Tiptoeing round the immigration taboo LABOUR'S EMPLOYMENT SHAME AS 98% NEW JOBS GO TO MIGRANTS IMMIGRATION: What NONE of the parties will tell you LABOUR'S EMPLOYMENT SHAME AS 92% NEW JOBS GO TO MIGRANTS SO HOW CAN WE IMPROVE YOUR LIFE, MR MIGRANT? SECURITY FEARS OVER 3,500 PASSPORTS 'LOST' IN THE POST Migrants take every new job Labour's betrayal of British workers: Nearly every one of 1.67m jobs created since 1997 has gone to a foreigner Illegal immigrant cleaner claims Baroness Scotland 'never' asked for proof of immigration statusA selection of recent media reports
This was the day when the great cross-party silence on mass immigration - one of the most important issues of our time - finally ended. For it was the day it emerged that a breathtaking...
The Mail On Sunday (08-Apr-2010)
GORDON Browns attempt to silence election debate on Labours immigration record was shattered last...
Daily Express (08-Apr-2010)
Comments (0) Add to My Stories Politicians of all parties have lamentably failed to tell the truth about how immigration has changed this country beyond recognition during Labour's 13 years in...
The Mail On Sunday (08-Apr-2010)
GORDON Browns attempt to silence election debate on Labours immigration record was shattered last...
Daily Express (08-Apr-2010)
HOME Office chiefs are under fire for wasting hundreds of thousands of pounds on a survey asking migrants if they like...
Daily Express (08-Apr-2010)
PERSONAL details of thousands of Britons have been put at risk after their passports were lost or stolen in the post, it emerged...
Daily Express (08-Apr-2010)
FOREIGN workers have taken virtually every extra job created since Labour came to power, it was revealed last...
The Scottish Sun (08-Apr-2010)
Immigration was at the centre of the election campaign last night as it emerged that virtually every extra job created under Labour has gone to a foreign...
The Mail On Sunday (08-Apr-2010)
Add to My Stories An illegal immigrant employed by the Attorney General insisted yesterday that the country's most senior law officer 'never at any stage' checked her...
The Mail On Sunday (08-Apr-2010)
Thursday, 8 April 2010
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Britannia Radio