Thursday, April 22, 2010
Perfidy! Pentagon Snubs Patriotic Christian Pastor to Appease Muslim Brotherhood's US Front Group
Early Warning: Pyongyang Plots Provocation
Tehran Taunts the US in Persian Gulf
Syria's Al Assad is Digging His Own Grave
Seemingly Invincible Iran Advances While Obama and Adoring Media Prepare Public to Acccept Defeat
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Administration Official Confirms Obama Linking Creation of Palestinian State and Iran Nuclear Issue
Friday, 23 April 2010
North Korea is preparing a new provocation, according to China Confidential analysts.
More specifically, the Stalinist/Kimist regime is readying new nuclear and missile tests.
Another North Korean attack on a South Korean target--a ship or even a land target--is also likely.
The North Korean regime will never abandon atomic arms.
It aims to conquer or dominate South Korea and drive the United States from the Korean Peninsula for once and all.
There is no diplomatic solution to the North Korean problem.
Similarly, there is no diplomatic solution to the Iranian problem.
In fact, the two partners in nuclear/missile crime are cooperating more closely than ever before. Tension in each nation's arena serves as a useful diversion.
Washington, which is enthralled by diplomacy and dialogue, is blind to the North Korean/Iranian strategy. The Obama administration is too busy bowing to America's adversaries--and apologizing for alleged and imagined sins--to notice that the world's most monstrously atheistic and Muslim states have managed to bridge their spiritual and ideological differences in order to plot and plan America's doom.
Islamist Iran began its Persian Gulf war games earlier this year with "ultra-fast" speedboats and sharper rhetoric.
By Elias Youssef Bejjani
For the last 30 years, Al Assad’s Syrian Baathist dictatorship has been an evil, poisonous and deadly ailment in the Middle East and a major force in spreading instability to regional peace and order. It is the number one notorious regime that breeds, recruits, trains, finances and exports terrorist and Islamic fundamentalist groups to instigate havoc and volatility all over the world and especially in its neighboring countries. In actuality Syria is a real disaster for both the Syrian people and its neighboring countries, as well as for the whole world considering the issue of terrorism and fundamentalism.
Besides an ongoing Stalinist criminal oppression that it afflicts by force on the Syrian people, Al Assad's regime still governs Syria by marshal laws and keeps on brutally and mercilessly liquidating all Syrian politicians and activists who advocate a free and democratic country. Thousands and thousands of Syrian citizens are either murdered or incarcerated on forged trials and left to rot in Nazi-style jails and detention centers while deprived of all their basic rights.
Al Assad's regime has committed massive ethnic cleansing and bloody massacres in both Syria and Lebanon and keeps on gnawing the whole Middle East and interfering in the affairs of all its neighboring countries, Lebanon, Israel and Jordan.
Appeasing a Terrorist Regime
Sadly, the USA, Europe and all the Arab countries have been appeasing and cajoling this terrorist regime either to keep its terrorism away from their countries or to use its expertise in crime, terrorism and oppression.
Many analysts in the Middle East, especially in Syria itself and Lebanon, are wondering why the whole world is courting this rogue regime and is turning a blind eye on all its horrible domestic, regional and international ongoing atrocities.
Why is the Obama administration turning the other cheek on all the overt insults that Al Assad and his top-notch officials have been throwing on her Middle East policies and officials when this administration sadly has been opening to Syria in a series of questionable overtures and naively equipping its rulers with all the support they need to go on with their murderous interfering in Lebanon, Iraq and Gaza?
In a report, Hamid Ghoriafi, the well known Middle East analyst and journalist, published today in the Kuwaiti Daily Al-Seyassah, it was revealed that Syrian President Bachar Al Assad is extremely worried and scared, feeling the Israeli heat, and taking the Jewish state's threats of an imminent attack on his country very seriously.
In this realm Al Assad has started urgently re-evaluating Syria's tense relations with some influential Arabic countries and apparently his first step in this track will be a cozy meeting with his Egyptian counterpart, Hosni Mubarak, within the coming 24 hours at Sharm Al Sheik Egyptian tourist resort. It is expected that Saudi King Abdullah will join the two presidents and hold a summit conference with them to discuss the current Israeli threats to attack Lebanon and Syria extensively after Al Assad provided its militant terrorist proxy in Lebanon, Hezbollah, with long range Scud ballistic missiles.
The report attributed to reliable diplomatic Arabic resources in Abu Dubae that Al Assad is planning to seriously ask both Mubarak and Abdullah to use their influence with the USA and Israel and pressure them to abort an imminent Israeli attack on both Syria and Lebanon.
Al Assad is alleging that all the Israeli and other reports on the Scud missile smuggling from Syria to Hezbollah are mere empty allegations and that the Israeli Prime Minister, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, has inflated out of proportion this issue to justify his war against Syria in a bid to dramatically change the whole status quo in the region.
