Wednesday, 14 April 2010 08:00 The General Medical Council (GMC) - the deeply corrupt in-the-pocket-of-Big-Phama operation - ruled that Dr Andrew Wakefield 'failed in his duties as a responsible consultant',acted against the interests of his patients,and 'dishonestly and irresponsibly' in his research.' Wednesday, 14 April 2010 07:54 'The above article misses the mark. The only real issue in this year's election is whether or not the Scottish people will vote to protect the weakest members of their society from the most vile members of their leadership. Holly Greig, a little Down syndrome girl, that also suffers from mild retardation, was repeatedly sexually violated by the politically connected and powerfull in her little Scottish town. This was verified by physical evidence gathered by medical professionals and two psychiatrists, who stated that she is incapable of lying.' Wednesday, 14 April 2010 07:50 The FDA Food Modernization Act (S. 510), also referred to as the “Food Safety” bill, has been modified to exempt dietary supplements from language that otherwise creates a slippery slope toward U.S. harmonization with Codex Alimentarius. ANH-USA worked to protect the natural health community from this dangerous provision that threatened access to high quality, therapeutic supplement doses by working with key senators to modify the language, now for the second time. The most worrisome provision of the bill initially required the Food and Drug Agency (FDA) to recommend that U.S. foreign trading partners harmonize with Codex. This odd language was no doubt very intentional. How could we recommend harmonization to other countries if we rejected it for the U.S.? So in effect we were committing ourselves to a much more restrictive regulatory regime for supplements.' Read more: ANH-USA Victory! Supplements Are Exempted From Codex Language in Food Safety Bill Wednesday, 14 April 2010 07:39 'In April 1940, the Soviet NKVD massacred the cream of Poland's nationalist and Christian intelligentsia in the Katyn Forest and elsewhere. They were slaughtered because they wouldn't agree to join the Communists in fronting a future occupation of Poland. Seventy years later, on April 10, 2010, the heirs of the NKVD, who still run Russia, probably finished the job. They probably engineered a plane crash which killed the Polish President, the heads of the army and navy, the secret service and much of the patriotic wing of the Polish government. Thus they neatly eliminated one more obstacle to Satanic world government which is descending on the planet like a dreaded darkness. This is how Satanists say, "We're sorry!" By repeating the outrage, again and again, until they are finally stopped. The grounds for suspicion are numerous.' Wednesday, 14 April 2010 07:32 Reports that the WHO is appointing an 'independent' committee to investigate its own conduct in the H1N1 panic of 2009 has been tempered by the fact that one of the committee's members, John Mackenzie, was in fact one of the advisors who urged the WHO to declare a pandemic in the first place. He also has ties to vaccine manufacturers, making him part of the very charge being investigated: that the WHO relied on advisors with a financial interest in declaring a pandemic regardless of the facts on the ground.' Wednesday, 14 April 2010 07:21 'I just heard this and wanted to get the entire story before saying anything about it. Sheriff Arvin West of Hudspeth County, the third largest county in Texas has told his citizens to arm themselves, that he can no longer provide protection for them against spillover violence in the border areas. I’m sure the sheriff did not take this lightly, the violence pouring over the Mexican/American border is rapidly getting beyond what local and state authorities can contain. The sheriff made the statement at a town hall meeting. Governor Rick Perry has already activated the Texas border violence spillover contingency plan, in which he requested federal aid.' Read more: Sheriff Tells Citizens to Arm Themselves Wednesday, 14 April 2010 06:54 'As the video reveals, John McKenna, 21, was celebrating a Maryland basketball victory on the evening of March 3rd. As the student walks down the street close to the university’s College Park campus, he is seen waving his arms and dancing jovially. He then slows, stops and backs away upon seeing several horse mounted police ahead of him. McKenna is then set upon and viciously slammed against a brick wall by dismounted officers in riot gear, who pummel him with batons, knocking him unconscious according to his lawyer. As a hefty officer takes a run up and delivers a forceful blow to the legs, McKenna, somehow still standing, is hacked to the ground. The cops then continue to beat McKenna in the head and body around a dozen times in total as he lays crumpled and motionless, neither resisting nor able to defend himself.' Read more: Unprovoked Cops Viciously Beat Student Then Charge Him With Assault Wednesday, 14 April 2010 06:45 'You would have thought that after the backlash he received last time, Obama’s advisors would have him well drilled on the proper Presidential way in which to meet foreign dignitaries, but Obama must be so eager to prove his fealty to his global elite masters that he broke tradition yet again in appearing to bow to Chinese Communist leader Hu Jintao. Granted, China basically owns America in that they hold around 900 billion dollars worth of U.S. Treasuries and balance the fate of the ailing U.S. dollar entirely in their own hands, but surely Obama didn’t have to make it look so obvious who his bosses are?' Read more: 'Yes We Can' Bow To Another Hereditary Foreign Dictator Wednesday, 14 April 2010 06:39 The British lawyer who last week called for introducing international laws through the United Nations which would make it a crime against humanity to question the reality of man-made global warming has close ties with the Club of Rome – the ultra elitist organization which openly bragged of how it invented the climate change scare as a means of manipulating the global population to accept world government. British lawyer-turned-campaigner Polly Higgins (pictured top) recently launched an initiative to have the UN put pressure on national governments to pass laws that would declare the mass destruction of ecosystems a crime against peace, punishable by the International Criminal Court. Under the guise of going after big corporations and polluters for the war crime of emitting the gas that humans exhale and plants breathe, the proposal would actually target individuals and people who merely express skepticism towards man-made global warming. “Supporters of a new ecocide law also believe it could be used to prosecute “climate deniers” who distort science and facts to discourage voters and politicians from taking action to tackle global warming and climate change,” reported the London Guardian.' Read more: Club Of Rome Behind Eco-Fascist Purge To Criminalize Climate Skepticism Wednesday, 14 April 2010 06:32 'In a 2008 academic paper, President Barack Obama's appointee to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs advocated "cognitive infiltration" of groups that advocate "conspiracy theories" like the ones surrounding 9/11. Cass Sunstein, a Harvard law professor, co-wrote an academic article entitled "Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures," in which he argued that the government should stealthily infiltrate groups that pose alternative theories on historical events via "chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine" those groups.' Read more: Obama Staffer Wants ‘Cognitive Infiltration’ of 9/11 Conspiracy Grou Wednesday, 14 April 2010 06:19 'Israel issued an "urgent" warning Tuesday to its citizens to leave Egypt's Sinai Peninsula immediately citing "concrete evidence of an expected terrorist attempt to kidnap Israelis in Sinai." Israel's anti-terror office has a standing travel advisory telling Israelis to stay out of the Sinai desert because of the threat of terror attacks. However, thousands of Israelis routinely ignore the warning and vacation in the desert and along its Red Sea coast. Egyptian security officials said about 35,000 Israelis are in the Sinai now, and they expected thousands more to arrive later this month.' Read more: Israel Tells its Citizens to Get Out of Egypt Now Wednesday, 14 April 2010 06:16The Shocking and Criminal Campaign of Vilification Against the Man Who Questioned the Effect on Children of the MMR Vaccine
GMC = Grotesque-Malevolent-Corruption
A must-watch to the end: Dr Andrew Wakefield in his own words.
Click here to watch...
The statement from the Israeli prime minister's anti-terror office took the unusual step of calling on families of Israelis visiting the Sinai to establish contact with them.
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
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Britannia Radio