Saturday, 08 May 2010 09:22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Saturday, 08 May 2010 09:14 'Less than two minutes into a cell phone conversation, a new computer program can predict a broken heart -- literally and figuratively. An Israeli company called eXaudios has developed a computer program, known as Magnify, that decodes the human voice to identify a person’s emotional state. Some companies in the United States already use the system in their call centers. eXaudios is even testing the software’s use in diagnosing medical conditions like autism, schizophrenia, heart disease and even prostate cancer.' Read more: Computer Software Decodes Emotions Over the Phone, Predicts BehaviorWill You Tell Them, Or Shall We?
Saturday, 08 May 2010 08:14
'Romania is to cut wages and pensions in the public sector later this year to comply with an IMF-led rescue deal. Romanian President Traian Basescu said the "programme to cut public expenses was inevitable".
Public sector wages will be cut by 25% and all salaries, including the minimum one, will be affected. Jobless benefits and pensions will be slashed by 15%. Romania is the recipient of a 20bn-euro aid package from the IMF, the EU and the World Bank.'
Saturday, 08 May 2010 08:10
'The right-wing think-tank, the American Enterprise Institute, is helping the Federal Reserve to develop a strategy to transfer $1.25 trillion in toxic mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and non performing loans onto the public's balance sheet. Although it's unknown whether Fed chair Ben Bernanke will act on the AEI's recommendations, it does show that the Fed's Quantitative Easing program (QE)--which moved the bulk of garbage assets from the banks to the Fed's balance sheet--poses long-term problems that will need to be addressed. Bernanke never intended to keep these assets any longer than necessary. Now he is actively exploring options for getting rid of them.'
Saturday, 08 May 2010 07:39
'As the European debt crisis picks up steam and batters world markets, various reports are surfacing that the US taxpayer is on the hook for billion of dollars in bailout funds via the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The United States provides approximately 20% of IMF funding, which means the taxpayer could pay $8 billion to prop up Greek banks.'
Read more: U.S. Taxpayers Could be Bailing Out European Banks as Debt Crisis Worsens
Saturday, 08 May 2010 07:28
'Monument Securities Chief Economist Stephen Lewis says the chaos in Greece could lead to collapse of the European Union, bringing down with it the dangerous assumption that structures of global governance provide stability in times of financial peril, but the World Bank and IMF vultures will be waiting as ever to feed on the remains of a dying country.'
Saturday, 08 May 2010 06:58
'Rupert Murdoch and the top execs at News Corp. keep insisting that sites that aggregate content from elsewhere on the internet are "stealing." Of course, as we've noted, News Corp. has an awful lot of sites that rely on aggregating content from elsewhere -- so apparently it's only legit when Murdoch does it himself. Murdoch, of course, has also famously claimed that fair use is a doctrine that courts would "bar altogether" if challenged in the courts -- but at the same time, his own company regularly claims "fair use" to defend its own actions.
That's generally called hypocrisy.'
Saturday, 08 May 2010 06:51
'A bill has been introduced into the US Congress, to strip US citizens accused of terrorist links of their citizenship even before they face trial. The proposed legislation comes as US officials continue to investigate possible links between New York bomb suspect Faisal Shahzad, and fighters in Pakistan.'
Saturday, 08 May 2010 06:02
'A leading European parliamentarian has accused France and Germany of forcing Greece to buy billions of euros in arms in exchange for their bailout money. France and Germany, while publicly urging Greece to make harsh public spending cuts, bullied its government to confirm billions of euros in arms deals, Franco-German lawmaker Daniel Cohn-Bendit alleged on Friday.
The accusation drew a stern denial from the French government. Cohn-Bendit said he had met last week in Athens with Papandreou, a long-time friend of his, and accused German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy of blackmailing the Greek leader.'
Friday, 07 May 2010 22:37
Three masks on the same face - vote here. It’s called ‘democracy’ and it means you’re ‘free’.
The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday
I watched Labour Party supporters cheering wildly whenever their candidates were announced to have won their seats when that party in government has been responsible for killing and maiming millions in wars justified by lies; has ceaselessly and viciously imposed an Orwellian police state; and has removed regulation from the banking system and then thrust upon the country astonishing levels of debt to bail out the banks amid their unregulated mayhem.
