Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, April 25, 2010 at 12:44 AM | Permalink | Comments (1) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Please join me here tomorrow as we stand in solidarity with Israel, a sovereign nation on the front lines of the global jihad. Sign up here. I will be speaking. Stand against the forces of anti-semitism and Islamic Jew hatred. Come. Stand with those that on the front of the global jihad. Fight the anti-semitism in the White House. Obama's long time animus towards the Jewishpeople is well-documented in my forthcoming book with Robert Spencer: The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America. STAND IN SOLIDARITY WITH ISRAEL’S RIGHT TO BUILD AND LIVE IN ITS OWN COUNTRY. A CLARION CALL FOR A UNITED JEWISH JERUSALEM, AND PROTEST AGAINST THE ADMINISTRATION’S SCAPEGOATING OF ISRAEL. DATE: A Rally in Solidarity with Israel, Sun, April 25, 2010 TIME: 1 PM LOCATION: Israel Consulate, 2nd Ave between 42nd and 43rd St, NYC Jewish Action Alliance and: Freedom Defense Initiative (FDI) and Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, Doris Wise Montrose, President; Center for Policy Research in American Education (CPR);Christians and Jews United for Israel, May Long, President; Coalition for Israel, Howard Weber, President; Mallory Danaher, Director, David Horowitz Freedom Center; Hindu Human Rights Watch; Sarah N. Stern, Founder and President, Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET); Global Security Council, Dr. Charles Jacobs, President, Americans for Peace and Tolerance; Dr. Herbert London, President, The Hudson Institute; Susan Rosenbluth, Editor, Jewish Voice and Opinion; Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam; Joan Peters, author, From Time Immemorial; Dr. Daniel Pipes; Glenn Richter; Unity Coalition for Israel, Esther Levens, President;; Lt. Col. Allen West; Jeffrey Wiesenfeld, CUNY Trustee; Zionist Organization of America, Morton Klein, President; Z Street, Lori Lowenthal Marcus, President; and many other leaders and organizations. If you haven't joined Robert Spencer and me in the launch of Stop the Islamization of America, join here now. Be a mensch, be a member. Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 06:02 PM in SIOA: Stop the Islamization of America | Permalink | Comments (7) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Bonjour Pamela et amis ,en effet cette affaire relance plus fort encore le débat sur la burka chez nous! Nicolas Sarkosy a dit vouloir une loi sur la burka totale et les français approuvent!(nous n'oublions pas que Barak Obama a déclaré à ce sujet chez nous ,que les gensdoivent etre libres de s'habiller comme ils veulent)mais ,Nicolas Sarkosy ne sera pas le toutou de Barak 0bama .De plus ,après enquète sur cette femme voilée , il s'est avéré qu'elle fait partie des 4 femmes qui ont 12 enfants de son mari ,algérien naturalisé par mariage, et qui fait parti d'un groupe islamique radical ! Ils ont fraudés en déclarant qu'elles étaient "méres isolées" pour toucher plus d'allocations ! donc le mari va etre poursuivi pour escroqueries ,bigamies, et Mr Hortefeux a demandé qu'il soit déchu de sa nationalité Française,j'espère que cela sera , cela va faire grand bruit ! Ces gens là nous empoisonnent notre vie ,et il ne faut surtout pas faire preuve de faibles se avec eux ! c'est une gangrène qu'il faut vite éradiquer sinon le monde entier sera perdu ! From French reader Kate (google translation): Hello Pamela and friends, in fact the case even stronger stimulus debate on the burka with us! Nicolas Sarkozy said he wanted a law on the burka and the French Total approve! (We must not forget that Barack Obama has said about it here, that people should be free to dress as they want) but, Nicolas Sarkozy will not be the dog of Barack 0bama. In addition, after investigating the veiled woman, it turned out it was one of four women who have 12 children of her husband, Algerian naturalized by marriage, which is part a radical Islamic group! They have defrauded them by saying they were "single mothers" to reach more benefits! So the husband will be prosecuted for fraud, bigamy, and Mr Hortefeux asked whether stripped of his French nationality, I hope it will, it will make some noise! Those people we poison our lives and it is important not to show low be with them! is a gangrene that must be quickly eradicated if the world will be lost! The incident has now reached ministerial level. On Friday, the Interior Minister requested the Immigration Minister look into revoking the French nationality of the driver’s husband as information he possessed showed the man was a polygamist married to four women with 12 children. “Each of these women benefit from single parent benefits and … each one wears the full veil,” Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux said in the letter seen by Reuters, adding he had asked the local authorities to look into possible benefit fraud. “I would appreciate it, should these factors prove true, if you could study whether this individual could be stripped of the French nationality,” Hortefeux said, addressing Immigration Minister Eric Besson. According to the woman’s Algerian-born husband acquired French nationality in 1999. In their compelling book, "Modern Day Trojan Horse: The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration," authors Sam Solomon, a former professor of shari'ah law and convert to Christianity, and Elias Al Maqdisi, an expert on Islamic teachings, explain