The would-be prime minister also gives an indication that he will be prepared to join Mr Obama in taking a tough line with Israel on the issue of settlements. ‘Unlike a lot of politicians from Britain who visit Israel, when I went I did stand in occupied East Jerusalem and actually referred to it as ‘occupied East Jerusalem,’ he says. ‘The Foreign Office bod who was with me said most ministers don’t dare say [that].’ Tough on the victims of terror too, eh, Dave -- with not one word about Palestinian intransigence towards Israel or Iran's genocidal threat? So now we know the Tories too will be on the wrong side of history. Daily Mail, 5 April 2010 The latest threatened public sector strike is even more juvenile than all the others. Literally. Teachers of the NASUWT union voted unanimously at the weekend for a ballot over industrial action — over the behaviour of the children they teach. They say a government scheme called Student Voice, which allows pupils a say over the way they are taught, is being abused by pupils. One aspect of the scheme is that children help select prospective teachers and provide feedback on teachers’ performance. The all-too predictable outcome has been that such immature opinions have often been genuinely infantile — and yet have had to be taken seriously. As a result, one teacher failed to be appointed after being labelled ‘Humpty Dumpty’ by a child. Another was humiliated by being told to sing her favourite song; she refused and didn’t get the job. A third was asked by children on the interview panel how this candidate might impress the judges of ITV’s Britain’s Got Talent. The union also says pupils are ‘informing’ on their teachers and manipulating questionnaires so they can unfairly criticise staff. For children to be put in this position at all is ludicrous. Is there anything more inappropriate than children taking upon themselves the role of adults in this way? Well, actually, yes there is: when adults themselves have bestowed upon the children in their care a wholly inappropriate authority — and then turn round and complain about how they use it. Contrary to what the union says, the Student Voice scheme is not being abused. It is itself an abuse of education by drastically confusing the respective roles of teacher and pupil. Student Voice is based on the premise that children are entitled to a role in the management and delivery of their own education. But that is the role of the teachers, who are in loco parentis. The idea is as absurd as saying that children are entitled to arbitrate on their own parenting. Yet having set this hare running, the Government now tries to pretend that it is not responsible for the consequences. In a piece of typical gobbledegook, the Department for Children, Schools and Families says pupils were not meant to have an ‘input on the performance management of teachers’. Yet, at the same time, pupils could be involved in ‘developing engaging lessons’, it says, ‘by providing feedback on teaching style in a structured way’. Well, what is ‘feedback on teaching style’ other than an ‘input into the performance management of teachers’ — including saying silly things when teachers are interviewed for a job? And anyway, since when was it the job of pupils to develop ‘engaging lessons’? As Chris Keates, general secretary of the NASUWT, said, children are not adults and treating them as such strips teachers of their professional dignity. Amen to that. But it’s a bit late now for Ms Keates to discover these essential truths. For this is not a situation just of the Government’s making. Teachers themselves have been party to the assumption behind this scheme that pupils are quasi-adults responsible for their own education. Indeed, at the weekend, educationist Stephen Heppell from Bournemouth told Radio 4’s Today programme that Student Voice had resulted in ‘a better quality of learning’. Teachers have gone along with the scheme’s infantilisation of their profession, for example bringing in balloons, a snowboard and a didgeridoo to curry favour with their infant interlocutors on interview panels. And now we learn that a Kent head teacher has issued his pupils with iPhones so they can email him comments on their teachers’ performances. This grotesque approach has not descended out of a clear blue sky. More profoundly and devastatingly, for several decades the entire education establishment has gone along with the benighted belief that pupils should usurp the authority of teachers in the classroom itself. For years, ‘child-centred’ orthodoxy has held sway — the pernicious, anti-education doctrine which holds that what children already carry inside their heads is more important and valuable than what teachers can teach them. Indeed, under this orthodoxy any discipline, or structure, or body of knowledge imparted by teachers was considered to be an imposition on a child’s autonomy. So, in effect, children became responsible for their own education. Instead of teachers initiating their pupils into knowledge of the world beyond themselves, ‘learners’ would discover information for themselves, with teachers relegated to a background position as mere ‘facilitators’. One of the worst examples of this was the un-teaching of reading, with children expected to learn to read through a kind of osmosis rather than being taught step by step to decode words on a page. Everything revolved around the central fixation that children were their own best authority and must never be told what to do. So even very young children were expected to make ‘informed choices’ about sex and drugs. The result was that children supplanted teachers and pupils became active ‘learners’. While, of course, all pupils learn anyway, this change in terminology was highly significant. It altered learning from being what happens when children are taught to what children do to teach themselves. Founded upon the truism that we all never stop learning throughout our lives, it destroyed the demarcation between school and adult life. The absurdity of this was illustrated some three years ago when one trendy London primary school head teacher relabelled himself ‘lead learner’. Not surprisingly, this loss of belief in the core function of education meant that many pupils were effectively abandoned to stumble through the world. The result was that, unable to read or master the basics of knowledge, more children switched off from school and disorder rose. And the more that happened, the more demoralised teachers became and loaded yet more onto ‘learners’ — leading to the lunacy of ‘learnacy’, the nonsensical doctrine that a child should ‘manage its own learning’ because there was no point in teaching anything at all. This entailed an enormous transfer of responsibility from adult to child. And the NASUWT, which is now complaining so loudly about one of the outcomes of this madness, went along with it. Indeed, its website states that the union wants to make ‘learners’ understand ‘the extent to which they are personally responsible for their own learning’. In other words, the teachers’ union is happy to go along with this destructive doctrine while it is destroying children’s education — but only when it starts to have an impact on teachers’ own job prospects does it start to squeal. And by threatening to strike, it thus further compounds the damage already done to the children in its care. Sententiously, the union intones: ‘Too often, teachers are afforded fewer rights, entitlements and less professional respect than other professions.’ But it is the teachers themselves who have undermined that respect by knocking the stuffing out of the vital job they do. This profound confusion about the demarcation between adults and children goes far beyond the education world. Family life has also been affected. Too many parents are afraid to impose discipline and boundaries on their children; or they allow them to have highly sexualised clothes or toys; or they regard themselves inappropriately as their children’s friends. At root, this confusion is based on the desire of adults to relieve themselves of responsibility towards children either as parents or as teachers. It is a profound infantilisation of the adult world, which has not just deprived a teacher of a job but created an entire Humpty Dumpty society.Monday, 5th April 2010
David Obameron bravely stands up to the victims of religious war
10:27pmThose who hope that a Tory government led by David Cameron would be less hostile to Israel than the current UK Labour administration and less likely to swallow Arab propaganda should take note of Cameron’s comments in the FT a few days ago:
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
April 5, 2010
Britain’s Humpty Dumpty education system
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