The same sources believe that it is too late to prevent the war because the Israeli campaign against Syria, whether the Scud reports are true or not, has reached its maximum in a very well orchestrated pattern. Mr. Ghoriafi said that it would be futile on Alassad's side to deny in the presence of Mubarak and Abdullah the Scud smuggling reality, because they both already know the truth.
It is now confirmed that Al Assad will be heading to Sharm Al Sheik today after he has ordered his armed forces to be on full alert all over the country; and meanwhile, Hezbollah has taken the same precautionary measures in its Beirut southern suburb ministate (Al Dahea) and all over its military bases in the Bekaa valley and the southern Lebanese region that is adjacent to the Israeli border.
Zero Hour Approaching
Both Al Assad and Hezbollah leadership are confirming according to the report that the Israeli zero hour for starting the attack is approaching with a very fast pace. Al Assad is scared that Israel will manipulate the Scud crisis and use it as a pretext for a well planned and prepared war against his country, as it did in 1982 when it invaded Lebanon following an assassination attempt on its ambassador in London.
The report quoted an Egyptian official in Cairo saying that, "Al Assad is fully aware that there is a high price for him to pay to the Egyptians and the Saudis in return for their joint mediation with Washington and Tel Aviv in order to prevent the imminent devastating Israeli war against his country.
It added that this price will not be less than a full cancellation of all the accords and deals that he recently inked with Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hezbollah's general secretary, Hassan Nasrallah ,in the so called "Challenge Summit” that was convened few months ago in Damascus. The accords and deals committed its three signatories to establish a front line against Israel in south Lebanon, and to give Hezbollah full accessibility to the Syrian and Iranian arsenals, including all the long range missiles to attack Israel.
Al Assad is also expected to distance his country from Iran and to put an immediate halt on his support to its nuclear program. He is required also to mind his own business and stop his country's bold interference in the neighboring countries' internal affairs, or otherwise face the doomed end that Iraq's Saddam Hussein chose.
Meanwhile, the Israeli Haaretz daily reported yesterday that Egypt is pushing for a conference to discuss the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty , in which all Middle East countries will participate including Israel, noting that the objective of this Summit is to persuade the Jewish state to sign the treaty. The Egyptians are saying that the five permanent UN Security Council members do support a nuclear conference on the Middle East, but it is not yet clear whether Tel Aviv would agree on this very sensitive matter. The newspaper said that al-Assad will fly to Libya to meet with President Muammar Gaddafi after the Sharm el-Sheikh summit conference is over.
The actual problem with Al Assad, as was with his late father, Hafez Al Assad, lies in the plain fact that he cannot be trusted and that he has been for years playing on the odds and going back on all his promises and commitments to the USA, as well as the Arab and European countries.
Is Al Assad going to change his mockeries this time while the fire is approaching his palace and could burn the future of his family in ruling Syria? Up till now there is no reason to trust him, which simply means that Egypt and Saudi Arabia must make him pay the price for their mediation before they deliver.
The Lebanese proverb says: "The wise man does not fall in the same hole twice." Hopefully President Mubarak and King Abdullah have already learned their previous Syrian bitter lessons as have many patriotic Lebanese!
Elias Bejjani is a Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator.
Iran state television says the military has begun a major exercise Thursday focused on security in the Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz.
The deputy chief of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards said Iranian forces are testing test weapon systems in the Strait of Hormuz, as well as intelligence and communication capabilities.
About 40% of the world's oil shipments pass through the Strait of Hormuz.
Iran also announced that it will build missile defense systems similar to Russia's S-300 system, as reported here.
Back in the USA ...
Back in the USA, the pro-appeasement Washington Post, which typically acts as a foreign policy mouthpiece for the Obama administration, is conditioning public opinion for acceptance of a policy of containment towards an Iranian nuclear weapons state.
Click here to read a piece ofPost propaganda presented as analysis, which includes a startling--and stupid--reference to a "long Cold War" with Iran.
The Post is in part preparing the ground for the 2012 Presidential contest, when, barring an attack by Israel on Iran or a miraculous regime change there, Barack Obama will have to defend his catastrophic engagement (appeasement) policy, which assured the monstrous mullahocracy that it would have ample time to develop both nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons delivery systems--ICBMs--capable of striking the United States. [In fact, Iran already has primitive, low-tech delivery systems in place for this purpose. Not for nothing has it developed and successfully tested concealed, cargo ship-based, ballistic missile launch systems, with North Korean assistance. There is no defense against a cargo ship- or barge-based missile attack on a U.S. coastal city. Thousands of such vessels, mainly flying flags of convenience, approach U.S. waters every day. The Obama administration seems to be ignoring the sea-based threat, just as the administration seems to have ignored a mad mullah's recent threat to detonate nuclear bombs in U.S. cities if the U.S. or Israel attacks Iran over its nuclear program.]