the migration of Muslims to the Dar-al-Harb, the "land of war," as a religious edict with a basis in Islamic doctrine. They delineate the step-by-step process of this 1,400-year-old strategy of conquest. It is a transitional strategy which they characterize as the most important step in spreading Islam and preparing for jihad. From their carefully delineated treatise on Hijra, it is clear that migration in concert with military conquest comprise the bookends of Islamic expansionism. Solomon and Al Maqdisi review the phases of the Hijra and its juristic or legal basis in Islamic doctrine. Under the cover of taquiya or deception, the step-by-step methodology of the migration process is designed to subdue, then, subjugate the host culture, culminating in implementation of shari'ah law. The beginning phase of Islamization usually includes activities pivotal to building a physical presence. It consists of public calls to prayer; founding of schools, libraries and research centers; and the teaching of Arabic -- actions that appear to be reasonable and respectable infrastructure requirements necessary to support the presence of a faith. At this point in the Hijra, it is permissible for Muslims to engage in haram, or forbidden actions, out of necessity to establish and empower the umma or Muslim community. Koranic rules such as the prohibition against friendships with infidels are suspended while the objectives of future Islamization are systematically put into place. In its initial phase, the Hijra passes scrutiny by the West whose citizens erroneously view the migration as mainly economic -- a pilgrimage for a better life. Solomon and Maqdisi examine the comprehensive strategy that begins with the establishment of the umma or Muslim community. The mosque becomes the locus of power, a strategic base and the center of all activities. They explain how in this embryonic phase, a top priority is the scouting for new arrivals to expand and empower the existing Muslim community. Muslim leaders offer solicitous assistance and helpful suggestions for schools, housing, mosque worship, halal markets and other services to ingratiate themselves with new arrivals and bring them into the local Muslim community. Agents of local mosques, ever alert for new immigrants and potential converts, engage in subtle forms of indoctrination and police local Muslims. Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 03:49 PM in Cultural Jihad, France 2008, 2009: Punk Jihad | Permalink | Comments (6) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! If you close your eyes and listen to the jihadist convicted yesterday in his role in unleashing a bomb in the NYC subway system on the anniversary of the 911 Islamic attacks on America, you would swear it was Obama and his dhimmi administration talking: "I strongly urge the American people to stop supporting the war against Islam. And this will be in their own interest." Ahmedzay's narrative reflects Obama's policy on Islamic jihad. He urges America to stop defending herself against the global jihad. Like Obama and his silly DoD Gates, he suggests that fighting jihad will only ...... create jihad. As for all of the jihadi attacks before Iraq and Afghanistan operations, well.... that's irrelevant, an inconvenient truth. The left never lets logic and evidence get in the way of their anti-American narrative. The day this plot was foiled, Obama was in New York addressing the UN. His speech was about the greatest threat posed to man: global warming. I kid you not. Obama's strategy to Islam is the very definition of Islam -- submission. His cover-up of the Fort Hood jihad massacre, the largest attack on a military base on American history, will go down in history as the most blatant act of subversion by a US president. Like Obama points to Israel as the problem, this WMD would-be killer blames the zionists as well. No jihadist rant is complete without full-on Islamic Jew-hatred. Zarein Ahmedzay, the Muslim guilty of planning to bomb NYC on September 11th, said: "Your Honor, I would like to quote from the Qur’an." "Quote, Verily, Allah has purchased of the believers their lives and their wealth for the price of Paradise, to fight in the way of Allah, to kill and get killed. It is a promise binding on the truth in the Torah, the Gospel and the Qur’an, end of quote. [....] "Yes. Um, Your Honor, I strongly urge the American people to stop supporting the war against Islam. And this will be in their own interest. [...] "And I believe that the real enemies of this country are the ones destroying this country from within. And I believe these are the special group, the Zionist Jews, I believe, who want a permanent shadow government within the government of the United States of America." Sounds like Ahmedzay is describing the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood at the senior levels of all branches of the US government. Who knew how iconic and metaphorical this image of the Pentagon would become 9 years after 911: After the Fort Hood report and the disinvite of Franklin Graham to the Pentagon at the demand of the un-indicted co-conspirator, Hamas-tied hate sponsor, CAIR, this image of the Pentagon destroyed by Muslims is quite fitting. As for Ahmedzay, 50 years ago this plotter to overthrow the American government would be put to death. And he should be. But he won't. Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 12:07 PM in Jihad in America: Enemy in our Midst, September the 11th | Permalink | Comments (9) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! The basic and most fundamental pillar of this great nation is hanging on by a tether. "Given what our Supreme Court has done to protect the right to free speech, it baffles me that the government has not dismissed this case," says Elyea's lawyer. Ah, but in this case Muslims are offended. "Hearing set for man who posted anti-Islam drawings," by David Unze for the St. Cloud Times, April 23: The hearing is an opportunity for Sidney Allen Elyea to dispute a civil charge that he violated a city ordinance prohibiting posting materials on fixtures. Elyea faces two civil charges that each carry a maximum fine of $250. Elyea has admitted posting the drawings and said he did so to educate others about Islam. The city charged Elyea through the civil process after county attorneys in Benton and Stearns counties declined to file criminal charges of obscenity or defamation against him, saying that what he posted was protected speech. So two county attorneys thought that Elyea was exercising his freedom of speech, and yet the city pressed forward with a case anyway. Why is that? Why are Muslims being set up in this country as a protected class that must not be criticized or offended? Who else enjoys such protection? Why, no one, of course. And no one should. "Given what our Supreme Court has done to protect the right to free speech, it baffles me that the government has not dismissed this case," Attorney Ryan Garry said Friday. "The city attorney's office should be charging and citing residents for the crimes they commit, not for the opinions they have."... The drawings that Elyea posted contained explicit depictions of bestiality and sodomy, contained images of the Prophet Muhammad in derogatory positions and contained pictures and words offensive to Muslims in particular. One set of the drawings was found posted to a telephone pole outside a Somali-owned business in East St. Cloud. Other copies were found in other parts of the city. So he may be a jerk. He may be a provocateur. He may be a lout. But is it illegal now to be those things, when a certain hypersensitive group is the recipient of the loutish behavior? Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 11:31 AM in Free Speech Silenced | Permalink | Comments (10) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! The bells at St Mary the Virgin have rung out for more than four centuries. But since nearby flats were built in 2006, the church, in Leigh, Greater Manchester, the church has had to cut-back on its bell ringing practice after complaints from angry neighbours. Rev Krinks said: "The issue is not the bells, it is the bellringing practice. The council has asked us to reduce the time of the ringing, which we have done, but that is still not good enough." More anti-Christian bias, as a church is ordered to silence bells which have rung since the 1600's after complaints from nearby flat residents. Given the ethnicity of many of the neighbors in Manchester, the complaint is likely based on the fact that it's a church--not a mosque. This is application of Islamic law. No church bells. There is a specific islamic law against church bells. Meanwhile, a Liberal Democrat leader is in favour of mosques being able to broadcast calls to prayer from loudspeakers in towns and cities across Britain. (read article…) GENERAL ELECTION: Nick Clegg is in favour of mosques being able to broadcast calls to prayer THE Lib Dem leader is in favour of mosques being able to broadcast calls to prayer from loudspeakers in towns and cities across Britain. He says the Islamic “muezzin” cry should be allowed to ring out just like Christian church bells. He described it as “a joyful thing”. His remarks emerged yesterday as another gaffe, just hours after he was exposed as saying British people have “a more insidious cross to bear than Germany over the Second World War”. UPDATE: Of course a jihad lover is a Jew hater. Nick Clegg’s Israel-bashing is sickening Nile Gardiner, Telegraph With Thursday night’s foreign policy debate looming, it’s important to take a look at Nick Clegg’s willingness to vilify Israel, and his inclination towards bashing the Israelis over the head. I’ve written about Clegg’s distinctly anti-American views and his complete disregard for the NATO alliance, but his policies towards Israel deserve attention as well. Israel is a close ally of both Great Britain and the United States, the only full democracy in the Middle East along with Iraq, and is under constant fire from Iranian and Syrian-backed terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hizbollah. Its very existence is threatened by the rise of a nuclear-armed Iran, which has malevolently warned of another Holocaust. Yet, the leader of the Liberal Democrats still thinks it’s necessary to demonise Israel, one of our only friends in the region. He’s doing everything but directly call Gaza an Israeli-administered concentration camp. Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 04:41 AM in Eurabia: Dhimmitude | Permalink | Comments (17) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Freedom and liberty are buzzwords, ladies and gentlemen. Tell that to the glorified dead who fought for those buzzwords. Once again, the Miami Herald libels SIOA, calling us an anti-Muslim group. Hardly. We are a Save America group. It is telling that anyone who fights for freedom and religious liberty is perceived as anti-Muslim. Jaweed Kaleem seems to have a direct line to CAIR. He does their bidding like a dancing boy in Afghanistan. I laid out his unprofessional and biased conduct in my article yesterday published at the American Thinker. Kaleem reluctantly contacted me over the past couple of days, insisting upon proof that the bus ads would be going back up. As if ........we were lying? The Volokh legal blog has confirmation from Miami Dade Transit -- but the Miami Herald couldn't get it. Kaleem neglected to run any of my remarks previously, even though he had communicated with me extensively prior. And he went on to quote at length a representative from CAIR, without bothering to get a response from Robert or myself -- which proves he's a tool. The fact that Mr. Kaleem went directly to CAIR forces the question: was CAIR informed of this whole affair directly from Mr. Kaleem? If true, this suggests that Kaleem operated in this instance as a CAIR informant/agent? Further, it is an astonishing fact that Kaleem and the Herald did not bother to inform Miami Herald readers that CAIR has been named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terror financing trial in the history of the US (a trial which culminated in convictions) and the fact that the DOJ and the FBI have labeled CAIR as a Muslim Brotherhood-Hamas front group. These are not secrets. Anyone with Google would be inundated with the evidence. It is provable on concrete evidence. Yet Kaleem mentions none of it. Scum. Further, notice that Kaleem mentions the additional 20 ads that will run, without mentioning that Miami Dade Transit gave them to us at less than half price, as recompense for their guilt. An anti-Muslim group's controversial ads -- removed last week from the exterior of county buses -- will be reinstalled the first week of May. Ten controversial advertisements by an anti-Muslim group that were removed from Miami-Dade Transit buses after the department received complaints will go back up. The ads, which a transit official said were pulled last week because they ``may be offensive,'' have the message ``Fatwa on your head? Is your community or family threatening you? Leaving Islam? Got questions? Get answers!'' and direct Muslims to a website urging them to leave the ``falsity of Islam.'' Transit spokesman Clinton Forbes said that, after reviewing the ads with the Miami-Dade County Attorney's office, the county decided that, ``although they may be considered offensive by some, they do not fall under the general guidelines that would warrant their removal.'' He added the county ``is not endorsing the message being presented.'' The ads, purchased by New York-based Stop the Islamization of America, will be reinstalled May 3, said Pamela Geller, the organization's director. Geller said CBS Outdoor, which contracts ad sales for county buses, will also run 20 additional ads. ``It was a violation of free speech that they were removed. Whether you like it or not, all ideas should be presented. It is dangerous not for all but some to leave Islam in America. This is a victory for free speech and religious liberty,'' Geller said. Muhammed Malik, director of the South Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic relations, which had praised the ads' removal, said it will now use them ``as an opportunity to spark discussion about what Islam is really about.'' ``Freedom and liberty are buzzwords they use as a smoke screen for their hatred,'' he said. The religion-themed ads are not the first to cause a tussle. Last summer, a South Florida group's pro-atheism billboard in Fort Lauderdale sparked protest by Christians from nearby churches. In 2008, the Council on American-Islamic relations sponsored ads on 120 Miami-Dade and Broward buses that said ``Why Islam? Got Questions? Get Answers!'' and caused controversy because they called Islam ``the way of life of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.'' Both ads were allowed to stay up. Robert Spencer dissects this article here. Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 04:21 AM in Leftist MEDIA JIHAD aligned with Terror Force, SIOA "Leaving Islam" Bus Campaign, SIOA: Stop the Islamization of America |Permalink | Comments (5) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! The ideology may be different, but of course, invariably the same. Bloody, hungry power-mad savages. The tentacles of the axis of evil now extend into Africa, Central and Latin America, and Asia, and Obama is busy dismantling America. According to Genocide Watch, Zimbabwe is now well into phase six of the descent to genocide: the final preparation. Although there are no concentration camps, the country has been divided into "no go" areas: towns are split from the countryside; rural areas are being "sealed up" and the movements of people are monitored - even the flights of light aircraft. Access to food and essentials is politically controlled. Truckloads of displaced people are dumped daily on land that cannot support large-scale habitation. Mass starvation, as Stalin found, removes political problems. Green bomber camps are being established in each district primed to exterminate opposition hot spots. Zimbabwe, says Genocide Watch, is now poised for genocide. Reinforcing that assessment is the massive militarisation of all state, parastatal and NGO sectors. Eight million people are starving in Zimbabwe, their plight deliberately engineered by Mugabe. In terms of Article Three of the Genocide Convention, conspiracy to commit genocide and complicity in genocide are acts that are punishable. Yet the ANC [South