"Look at their Federal Election Commission reports, these spineless politicians are owned and operated by the radical Islamists and their sinister front groups." James Lafferty The first action SOIA (Stop Islamization of America) endorsed and supported was VAST's (Virginia Anti-Sharia Task Force) PROTEST AT 9/11 MOSQUE FUNDRAISING DINNER. I was thrilled to be able to work with the wonderful James Lafferty, chairman of VAST. We denounced the appearances by Congressmen Gerry Connolly (D-Virginia) and James Moran (D-Virginia) and former Gov. Tim Kaine at a fundraising dinner for the controversial mosque Dar Al Hijrah. Reps. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., and Jim Moran, D-Va., have "trashed their oath to protect and defend the U.S." by agreeing to attend the annual banquet for Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center, a large mosque in Falls Church, Va., a suburb of Washington, according to the Virginia Anti-Shariah Task Force, or VAST. VAST criticized Virginia Democrat Gov. Tim Kaine for agreeing to attend the event, while praising Democrat Sen. Jim Webb of Virginia for withdrawing from the event following complaints from concerned constituents. "While brave young Virginia men and women are risking their lives to fight terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan, Connolly, Moran and Kaine are yucking it up with them and slapping each other on the back over at the Marriott," charged VAST Chairman James Lafferty. The good news is, with the exception of jihad tool, Gerry Connolly, THEY DID NOT SHOW UP TO THE DINNER. VICTORY! This is a template for SIOA. What better strategy in dealing with Congressmen on the jihad payroll and/or advancing Islamic supremacism? It will have a devastating impact on congressmen (particularly those running), and indeed might even end their seedy political careers. It will send a direct in-your-face message to our other elected loose canons who never address these intentions or activities to their electorate and then abuse their positions once elected. James Lafferty, Chairman of VAST, sent me these observations of today's protest: At the beginning of the big Dar Al Hijrah fundraising dinner at a Northern Virginia Marriott, liberal Congressman Gerry Connolly was the only elected official left standing on the radical mosque’s invitation list. And there were no reported sightings of “Jihad Gerry” at or near the dinner. The original guest list published on the Dar Al Hijrah website included seven politicians, all Democrats including DNC chairman and former Virginia Governor Tim Kaine. Subjected to a heavy barrage of phone calls to their offices and the offices of some of their high-dollar contributors, everyone from Senator Jim Webb and liberal Congressman Jim Moran to several Virginia delegates either flat-out withdrew or found some excuse for not attending the jihadi dinner. The Virginia Anti-Shariah Task Force (VAST), ACT for America, the Center for Security Policy and Stop the Islamization of America (SIOA) successfully turned the stampede of politicians away from the 9/11 mosque dinner.None of the observers present outside the dinner was able to spot a single politician entering the dinner. “The tide is turning,” said VAST Chairman James Lafferty. “In the past, politicians got wined and dined by Dar Al Hijrah and got fat checks from CAIR and other radical groups. Nothing was said and no one knew. Now we are shining the light of public scrutiny on this whole shady process. “Connolly may still get fat checks from the jihadi front-groups and their bag men but everyone will know about it. The anti-shariah coalition of activist groups here in Virginia will blow the whistle. More people will read his FEC campaign contribution reports than read the Washington Post.” Coalition protestors gathered across the street from the Marriott in Falls Church with signs like “Dar Al Hijrah is Anti-American” and “My Congressman is a Traitor.” Several van loads of women in burkas responded in various ways from flipping them off to yelling “get a life!” Hotel and private security guards refused to allow several ticket holders to enter the event and even ejected some of the people who had purchased the tickets at the Dar Al Hijrah website because they didn’t appear on an invited guest list. The only explanation was that there were concerns about the “anti-shariah people” disrupting the event. There were certainly plenty of seats. Given the many cancellations by the politicians, the event wasn’t anywhere near sold out. Huge victory for counter jihad action. The original flier headlined that seven elected officials were “invited”: former Virginia Governor Tim Kaine, now Chair of the Democratic National Committee, Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA), Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA), Sen. James Webb (D-VA), Fairfax Board of Supervisors Chairwoman Sharon Bulova, Fairfax Supervisor Penny Gross, and Virginia State Delegate Kaye Kory. Federal investigators say Dar al-Hijrah is a breeding ground for