And here were these programmed people – computer terminals – cheering when another of this shower was elected back to parliament. But they wouldn’t compute the sheer lack of logic in their slapping palms because it is not about what is right or just – it is only about winning.
I saw Caroline Lucas, the first Green Party candidate to win a Westminster seat, being cheered and feted by her supporters when all she will do is be a focus in parliament to press for action on the totally-discredited lies about human-caused global warming.
She said after her ‘victory’ that people had voted for the ‘politics of hope above the politics of fear’ when she is going to Westminster to say from day one that if we don’t destroy the world economy, tax people till the pips squeak, impose Orwellian climate laws and make fortunes for the mega rich through cap and trade we are all going to die.
What an irrelevance it all is to what is really happening in the world as the global population is systematically raped by the banks and the Orwellian agenda, and vampired of its wealth, health, energy and freedom.
‘Hello, vote for me so I can kill more people …’
Saturday, 08 May 2010 06:39
'Through MK-Ultra and other programming, our shadow government can manufacture Middle Eastern looking terrorists all day long. MK-Ultra is not science fiction, it is a well-documented fact that was exposed in Congressional Hearings. The Illuminati have long desired to pit Islam against Western Christianity in a global conflict that would result in the mass extermination of both groups. Its all part of their 90% population reduction program.
The problem, as they see it, is that their are too many sheep and not enough shepherds. Too many slaves and not enough masters. Their preferred ratio is 10 slaves to one Satanic Psychopath. The goal is to minimize the odds that we "get smart" in large numbers and rise up against our Satanic Overlords.'
Saturday, 08 May 2010 06:30
'Last week, Goldman Sachs was on the congressional hot seat, grilled for fraud in its sale of complicated financial products called “synthetic CDOs.” This week the heat was off, as all eyes turned to the attack of the shorts on Greek sovereign debt and the dire threat of a sovereign Greek default. By Thursday, Goldman’s fraud had slipped from the headlines and Congress had been cowed into throwing in the towel on its campaign to break up the too-big-to-fail banks. On Friday, Goldman was in settlement talks with the SEC.
Goldman and Wall Street reign. Congress appears helpless to discipline the big banks, just as the European Central Bank appears helpless to prevent the collapse of the European Union. . . . Or are they?'
Read more: Stock Market Collapse: More Goldman Market Rigging
Saturday, 08 May 2010 06:25
'All three party leaders are warmongers. Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrats leader and darling of former Blair lovers, says that as prime minister he will “participate” in another invasion of a “failed state” provided there is “the right equipment, the right resources”. His one condition is the standard genuflection towards a military now scandalised by a colonial cruelty of which the Baha Mousa case is but one of many.
For Clegg, as for Gordon Brown and David Cameron, the horrific weapons used by British forces, such as clusters, depleted uranium and the Hellfire missile, which sucks the air out of its victims’ lungs, do not exist. The limbs of children in trees do not exist. This year alone Britain will spend £4 billion on the war in Afghanistan, and that is what Brown and Cameron almost certainly intend to cut from the National Health Service.'
Saturday, 08 May 2010 07:39
'As the European debt crisis picks up steam and batters world markets, various reports are surfacing that the US taxpayer is on the hook for billion of dollars in bailout funds via the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The United States provides approximately 20% of IMF funding, which means the taxpayer could pay $8 billion to prop up Greek banks.'
Read more: U.S. Taxpayers Could be Bailing Out European Banks as Debt Crisis Worsens
Saturday, 08 May 2010 07:28
'Monument Securities Chief Economist Stephen Lewis says the chaos in Greece could lead to collapse of the European Union, bringing down with it the dangerous assumption that structures of global governance provide stability in times of financial peril, but the World Bank and IMF vultures will be waiting as ever to feed on the remains of a dying country.'
Saturday, 08 May 2010 06:58
'Rupert Murdoch and the top execs at News Corp. keep insisting that sites that aggregate content from elsewhere on the internet are "stealing." Of course, as we've noted, News Corp. has an awful lot of sites that rely on aggregating content from elsewhere -- so apparently it's only legit when Murdoch does it himself. Murdoch, of course, has also famously claimed that fair use is a doctrine that courts would "bar altogether" if challenged in the courts -- but at the same time, his own company regularly claims "fair use" to defend its own actions.
That's generally called hypocrisy.'
