'A betrayal' ... Damian Green MP Explosive figures show 98.5PER CENT of the additional vacancies have gone to immigrants. The situation is worse in the private sector where there are 726,000 FEWER British workers than when Labour came to power. The shock statistics smash PM Gordon Brown's "British jobs for British workers" pledge. Which of the parties will YOU be backing on May 6? Who has what it takes to lead the country? The figures show the UK workforce rose from 25.75million in 1997 to 27.42million at the end of 2009 - up 1.67million. Over the same period, the number of workers born abroad rose from 1.92million to 3.57million - up 1.65million. The figures show almost all the extra jobs were grabbed by foreigners. In contrast, there were 23.85million UK-born workers in jobs at the end of 2009 - only 25,000 more than when Labour took office. The number of British workers in private sector jobs has fallen dramatically. The sector workforce has gone up more than 500,000 to 20.5million since 1997, but those born in Britain plunged 726,000 to 17.7million, while the number of foreign workers nearly DOUBLED from 1.5million to 2.8million. Mr Brown was challenged about the figures yesterday during PM's Questions, but ducked the issue. Shadow immigration minister Damian Green said the figures were a massive blow to the PM's credibility. He said: "Far from protecting British jobs, Gordon Brown has betrayed British workers. "Even before the recession increased unemployment, British workers were not getting the jobs in the wealth-creating private sector."FOREIGN workers have taken virtually every extra job created since Labour came to power, it was revealed last night.
Who will you vote for?
Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/election2010/2924228/Figures-show-the-number-of-jobs-created-under-Labour-matches-the-number-of-migrant-workers.html#ixzz0kUxQWtGG
Thursday, 8 April 2010
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Britannia Radio