Africa]applauds Mugabe's Zanu-PF as being "progressive" (more here.) Iran's president Ahmadinejad visits ZimbabwePraag.UK The Zimbabwe Iran Joint Commission had said ahead of Ahmadinejad's state visit that the two nations were committed to "the promotion of peace and stability in their respective regions" and welcomed Iran's proposals to host an international nuclear disarmament conference. Iran has been under harsh criticism from Western nations for pressing ahead with uranium enrichment programs it says are to produce nuclear energy amid fears the militant Islamic state could develop nuclear weapons. Iran is the biggest exhibitor at a trade exposition Ahmadinejad is scheduled to open in the second city of Bulawayo on Friday. Ahmadinejad is the first leader from outside the African continent to open the exposition since independence from British colonial era rule in 1980. In Zimbabwe's ailing economy - along with white-owned and foreign companies being forced under a new law to hand over 51 percent control to black Zimbabweans - many traditional Western exhibitors and local industries have stayed away from the annual trade fair, once a showcase of regional goods and products. And Obama is kissing his ass. Obama and the left love this guy: The leftist islamic alliance Flashback 2007 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad smiles: Dems seek to bar U.S. attacks on Iran. WASHINGTON - Democratic leaders in Congress lobbed a warning shot Friday at the White House not to launch an attack against Iran without first seeking approval from lawmakers. “President Bush does not have the authority to launch military action in Iran without first seeking congressional authorization,” Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid D-Nev., told the National Press Club. Bolivia Hamas leader Mashal Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, April 23, 2010 at 03:24 PM in Axis of Evil and the March to war | Permalink | Comments (8) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! The Islamic veil ban is taking hold across Europe, France being on the forefront of this anti-islamization parliamentary action. Of course, America is way behind the curve in this, because the islamization of Europe far outpaces the islamization of America -- the propaganda of jihadist deception (taqiya) is in full bloom here (CAIR leads that war in the informational battlespace). And of course, Obama and the dar al islam in America are working hard to expedite the process. Belgium is expected to vote on a veil ban soon. France announced a couple of days ago that it would go ahead and ban the burka and niqab. French immigration minister Eric Bresson called the burka a "walking coffin." I think it's an apt description. This article also notes that the Netherlands may be the next country to announce a ban on burkas and minarets. That is, if Geert Wilders wins the election. Driver wearing Islamic face veil fined in France Washington Post NANTES, France -- A woman driver wearing an Islamic face veil has been fined by French police for not having a clear field of vision. The fine was small, but it garnered big attention Friday and may illustrate what is to come as the president pushes to outlaw the veils nationwide. Traffic police in the western city of Nantes fined the 31-year-old woman euro22 ($29) in early April, her lawyer said. The fine was based on a rule that says drivers should have freedom of movement and a sufficient field of vision, lawyer Jean-Michel Pollono said. Pollono said Friday that he is protesting the decision, saying a veil is no different from a motorcycle helmet in terms of hindrance to vision. The driver gave a news conference Friday - while wearing the niqab veil, which covers the entire face except for the eyes - and expressed "a feeling of injustice" over the incident. "I didn't commit any infraction," said the driver, who declined to give her name. "I see just as well as you ... I have driven like this for nine years. I've not had any problems." The driver is French by nationality. The lawyer said she had never been stopped until now, after months of recent parliamentary discussion and government talk about possibly banning the veils. President Nicolas Sarkozy raised the stakes Wednesday in France's drive to abolish the all-encompassing veil, ordering a draft law banning them in all public places. He insists the veils oppress women, and decided to defy France's highest administrative body, which says such a full ban could be found unconstitutional. When the driver was stopped, the traffic police asked her to raise her veil to confirm her identity, and she complied, Pollono said. "A French citizen cannot be fined based on the way he or she dresses," Pollono said. "If the veil is forbidden behind the wheel, then nuns should not be able to drive, and full helmets for motorcyclists should be banned, because you can't see on the sides, and even some police units who drive with masks should be fined." Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, April 23, 2010 at 02:12 PM in Fighting Sharia, Fighting the jihad | Permalink | Comments (12) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This!GELLER AND SPENCER VLOG SIOA -- THE RALLY FOR ISRAEL
Al-Hijra: The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration – Accepting Freedom or imposing Islam? By Sam Solomon & E Al Maqdisi
What has happened to the freedom of speech? Minnesota man facing charges for anti-Islam drawings Jihadwatch
Church asked to soundproof bell tower