Wednesday, 21 April 2010 10:04 'British citizens face being subjected to secret EU 'Big Brother' spying missions. Labour is supporting plans for a dramatic expansion in the powers available to fellow member states who accuse UK nationals of committing even the most minor crimes while visiting. Under the plans, other countries could get the right to demand surveillance on a UK resident who has returned home, and access to his or her bank records. They could also be entitled to demand British police take a suspect's DNA or other samples.' Wednesday, 21 April 2010 09:19 Wednesday, 21 April 2010 09:05 'If you have ever woken up in the middle of the night and found you can’t move, or even cry for help, you have experienced sleep paralysis. If, during this bizarre paralysis, you suddenly felt that someone—or something—was watching you, you have come face to face with the waking hallucination known as the Intruder. And if all this happens and then a ghastly creature resembling a gnome or a night elf crawls onto you to whisper sweet impish nothings into your ear, congratulations, you are one of the lucky ones to know the Incubus. And you’re not alone.' Read more: Sleep Paralysis Visions: Demons, Succubi, and the Archetypal Mind Wednesday, 21 April 2010 08:58 'Since direct-to-consumer drug advertising debuted in 1997, pharma's credo has been When The Medication Is Ready, The Disease (and Patients) Will Appear. Who knew so many people suffered from restless legs? But pharma's recent plan to move from mass-market molecules into more lucrative vaccines and biologics did not see the anti-vaxer movement coming: millions of Americans saying You Want to Vaccinate Me -- and My Child -- with WHAT?? and condemning vials of H1N1, rotavirus and MMR vaccines to sit, well, way past their expiration dates. Nor were fears of an international vaccine conspiracy helped by former CDC Director Julie Gerberding resurfacing as President of Merck Vaccines in December. (Nice revolving door if you can catch it.) Now pharma is back to creating new diseases, patients, risks and "awareness campaigns" faster than you can say thimerosal (the vaccine preservative that started the backlash.)' Wednesday, 21 April 2010 08:35 'Support, or at least ignore, tyranny or the corporate media might call you a racist, anti-Semite, a terrorist, or all three epithets. Today, vocal, non-violent, civil disagreement or disobedience can be deemed as terrorist activity. Read more: Support Tyranny Or You're A Terrorist Wednesday, 21 April 2010 06:28 'The European Union's top climate official called for an energy tax to boost the bloc's climate protection efforts. EU Climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard told Monday's Neue Osnabruecker Zeitung that "energy taxes are among the instruments we should use for climate protection in the EU, because that's how energy consumption is reduced." Denmark's Hedegaard, who led the U.N. climate negotiations in Copenhagen last year, said instead of imposing high work-related taxes, which threaten European companies competing with foreign firms "it would be much smarter to install a system that includes a top tax rate for areas threatening the common good, such as a excessive energy consumption".' Wednesday, 21 April 2010 07:25 'David Cameron announced a crackdown on the workshy yesterday, declaring 'the free ride is over. The message was carried on the first of a new series of posters, featuring the slogan: 'Let's cut benefits for those who refuse work.' Tories hope the series of slogans starting with 'Let's' will show the party wanting to work with the public to change Britain. Earlier posters suggesting that Mr Cameron alone would achieve things were deemed a failure.'
If the federal government labels you as a racist or anti-Semite, they can, with their new "hate" laws, arrest you. If, however, they label you as an "unlawful enemy combatant," for your out-spoken, anti-tyranny views, "our" government can "legally" have you picked-up, whisked to anyone of over 170 military bases around the world, held indefinitely, and tortured, all with-out charges, or the benefit of any legal defensive, and without any family or friends ever knowing what happen to you. No peaceful revolution is to be allowed in the land of the once brave and free.'
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
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Britannia Radio