Monday, 10 May 2010

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report May 10, 2010, 1:44 PM (GMT+02:00) 
Tags:  Medvedev   Russian arms deal   Syria  
Dmitry Medvedev visits Damascus

DEBKAfile's Washington and military sources report Russian president Dmitry Medvedev's first visit to Damascus is expected to produce major arms deals, also providing a back door for Iran to receive sophisticated Russian hardware thus far withheld. The Russian president's three-day visit is seen as an important boost for Bashar Assad and the Iran-Syria-Hizballah-Hamas bloc versus pro-Western Middle East powers and a failed mark for the Obama-Clinton drive to woo the Syrian ruler.

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Netanyahu gives way on Jerusalem
DEBKAfile Special Report
May 10, 2010, 1:05 AM (GMT+02:00) 

Tags:  Jewish housing in E. Jerusalem  Netanyahu 

Binyamin Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has given ground onJerusalem to bribe Palestinian leaders to go back to peace talks albeit an indirect process mediated by the United States. He has agreed to freeze construction on an East Jerusalem project at Ramat Shlomo for two years. As a result, Palestinians are celebrating their success in manipulating the Obama administration into squeezing concessions out ofIsrael even before the talks begin - and on Jerusalem, no less.

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