known terrorists, including: Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, April 03, 2010 at 01:54 PM in Fighting the jihad, SIOA: Stop the Islamization of America | Permalink | Comments (0) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! Any Atlas readers in or around Dudley? GO! Get thee to the EDL protest today. Here are the details. I will have full coverage late Saturday NY time. The English Defence League (EDL) Dudley demonstration is fast approaching and there is nothing that the pro Islamist toadies in the establishment can do about it! It seems that they may finally have to accept public opinion or risk losing their own political influence. The people of Dudley have a unique opportunity to join with like minded people from around the country and indeed from across Europe to stand up and say with a single voice ‘enough is enough’! In doing so those who do decide to join this important demonstration will be part of a multinational, multiracial, trans-social coalition of people who are joining together to oppose the tyranny and iniquity of sharia. It is an opportunity for people to thumb their noses at the political class who claim to know what is best for people and what is best for society. Any rational assessment that involves even a modicum of common sense would reveal such establishment proclivities toward the socially destructive and divisive to be the nonsense that we all know they are. One of the key issues with regard to Dudley is the mega mosque project there. Due to public pressure, the Council effectively told the proponents of the structure to stick it by denying planning permission. I am sure they did it on justified planning grounds rather than by assessing the role of mosques in Islam, which perhaps should have been part of their deliberations, and indeed all deliberations with regard to the construction of mosques. However, it would appear that what in the opinion of some is a pro Government lackey overrode the decision of the democratic representatives of the people and reversed the Council decision – so much for local democracy and accountability! Policy makers are probably already aware, though choose to negligently ignore, the publication entitled ‘The Mosque Exposed’ by S Solomon and E Almaqdis which outlines the role of the mosque in society and demonstrates quite clearly that its role is not identical to that of a Christian Church as many people erroneously believe. A mosque is not just a place of worship and spiritual reflection. Those who are interested in learning about the role of a mosque in society, be they ordinary members of the public or policy makers who have been entrusted as the custodians of national well-being, should certainly set time aside to read this excellent and informative little book – it is a real eye-opener. The self indulgent platitudes of the ruling class no longer wash with the British people. The ruling elite will have to learn to listen, take note, and develop policies that keep the country safe. People are becoming acutely aware of their cowardice and moral weakness. It may be that they want to push the difficult questions under the carpet, but this is a general election year and this is the one and perhaps only time during the political cycle that they must listen or face the wrath of the voting public. They might believe that people can only vote for the main parties and that they are the only parties capable of forming a Government. However, when it comes down to it the people do not necessarily have to be so gullible, they can vote according to their consciences and can vote according the national interest for people who take the national interest to heart. David Cameron may or may not believe that it is his turn to be Prime Minister, but it is the people and not him who will ultimately decide. I would personally suggest that people neither vote for the parties of Brown, or of Clegg, or of Cameron, as they will all likely pursue policies that will help to usher in the final stages of the destruction of this once great country. Proposed Mosque in Dudley Details for Dudley demonstration, Saturday 3rd April 2010 Arriving locally: Get to Cinderbank island before 1pm, parking will be available. Arriving by train: Use DUDLEY PORT train station, and police will bus you into the demo area. Police will also maintain a presence at other stations to assure order is kept. Arriving by bus/coach: Get to Frankly services (J3 M5) by 11:30am. You will be taken in under police escort to the demo muster area. Arriving by car/motorcycle: Get to Frankly services by 11:30am. You will be bussed in by police as part of the escort into the demo muster area. You will not receive any parking tickets, and police will maintain a presence to safeguard your vehicles. Returning: Police will escort everyone back to their respective journey points after the demonstration. Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, April 03, 2010 at 03:03 AM in COUNTER JIHAD 2009 | Permalink | Comments (3) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! This is who America has relied on for her news. Is it any wonder that Americans are increasingly turning to the net and talk for their news? These whores should be polishing doorknobs ............... uh, scratch that. They are. They would sell their mothers down the river. Hell, they sold their country down the river for less. Would such an idea be possible under a Bush? The communications team at the White House has an extremely difficult job -- and I admire how hard Ben Rhodes, Bill Burton, Tommy Vietor, and of course Robert Gibbs and others work to connect the President's policy direction with a communications effort that furthers the Obama agenda. The role of the White House press corps is to engage this team and work on public's behalf to report not only on what they are fed by the communications team but what they are not. There are good friendships between White House media and those they cover inside the White House -- but they can't be FRIENDS in the fullest sense. They are supposed to be rivals, wrestling over stories and the truth that is conveyed through the media to American citizens. But an unhealthy pattern is developing in this White House -- a trend that may very well have been a part of other presidencies as well -- but what is happening today needs comment. Some journalists seem to be putting their self interest above their responsibilities to the public as well as their employers. As Howard Kurtz and Glenn Greenwald have both commented, many White House correspondents and other top tier journalists want to write Obama books. Anything with "Obama" on it is running at a huge premium in the book publication market. But the kind of books that sell need "inside access" and this is something that the communications team at the White House doles out minimally, and increasingly, only when favors are part of the arrangement. What I have learned after discussions over the last several days with several journalists who either have regular access to the White House or are part of the White House press corps is that there is a growing sense that access is traded for positive stories -- or perhaps worse, an agreement that things learned will not be reported in the near term. "Axe" and "Gibbs" know who needs access to get their books pushed forward. They know who will pay for play -- and are taking notes on who has been naughty and nice in their reporting. The rest is here. Want to read an Obama book with more than a little truth? Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, April 03, 2010 at 02:44 AM in Leftist MEDIA JIHAD aligned with Terror Force, Obama's Corruption Eruption | Permalink | Comments (3) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! Nidra Poller has written a seminal piece for Atlas on the essential existence of Israel. "What makes Jerusalem so precious? The Jews." Bingo, Nidra, bingo. Israel is the heart of our civilization, not the appendix The airwaves are thick with the sound of raucous voices and clashing swords. O Jerusalem--well, ok, East Jerusalem-- and the thundering hooves will brook no opposition! Get Israel! At the slightest twinge of international pain they cry out, “Cut it off! Get rid of it, and the worldwide body politic will finally live in peace.” Ahmadinejad has promised hundreds of times to wipe Israel off the map without provoking much of a reaction. His proxies stock arms, poke and prod, without raising international eyebrows. Then Israel approves housing construction in Jerusalem and the sleeping warriors awake. Grrrrrr! The Obama administration bares its fangs and the troops go into action. General Petraeus warns—then denies he warned-- that the unresolved Israel-Palestine conflict is disturbing Muslim nations, stimulating extremism, and putting our boys in danger. Walt & Mearsheimer point the finger at homegrown Zionists who are twisting the arm of this vast nation, bringing it to its knees, and forcing filthy Israel down our throats. Israel is a pain. Dr. Quack has the solution. Cut out that festering appendix and the ummah will welcome us with open arms. The “two-state solution that everyone knows will resolve the conflict” is brandished like a scimitar: Israeli withdrawal to the ’67 (’49 armistice) lines, dismantlement of settlements, a mini territorial tradeoff, a “solution” to the refugee problem, and the creation of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital… The “solution” is a lethal narrative, a knife to the heart of Jerusalem that cripples Jewish sovereignty in the homeland. What makes Jerusalem so precious? The Jews. Mecca was sanctified by Islam, even though the black stone pre-existed the founding gesture, and Jerusalem was sanctified by Judaism. Subsequent religious claims to the city are accretions to the original consecration. Jerusalem is the Christian holy land because Jesus was a Jew. And Islam’s claim is based on a scriptural injunction to supersede Judaism and Christianity. If Muslim claims to Jerusalem are not religious they are inexplicable. Ramallah would be a more suitable capital of