda for
This would be "the culminating event in the journey for peace."
DEBKAfile's analysts agree that the Brzezinski-Solarz extravaganza deserves
Perhaps President Obama's failure to visit
Not only is it inconceivable that the Saudi king, the Syrian president, the Iraqi prime minister - or any other Arab rulers - would consent to set foot in the Jewish state, but even Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and Jordan's King Abdullah, both of whom enjoy the fruits of peace accords with Israel, have never accepted invitations to visit Israel.
The Saudis even rejected out of hand any suggestion of allowing
The two writers naturally omitted the very facts which undermined their argument:
The remark Dayan tossed off in a different period did not prevent him from joining the government of Likud leader Menahem Begin in 1977 in order to undertake a secret mission in women's disguise to an Arab country to meet Egyptian president Anwar Sadat's secret envoy. He then delivered Begin's offer to return all the Egyptian land
Sharm el-Sheikh in Sinai was naturally part of the offer - of which, incidentally, the Carter administration in which Brzezinksi starred knew nothing.
The Likud leader's peace initiative laid the foundation for Anwar Sadat's extraordinarily brave pilgrimage to
Yet both writers adopt wholesale the position advanced most vocally of late by
Palestinians turned down four previous Israeli offers of a state
Their projected peace plan has the effect of good advice to the Palestinians and their Arab patrons to sit tight and wait for President Obama to table his "framework for peace" at the UN Security Council as a mandatory resolution. This would force
This proposition is gainsaid by another fact of life which both Brzezinski and Solarz choose to ignore and which every objective, informed
The Palestinians - today as always before - are secretly opposed to the independent state on offer.
In 1993, Yitzhak Rabin signed the
Arafat rejected the offer there and then and, two months later, in September, unleashed his suicide terror offensive against
In 2005, Ariel Sharon unilaterally pulled every last Israeli civilian and soldier our of the Gaza Strip and handed it over to the Palestinian Authority - only to have it fall a year later in June 2006 in a putsch staged by the Iranian-backed, extremist Hamas, exposing southwester Israel to a systematic missile offensive.
In 2007, Ehud Olmert offered Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) 94.4 percent of the
In the fourteen months since Binyamin Netanyahu has been prime minister, he has been consistently snubbed every time he proposed restarting peace talks, even after he reluctantly accepted the Obama principle of a two-state solution to the conflict. He even accepted proximity talks as an interim measure for getting negotiations going.
Abbas demanded that the 10-month settlement construction freeze on the West Bank be extended to
No need to talk: Obama will deliver
The result is that
So why on earth do the Palestinians need to bother with diplomacy when the Obama administration is more than willing to fetch and carry for them? And if anyone is threatened with UN sanctions for intransigence, it is not the Palestinians, but
The Brzezinski-Solarz "peace plan" as published in the Washington Post is based on three principles:
First, compensation for, and the resettlement of, the Arab refugees in the Palestinian state but not in
Third, a territorial settlement based on the 1967 borders with mutual and equal adjustments to allow the incorporation of the largest West Bank settlements into
DEBKAfile asks therefore: Why not go along with their all-or-nothing demands? Let us for the sake of argument accept the writers' claim (without solid proof) that the "Israeli occupation" harms US national interests and objectives in the region, and tell the Palestinians they are free to go ahead and establish their own state right away without further palaver with
Every inch of the Gaza Strip - 100 percent - is already in Palestinian hands and more than 70 percent of the
To find this out, Brzezinski and Solarz need go no further than former
In off-the-record conversations with
The Brzezinski-Solarz peace plan therefore rests on the flimsiest possible premises, is unsupported by any serious research into past or present factors. It appears to be designed to clothe
In so doing, the two world-class strategists failed to notice the biggest peril looming largest over the Middle East and
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Carter's adviser projects a Middle East plan full of fallacies
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis April 12, 2010, 6:55 PM (GMT+02:00)
Jimmy Carter's NS adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski
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