Friday, 30 April 2010 06:20 'The White House has reportedly called on Congress to provide waivers in the Iran sanction bill that would allow Chinese and Russian companies to do business with Iran. The Obama administration is pressing Congress to provide an exemption from sanctions against Iran for certain companies of "cooperating countries," Foxnews reported on Thursday. Congressmen believe the decision is aimed at relieving concerns about possible penalties for Chinese and Russian companies and garnering Moscow and Beijing's support for a fourth round of sanctions against Iran in the UN Security Council.' Read more: US Exempts Russia, China from Iran Sanctions Bill Friday, 30 April 2010 06:09 'A senior Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri has held Egypt responsible for the death of four Palestinians killed in a border tunnel and has demanded for an impartial investigation. Speaking at a press conference in Gaza on Thursday, Abu Zuhri strongly condemned Cairo's application of gas against Palestinian citizens. The Hamas official also demanded Egypt to conduct an immediate probe into the incident and to prosecute the perpetrators, the International Middle East Media Center reported. "This is not the first time Egypt launches poison gas attacks against tunnel workers. At least 40 tunnel workers have been poisoned by toxic gasses since the siege on Gaza began. A total of 145 have lost their lives in various events," Abu Zuhri pointed out.'
Friday, 30 April 2010
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Britannia Radio