Bankers, Economists: Mass Centralization At Heart Of Euro Bailout
The unprecedented €750bn EU bailout represents part of an ongoing program of mass centralization of governance in Europe according to the world’s leading bankers and economists.
• Banksters Throw a Trillion Bucks Down a Black Hole
• Dow Aims for Biggest Point Gain of Year
• Bank Funding Crunch Deepens as Swap Rates Soar: Credit Markets
• Euro could reach parity with dollar: German economist
American taxpayers have been freshly liberated of hundreds of billions more dollars as part of the IMF's new bailout package which is principally going straight to European banks, in addition to the Federal Reserve program to ship U.S. dollars to Europe, in a move that represents little more than a desperate effort to save the Euro and rescue the credibility of economic global governance.
• The Latest US Taxpayer Bill To Save Europe, And Specifically The French Banks: $57 Billion
• Webster Tarpley Predicts End of The EURO
Alex dissects the recetn Dow stock market meltdown with trends forecaster Gerald Celente.Celente is the publisher of the Trends Journal and is a business consultant and author who makes predictions about the global financial markets and other events.
Hijacking the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
In an editorial yesterday entitled “Obama Administration Owes Answers on How It Handled Times Square Suspect,” the Washington Post wants to know whether the Obama administration was too hasty in treating accused Times Square terrorist Faisal Shahzad as a criminal suspect rather than an “enemy combatant.”
Cameron’s first stupid mistake
Not content with having destroyed British conservatism, David Cameron has decided he might as well go the whole hog and finish off the British economy as well.
Is The Greek Debt Crisis Being Purposely Hyped And Manipulated?
Everywhere you turn in the financial media right now you see some “expert” declaring that the Greek debt crisis has become a “contagion” which is going to spread all over the globe and which could potentially bring down the entire world economy.
• The latest Greek tragedy And Sovereign Defaults Pose A Great Threat
• Euro Blasts Through $1.30 On News They’re Printing A Lot More Euros
• Will Silver (And Gold) Prices Rise Now that the Feds Are Launching Criminal and Civil Investigations Into Manipulation of the Silver Market?
Ron Paul: Euro Bailout Will Lead To Currency Collapse
As Europe is bailed out to the tune of nearly $1 trillion dollars, Congressman Ron Paul warns that the constant monetization of debt, allied with taxpayer-funded bailouts, will inevitably lead to runaway inflation and the collapse of paper currencies.
• Eurozone Bailout Fund is a “Desperate Measure”
• Euro Shock-And-Awe Will Create Huge Short Squeeze–Followed By Air Pocket And Market Collapse
• Farr: Trillion Dollar Bail-Out, Here We Go Again!
• Alistair Darling denies €750bn EU bailout exposes UK taxpayer
Fannie Mae seeks new $8.4 billion US bailout to stay afloat
US mortgage finance giant Fannie Mae said Monday it needs an additional government bailout of 8.4 billion dollars after reporting a 2010 first-quarter loss of 11.5 billion dollars.
Gordon Brown ’stepping down as Labour leader’
Gordon Brown has said he is stepping down as Labour Party leader.
Farrakhan’s Obama Revelation: ‘Before He Was Elected He Was Selected’
“Was it a suggestion of a group that surrounded him that knew the time?”
Attorney General blasted for wanting to ‘kill’ Miranda rights
The Obama administration has been criticized by conservatives for providing the failed Times Square bomber his Miranda rights hours after he was taken into custody.
HPD: Man killed in home invasion after suspect poses as census worker
A man was killed and his family members beaten after three suspects barged into a north Houston home Saturday afternoon, police said.
Summary Of The Biggest Bail Out Ever: Even Keynes Is Spinning In His Grave
Europe has now followed the Fed in its all in move to prevent the disintegration of the euro and of Europe. As we expected, the EU was leaking various rumors to gauge market interest, and as speculated earlier, the final cost ended up being just short of one trillion.
AFP Editor Reports On Secret Gathering Of Trilats in Ireland
AFP has learned that the advance staff of the Trilateral Commission (TC), appearing here at the Four Seasons resort in Dublin on May 6, appeared gloomy.
• David Rockefeller confronted at his dinner table by The Sovereign Independent at the Trilateral Commission