Friday, 23 April 2010

Georgia Confirms Highly Enriched Uranium Seizure

Note: The picture above used by AP tries to create a link between the article and Iran

'Georgia's president said his country had seized a shipment of highly enriched uranium, blaming Russia for creating the instability that allows nuclear smugglers to operate in the region. Russia dismissed the claims Thursday and said Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili's comments were "unsubstantiated" and amounted to propaganda.

Saakashvili gave few details of the seizure during an interview Wednesday with The Associated Press, saying only that the uranium was intercepted last month coming into his country in the Caucasus region of southeast Europe.'

Read more: Georgia Confirms Highly Enriched Uranium Seizure


To Rob a Country, Own a Bank


German Troops in Afghanistan Call on Angela Merkel to Explain Why They're at War

'German soldiers are wearing their hearts on their sleeves - in the form of a badge that protests their country's involvement in the war in Afghanistan. Some troops have taken to wearing the cloth accessory that states - ironically - 'I fight for Merkel' in a bid to persuade the German Chancellor Angela Merkel to explain exactly what they are fighting and dying for.'

Read more: German Troops in Afghanistan Call on Angela Merkel to Explain Why They're at War

Polish Presidents Plane Crash Truth

Poland refused the Swine Flu vaccine. They had their own Central Bank and wouldn't submit to the Euro zone. They wouldn’t jump in bed with the IMF and were not suffering a recession but were prospering. Jane Burgermeister asks: so what really happened?


Reader's Digest is Big Pharma Shill

'More than half of America now takes nutritional supplements. Here's some of what the vitamin-taking public had to say to Reader's Digest about their anti-vitamin scaremongering:

"The more your readers digest the lies presented in "5 Vitamin Truths and Lies", the sicker they will become. But no need to fear because your sponsors, the pharmaceutical companies, provide the remedy: drugs and lots of them, which are readily available within the pages of your magazine. Seems to me a good return on their investment."

"I'm very disappointed to find out that a reputable publication such as yours would put out such a slanted and biased article about nutritional supplements. I grew up reading Reader's Digest, and used to enjoy it tremendously before it was apparently taken over by pharmaceutical ads. Then, the articles were pure and touched the heart. Now, it seems that they are biased and are only written to support Big Pharma".'

Read more: Reader's Digest is Big Pharma Shill


The Story of the Financial Debacle: Goldman Plays, We Pay

'The story of the financial debacle will end the way it began, with the super-hustlers from Goldman Sachs at the center of the action and profiting wildly. Never in U.S. history has one company wielded such destructive power over our political economy, irrespective of whether a Republican or a Democrat happened to be president.

At least the robber barons of old built railroads and steel mills, whereas Goldman Sachs makes its money placing bets on people losing their homes. On Tuesday, Goldman announced a 91 percent jump in profit to $3.46 billion for the quarter, while the dreams of millions of families continue to be foreclosed and unemployment hovers at 10 percent because of a crisis that that very company did much to cause.'

Read more: The Story of the Financial Debacle: Goldman Plays, We Pay


The Man Made Global Warming Hoax

WEARECHANGE Ottawa members went to the Ottawa Go Green Expo on March 21st - 22nd. It was an event catered to the Green movement showcasing green technologies and had environment activists as public speakers thoughout the event. WAC Ottawa had the chance to catch Severn Suzuki speech and ask a few questions regarding the IPCC and the Man Made Global Warming Hoax. The next day, we tried to confront Justin Trudeau about these questions.