I have written on the main themes of the book for this week’s Spectatormagazine and for Standpoint which has made it the cover story. You can also read an early review of it here. Although the book is not published in the UK, you can easily obtain it fromAmazon. I will be in Washington DC and New York City over the next few days to promote it. On Monday May 3 I will be speaking at the American Enterprise Institute in DC, and on Thursday May 6 at a Hudson Institute event in New York. perfectly legitimate to raise the topic. Big of him. The fact is that the second most pressing concern on voters’ minds has been all but invisible as an issue across all three main political parties. The most toxic aspect of Brown’s debacle yesterday, when he accused pensioner Gillian Duffy of being a ‘bigoted woman’, was that the appalling attitude he displayed could not be dismissed as a one-off, heat of the moment, poor fellow under enormous pressure sort of thing. That whole constellation of contempt for ordinary people, consisting of a) the view that their attitudes on immigration and a host of other matters are pig-ignorant and prejudiced and b) the politicians’ pretence that they are...Friday, 30th April 2010
My new book
Thursday, 29th April 2010
The face of hypocrisy
Friday, 30 April 2010
My new book, The World Turned Upside Down: The Global Battle over God, Truth and Power has just been published in the US by Encounter. On Wednesday evening, the Spectator very generously hosted a splendid party in London to mark its publication, and I am extremely grateful for the support of Fraser Nelson and his team.
Suddenly Labour is falling over itself to say that immigration is not off-limits. This morning, the Home Secretary Alan Johnson said it was
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Britannia Radio