NOTE: The Post is also conditioning the public to accept the notion that Iran can be deterred the way the Soviet Union was deterred from using nuclear weapons (forgetting the Cuban Missile Crisis). The Soviet analogy is dangerously misleading because it ignores Iran's true intentions--destruction of the U.S. and Israel--and direct sponsorship of and deep involvement in international terrorism.
There is no real deterrent to an anonymous atomic attack on the U.S.--in other words, to a deniable Iranian attack on the U.S.--except a policy of automatic, retaliatory, nuclear obliteration of Iran and other suspect nations, which the Obama administration would never consider adopting. On the contrary; Obama is bent on downgrading the U.S. nuclear deterrent, dreaming of a world without nuclear weapons. He has even officially revised U.S. nuclear policy to exclude nuclear retaliation against non-nuclear weapons states that attack the U.S. with biological and chemical weapons--e.g. sending smallpox-infected bio-bombers to walk among Americans. Non-nuclear weapons states--Syria would be an example, given its stockpiles of biological and chemical weapons--that attack the U.S. with non-nuclear weapons of mass destruction have actually, for the first time, been assured--no kidding--of a non-nuclear retaliation. Talk aboutchange!
Nuclear-arming, missile-mad, Islamist Iran and its missile-mad, Islamist proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas, and secular but Islamizing ally, Syria, know that America's first Muslim-born President (according to Islamic law), who is obsessed with bowing to organized Islam while relentlessly pressuring Israel to withdraw to indefensible borders in order to make possible the creation of an irredentist, Palestinian mini-state, is likely to respond to an anonymous nuclear explosion or detonation of a radiological bomb with the obligatory promise to bring the perpetrators to justice, prayer meetings and healing sessions, and quotations from "the Holy Koran."
The Obama administration is all wrong about the Middle East.
The road to Middle East peace does not run through the disputed West Bank; the road runs through Tehran.
Removing Iran's Islamist regime, which is developing nuclear weapons, threatening Israel with destruction, and arming its implacable, Islamist enemies, Hamas and Hezbollah, and only important secular foe, Syria, would change everything ... overnight. Radical Islam would suffer its first major loss since the overthrow of Iran's Shah more than 30 years ago. Hamas would lose out to secular, Palestinian nationalists fed up with pan-Islamic insanity and religious extremism. Hezbollah would collapse. Syria would come to the bargaining table--and move to crush its domestic Islamist menace.
But the Obama administration does not see things that way. The President and his advisers are obsessed with forcing Israel to go along with the creation of an Iranian-backed, Hamas-ruled state in the disputed lands west of the Jordan River, the strategic territories of Judea and Samaria, which the world insists on calling "the West Bank."
The administration is making the same mistake with Iran that Britain and France made with Nazi Germany. Instead of standing up to Hitler to prevent war when it was still possible to do so, the European powers sought to appease him by sacrificing Czechoslovakia, starting with the strategic Sudetenland. The "peace for our time" that the appeasers bought made World War II inevitable within months of the sacrifice--on Germany's terms.The Obama administration and its European allies seem bent on repeating this horrible history.
But Israel is not Czechoslovakia. Neither is Israel a Jewish neighborhood or ghetto that will allow itself to be set up for slaughter. Israel is the Jewish State, the only Jewish State, with a people's army and a populace that will do whatever is required--use any and all necessary means--to prevent a second Holocaust.
As if to confirm a China Confidential analytical report on the same subject--click here to read it--the American Spectator has a first-rate, insider story on the Obama-Netanyahu meeting. East Jerusalem is a sideshow; President Obama has linked the Iranian and Palestinian issues in exactly the wrong way. George H. Whittman reports:
The real story is that the Obama Administration is proceeding on the basis that evolving a Palestine/Israel accord will be an important element in negotiations with Iran to cease nuclear weapon development.
This fantastical idea has evolved out of the strong White House belief that Iran can be cajoled into an agreement on nuclear weapon development if only the Palestine "problem" was solved. Any action appearing to inhibit the current campaign to bring Israel and Palestine closer is perceived by President Barack Obama as contrary to his plan to prevent Iran from "going nuclear." Contrary to the oft-stated theme of keeping the military option on the table, the Obama Administration is committed to avoiding a preemptive strike on Iranian nuclear development targets.
On Saturday, Confidential Reporter observed: "U.S. President Barack Obama is right to link the Iranian and Israeli-Palestinian/Arab problems. But he has drawn the wrong conclusions. Iran must be dealt with--militarily--ahead of and in order to make possible an Israeli-Palestinian/Arab peace pact, not after or parallel to an all-out push for an agreement.
"In other words, the road to peace in the Middle East does not run through Jerusalem, Israel's capital city--and the capital of the Jewish people for millennia. The road to Middle East peace runs through the fountainhead of fascistic political Islam--Tehran. But the road is blocked. Remove the blockage--the monstrous Iranian regime and its menacing nuclear program--and Israel's most radical and dangerous foes are suddenly exposed and vulnerable. They either collapse without Iranian backing or come to their senses and change their policies."
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Britannia Radio