Obama Appeasement Misrepresented as Realism
Appeasement of Islamist Iran--allowing an imperialist nation to acquire atomic arms--is presented as political realism.
Iran Replaces N. Korea as Americans' Main Threat

Stewart and Partners today released the latest edition of its America's Point of View (APOV) Survey, which reports 40% of Americans identifying Iran as the country that poses the greatest threat to global security.
China (15%) and North Korea (10%) come in at a very distant second and third place, respectively.
This marks a significant shift in U.S. public opinion over the last nine months, when the June 2009 APOV Survey found Americans most likely to point to North Korea (44%) as the country posing the greatest threat to global security, doubling those who cited Iran (22%) at that time.
"June 2009 marked the height of North Korea's long-range missile tests, and things seemed to have quieted down after the two American journalists were released from that country in August," said Stewart and Partners president William Stewart. "Since his questionable re-election around the same time period, Ahmadinejad's words and actions have earned Iran the distinction of being public enemy number one in the eyes of the American people."
'Islamic Extremism'
The survey also finds that 68% of Americans say global security is unstable, whereas last June this figure stood at 57%.
Separate survey questions reveal similar percentages saying they are "very concerned" about the threat Islamic extremists pose to the United States (67%), and that it is "very likely" that Islamic extremists will successfully carry out a major terrorist attack within the United States during the next 12 months.
When it comes to the job President Obama is doing in handling Islamic extremism, more Americans disapprove (48%) than approve (30%).
Complete survey results, including the question wording, can be found here.
Stewart and Partners is an independent research and consulting firm specializing in communications research and strategy development.
Syria Responds to Obama Appeasement by Smuggling Scud Missiles to Hitlerian Hezbollah

Click here for the story.
The long-range missiles are aimed at Israel. But Iran could also use Hezbollah missiles to attack U.S. coastal cities. Not for nothing has Iran test-fired missiles from cargo ships.

Read all about it here.
Is Iran only a month away from joining the "nuclear club?" Click here for the story.
North Korean Time Bomb Ticks Louder
The Stalinist/Kimist regime's weapons of mass destruction could be used by rogue elements bent on attacking the United States or South Korea, or sold to rogue nations and terrorist groups.