Tuesday, 13 April 2010

You would have thought that after the backlash he received last time, Obama's advisors would have him well drilled on the proper Presidential way in which to meet foreign dignitaries, but Obama must be so eager to prove his fealty to his global elite masters that he broke tradition yet again in appearing to bow to Chinese Communist leader Hu Jintao.
No, not just Greece – all of Europe. Without Congressional authorization or notice, of course.
Last week the federal government’s Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission held hearings as part of their continuing investigation into the causes of the acute economic meltdown which occurred in late summer 2008.
I got to thinking about how the information about temperatures is presented. Usually, we are shown a graph something like Fig. 1, which shows the change in the US temperatures over the last century.
Experts on third world banana republics from the IMF and the Federal Reserve have said the U.S. has become a third world banana republic.
Social workers behaved like officials in ‘Stalin’s Russia or Mao’s China’ in attempting to remove children from loving mothers, senior judges have said.
The Russian government prevented the Polish president’s plane from landing four times to divert him from a ceremony to mark the 70th anniversary of the Katyn massacre, according to an MP.
What did Eisenhower mean when he warned of the dangers of the Military Industrial Complex and the scientific elite? Those powers are alive and well in the era of globalization; they and their international partners work behind the cloak of national security.
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Britannia Radio