Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Obama's Islamic Homeland Moving to the Right
Sarkozy Strikes Blow for Freedom
Vive la France!
In sharp contrast with U.S. President Barack Obama, French President Nicolas Sarkozy is leading the free world's struggle against Islamism. Click here for the latest on the barbaric Muslim veil issue.
EXTRA: TAKE THAT, TALIBAN!How Iran Will Get the Bomb
Barack Obama's engagement (appeasement) policy is an utter failure. His election assured Iran that it would have the time it needed to achieve its atomic aims; and Iran's influence in the region--especially in Lebanon and Iraq--is steadily increasing.
Robert Baer:The Obama administration is finally coming around to the alarming conclusion it has no idea what to do about Iran's nuclear bomb. The admission comes in the guise of a just-revealed top-secret memorandum sent by Defense Secretary Robert Gates to the White House in January, which, according to press leaks, made the case that the U.S. possesses no long-term, effective policy to stop Iran from building a nuclear bomb. Although a lot of people arrived at the same conclusion a long time ago, it's the first time it has been given an official imprimatur at this high of a level.
Continue reading here.
Not to worry! Iran's partner in nuclear/missile crime, Stalinist/Kimist North Korea, is promising that it won't produce more nuclear weapons "than it feels necessary." Click herefor the story.
China Confidential analysts believe the North is preparing its third nuclear test for the end of May.Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Obama Appeasing Muslim Brotherhood
As if to confirm the worst fears and suspicions of his critics, America's first Muslim-born President (according to Islamic law) is intensifying his outreach to the Muslim Brotherhood. Click here for the shocking story.
Obama's odious, overt effort to appease and align with the notorious Egyptian organization and its many front groups and apologists represents the latest attempt by the United States to exploit fundamentalist Islam and fascistic political Islam, or Islamism--the ideology of the Brotherhood--dating to the closing days of World War II and the onset of the Cold War, when the U.S. embraced fundamentalist Saudi Arabia, a country with no human or civil rights, because of its immense, untapped oil wealth and potential for serving as a so-called bulwark against Communism.
The U.S. essentially copied Great Britain, which had unsuccessfully tried to harness Islam's political power since the late 19th century, to the point of installing and supporting theGrand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj-Amin al-Husseini, a radical anti-Semite, and twice forgiving him for violent anti-British activities--after he instigated a rebellion against the British in 1936 and after he aided Nazi Germany during his exile in Berlin. Incredibly, Britain refused to pursue or prosecute the Mufti as a war criminal in spite of his wartime, pro-Nazi propaganda radio broadcasts and his role in organizing and inspiring a Muslim SS division (mainly Bosnians).
The Brotherhood, which functioned as a virtual arm of Nazi intelligence throughout the War, was thoroughly infiltrated by British and American agents during the 1950s. The British-American objective was to use the Brotherhood to undermine--or overthrow--the Nasser regime. But the Brotherhood actually used and outsmarted the U.S. and Britain.
Every Sunni Islamist group, including Hamas and Al Qaeda, can be traced back to the Brotherhood. More background here.
Nowadays, ironically, the Left, too, is appeasing the Brotherhood--and radical, right-wing Islam in general, including the clerical fascist regime ruling Iran--making this the first time in history that self-proclaimed Marxists, liberals, and "progressives" have joined with governments to support a strategy that recalls both the Cold War and the Great Game of imperial conflict and rivalry.
Click here to read more about the Nigerian Muslim Brotherhood's atrocities, about which Obama is silent.
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Indonesia, childhood homeland of U.S. President Barack Obama, is moving to the Right, towards clerical fascism. Click here for the disturbing news from the world's most populous Muslim country.
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Britannia Radio