Video Shows US Killing Unarmed Civilians How the Corporations Broke Ralph Nader and America, Too What The Top U.S. Companies Pay In Taxes Cuba 'will not bow to pressure': In a 45-minute nationally televised address on Sunday, Castro said that the United States and Europe were waging "an unprecedented publicity war" against Havana in support of Cuban dissidents. Over $5 bln arms contracts with Venezuela in the works - Putin: "Our delegation has just returned from Venezuela, while the aggregate volume of contracts could exceed $5 billion," Putin said at a meeting with Russian defense industry officials. He said the figure includes a $2.2 billion Russian loan to Venezuela. US delays China currency report, urges flexible yuan: US Treasury Secretary Timothy F Geithner delayed a scheduled April 15 report to Congress on exchange-rate policies, sidestepping a decision on whether to accuse China of manipulating the value of the yuan. How Washington Abetted the Bank Job: The collapse of Enron back in 2001 revealed that the biggest financial institutions, here and abroad, were busy creating products whose sole purpose was to help companies magically transform their debt into capital or revenue. National debt seen heading for crisis level: With ferocious speed, the financial crisis, recession and efforts to combat the recession have swung the U.S. debt from worrisome to ruinous, promising to handcuff the administration. Foreclosures' coming wave: Commercial properties: As home foreclosures continue to mount throughout Central Florida, code-enforcement officers say apartments, condominiums and other commercial buildings are being abandoned by their owners and repossessed by banks in growing numbers. Office Vacancy Rate Hits 16 - Year High: The U.S. office vacancy rate rose to 17.2 percent, a level unseen since 1994, as the market lost about 11.6 million net square feet of occupied space during the first quarter, according to the report released on Monday
By WikiLeaks
WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad -- including two Reuters news staff. Continue
By Chris Hedges
Ralph Nader’s descent from being one of the most respected and powerful men in the country to being a pariah illustrates the totality of the corporate coup. Nader’s marginalization was not accidental. It was orchestrated to thwart the legislation that Nader and his allies—who once consisted of many in the Democratic Party—enacted to prevent corporate abuse, fraud and control. Continue
By Christopher Helman
As you work on your taxes this month, here's something to raise your hackles: Some of the world's biggest, most profitable corporations enjoy a far lower tax rate than you do--that is, if they pay taxes at all. Continue
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
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Britannia Radio