a Palestinian state that truly intended to live peacefully side by side with Israel. Why should the world be dragged into a fierce tug of war when there is enough for everyone… if, in fact, it is a question of legitimate aspirations. The Muslim claim to Jerusalem is staked on the Al Aqsa mosque and the gilded Dome of the Rock that dominate the Temple Mount (the French call it “l’esplanade des mosquées”). And if it is granted, the heart of our civilization will be broken. The precedent established in Jerusalem will be extended to Paris, New York, London, the Hague, Detroit, Washington D.C… wherever a mosque is built, Islam will extend its political sovereignty. It will be the end of separation of church and state, the end of religious and political freedom. Al Aqsa is built on the ruins of the Jewish Temple. Europeans—so eager to impose the division of Jerusalem-- finally nixed plans for mega- mosques in Rome and London. But their long-delayed awakening is trumped by the anti-Zionism of the American president. Two weeks ago mosque-goers threw rocks down from the Temple Mount at Jews worshipping at the kotel (Western Wall). Local Islamists regularly stir up the masses with false claims that Israel is violating the sanctity of al Aqsa. Then President Obama worked up a fury against the Israeli government with false claims that housing construction in “East” Jerusalem (as if it were another state, like South Dakota!) jeopardizes the peace process. Ramat Shlomo is in north Jerusalem but ideology doesn’t have a compass. The restoration of the Har Hova synagogue, “right next to Islam’s holiest sites,” was a further affront to Islam dutifully relayed by the world’s pundits, bereft of the slightest notions of logic and chronology. Barack Hussein Obama dragged Benyamin Netanyahu into the coal shed and bound him hand and foot with ultimatums. Add it all up: in the space of two short weeks the free world has bowed to the will of Temple Mount Islamists! The faulty religious justification for the division of Israel’s capital is shored up with a secular narrative that starts from a falsified baseline where all of Israel was Palestinian land stolen by Jewish colonizers who created an illegal state which was subsequently extended by military conquests to include “East Jerusalem.” Out of the goodness of their hearts the Palestinians will reluctantly accept the fait accompli for a rump state within the 1949 armistice line. But that’s all! Everything else is illegal and all means of reconquest are justified. Jerusalem was divided by the sword. The neighborhoods claimed today as exclusively reserved for Arab-Muslims were emptied of their rightful Jewish residents by atrocious massacres. The survivors fled for their lives. When Europe--followed now by the United States--validates that sort of zoning regulation, the rules will apply to their own cities. No need for tanks rumbling down the Champs Elysées or bombs raining down on Coventry. Just increase the pressure on the pesky State of Israel, cut off its blood supply, and discover--too late--that you’ve given yourself a massive heart attack. Hillary Clinton’s “tough love” AIPAC speech concluded with a Passover homily. Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt, preached the Secretary of State, and at every step of liberation and up to the threshold of the Promised Land, there were always hangers-back who said it was “too dangerous, too hard, too risky.” Today, she would have us believe, the Promised Land is a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. Israelis, like their hero Moses, should just do the right thing! Was there a rabbi in the house? The lesson of pesach (Passover) is that the children of Israel were liberated from slavery in Egypt by the alliance between their own determination and the “outstretched hand.” The Jewish people have remained faithful to this Alliance, which is inseparable from the integrity of Jerusalem. The pesach seder is not the commemoration of a dead past, it is expressly the here and now of liberation. “I was a slave in Egypt…” We do not bow our heads to pharaohs, to presidents, or to international opinion. The emissaries sent to Canaan to get the lay of the land came back and warned that it would be too hard to redeem the divine promise. “It’s no Paradise. And besides there’s all kinds of tough guys there,” they said, shivering in their boots. Deemed unworthy of the promised homeland, the liberated slaves spent forty years in the wilderness, learning to be free. They gave birth to a new generation that had the courage to build a sovereign Jewish nation with Jerusalem as its capital. The values they forged are at the heart of our civilization. Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, April 03, 2010 at 02:28 AM in Nidra Poller Exclusive: Baked on the Premises | Permalink | Comments (7) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This!COUNTER JIHAD VICTORY: PROTEST AT 911 MOSQUE FUNDRAISING DINNER -- LEGISLATORS SHUN JIHAD DINNER
Communications Corruption at the White House Washington Note