Saturday, 08 May 2010 06:51
'A bill has been introduced into the US Congress, to strip US citizens accused of terrorist links of their citizenship even before they face trial. The proposed legislation comes as US officials continue to investigate possible links between New York bomb suspect Faisal Shahzad, and fighters in Pakistan.'
Saturday, 08 May 2010 06:02
'A leading European parliamentarian has accused France and Germany of forcing Greece to buy billions of euros in arms in exchange for their bailout money. France and Germany, while publicly urging Greece to make harsh public spending cuts, bullied its government to confirm billions of euros in arms deals, Franco-German lawmaker Daniel Cohn-Bendit alleged on Friday.
The accusation drew a stern denial from the French government. Cohn-Bendit said he had met last week in Athens with Papandreou, a long-time friend of his, and accused German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy of blackmailing the Greek leader.'
Friday, 07 May 2010 22:37
Three masks on the same face - vote here. It’s called ‘democracy’ and it means you’re ‘free’.
The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday
I watched Labour Party supporters cheering wildly whenever their candidates were announced to have won their seats when that party in government has been responsible for killing and maiming millions in wars justified by lies; has ceaselessly and viciously imposed an Orwellian police state; and has removed regulation from the banking system and then thrust upon the country astonishing levels of debt to bail out the banks amid their unregulated mayhem.
And here were these programmed people – computer terminals – cheering when another of this shower was elected back to parliament. But they wouldn’t compute the sheer lack of logic in their slapping palms because it is not about what is right or just – it is only about winning.
I saw Caroline Lucas, the first Green Party candidate to win a Westminster seat, being cheered and feted by her supporters when all she will do is be a focus in parliament to press for action on the totally-discredited lies about human-caused global warming.
She said after her ‘victory’ that people had voted for the ‘politics of hope above the politics of fear’ when she is going to Westminster to say from day one that if we don’t destroy the world economy, tax people till the pips squeak, impose Orwellian climate laws and make fortunes for the mega rich through cap and trade we are all going to die.
What an irrelevance it all is to what is really happening in the world as the global population is systematically raped by the banks and the Orwellian agenda, and vampired of its wealth, health, energy and freedom.
‘Hello, vote for me so I can kill more people …’
Saturday, 08 May 2010 06:39 'Through MK-Ultra and other programming, our shadow government can manufacture Middle Eastern looking terrorists all day long. MK-Ultra is not science fiction, it is a well-documented fact that was exposed in Congressional Hearings. The Illuminati have long desired to pit Islam against Western Christianity in a global conflict that would result in the mass extermination of both groups. Its all part of their 90% population reduction program. The problem, as they see it, is that their are too many sheep and not enough shepherds. Too many slaves and not enough masters. Their preferred ratio is 10 slaves to one Satanic Psychopath. The goal is to minimize the odds that we "get smart" in large numbers and rise up against our Satanic Overlords.' Saturday, 08 May 2010 06:30 'Last week, Goldman Sachs was on the congressional hot seat, grilled for fraud in its sale of complicated financial products called “synthetic CDOs.” This week the heat was off, as all eyes turned to the attack of the shorts on Greek sovereign debt and the dire threat of a sovereign Greek default. By Thursday, Goldman’s fraud had slipped from the headlines and Congress had been cowed into throwing in the towel on its campaign to break up the too-big-to-fail banks. On Friday, Goldman was in settlement talks with the SEC. Goldman and Wall Street reign. Congress appears helpless to discipline the big banks, just as the European Central Bank appears helpless to prevent the collapse of the European Union. . . . Or are they?' Read more: Stock Market Collapse: More Goldman Market Rigging Saturday, 08 May 2010 06:25 'All three party leaders are warmongers. Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrats leader and darling of former Blair lovers, says that as prime minister he will “participate” in another invasion of a “failed state” provided there is “the right equipment, the right resources”. His one condition is the standard genuflection towards a military now scandalised by a colonial cruelty of which the Baha Mousa case is but one of many. For Clegg, as for Gordon Brown and David Cameron, the horrific weapons used by British forces, such as clusters, depleted uranium and the Hellfire missile, which sucks the air out of its victims’ lungs, do not exist. The limbs of children in trees do not exist. This year alone Britain will spend £4 billion on the war in Afghanistan, and that is what Brown and Cameron almost certainly intend to cut from the National Health Service.'