Saturday, 1 May 2010

Friday, April 30, 2010

china confidential

Anti-US Bolivia and Venezuela Strengthen Ties

As reported here, the America-hating governments of Bolivia and Venezuela have signed new accords, strengthening commercial ties.

Yes! Belgium Bans Burqa-Wearing in Public

Yes we can ... resist the Islamist menace that threatens Western civilization.

Read all about Belgium's burqa ban here.

Europe is fighting back in spite of U.S. President Barack Obama. The supposed leader of the free world has actually intervened in Europe's internal affairs--on the side of the fascistic fundamentalists. Obama made a point of backing a (brainwashed or enslaved) woman's "right" to wear Muslim burqas, headscarves, and veils in public (ignoring the obvious security risks these ugly and oppressive things represent) during his visit to France, which is also working on a public ban of barbaric Islamic garb.

The Obama administration, as previously reported, was silent this week as nuclear-arming, Islamonazi/Islamist Iran was elected to the U.N. women's rights commission. The monstrous mullahocracy, which Obama has sought to engage (appease and align with), boasts a ... constitution ... that enshrines into law the
stoning and lashing of women who violate barbaric Islamic law--e.g. by dressing "immodestly."

That the sadistic fiends of organized Islam are allowed to walk among civilized people--permitted to engage in dialogue and diplomacy, invited to international forums, interviewed by masochistic media bent on "understanding" the barbarism--is beyond belief. Islamism, like Nazism, is a plague that must be eradicated--now. End it before it ends us.

Iran VP Threatens to 'Cut Off Israel's Feet'

Appeasement fans the flames of aggression.

Nuclear-arming, Islamist/Islamonazi Iran's vice president today threatened to "cut off Israel's feet" if it attacks Syria.
Click here for the story.

Iran is doing its best to raise tensions in the Middle East--more specifically, on Israel's northern borders with Syria and Lebanon--in order to divert attention from Iran's atomic advance.

The Obama administration's perfidious policy of engagement--code for appeasing and attempting to align with Iran--is making war in the region inevitable.

US Ready to Allow UN Censure of Israel

The Obama administration is prepared to escalate its campaign to force Israel into withdrawing to indefensible borders in order to make possible the creation of a Palestinian mini-state with East Jerusalem as its capital. Click here for the story.

UN Elects Iran to Women's Rights Commission


The monstrous Iranian mullahocracy--a fountainhead of barbaric, fundamentalist Islam--has been elected to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.

Read the sickening story here.

The United States silently watched Iran's election in line with the Obama administration's appeasement of Islamist Iran and Islamism in general.

Understand, as President Obama likes to say, that his administration is resigned to living with a nuclear-armed or nuclear-capable Iran, and reluctant to meaningfully raise the issue of the oppression of women in Islamonazi Iran out of fear of focusing attention on Saudi Arabia, a country with no human or civil rights, where women must also wear barbaric Muslim garb and are still not even allowed to drive cars. Championing or even properly defending the rights of women in barbaric Muslim lands conflicts with Obama's odious outreach to the so-called Muslim world and attempts to elevate international Islam to the level of a superpower.

Where is the outrage?

Click here for more information about the plight of women in Iran.

Official laws against women in Iran
can be found here. A sampling of the barbarism:

Article 102 of Iran’s Constitution indicates: "Women who appear on streets and in public without the prescribed ‘Islamic Hejab’ will be condemned to 74 strokes of the lash.”

Article 1133 of the Civil Code states: A man can divorce his wife whenever he so chooses and does not have to give her advance notice.

Article 102 of the Penal code, states that married offenders (adulterers) are liable to stoning regardless of their gender, but the method laid down for a man stipulates he be buried up to his waist, and a woman up to her neck.

Article 114 of Iran’s Civil codes states: When rajm [stoning] is being administered on a man he must be placed in a pit almost down to his waist, and when administered on a woman she must be placed in a pit almost down to her chest. Such barbaric behavior by the regime includes dictating the style, size and the administration of stoning while differentiating between male vs. female victims. Female victim up to her neck to avoid physical escape, however, even if condemned female victim is able to flee the scene, authorities are obliged to arrest her and execute her by firing squad. As for the male victims, they are buried up to their waist and if able to escape the scene no further punishment awaits them.

Gold Hits 4-Month High

Gold climbed to a four-month high on the dollar's drop in value.

At the same time, gold seems to be "decoupling" from the dollar as investors seek safe haven.
Click here for the story.

Gold is becoming an alternative global currency.

China Said to Still Have Confidence in the Euro

The EU chief says China still has confidence in Europe and the euro, despite the currency's plunge in value.
Click here for the story.

An EU bailout deal for Greece is days away,
as reported here.

Iran's 'Right Arm' Has Global Reach

Daniel Darling
analyzes the role--and reach--of Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guards Corps in the context of an in-depth discussion of Iran's military, which, he believes, is still lacking and antiquated in many respects:

Iran’s military arm is divided into three main components: the regular army, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the Order Forces (or Law Enforcement Force). While the regular army is charged with national defense and the Order Forces oversee border security and the national police, the IRGC is the Praetorian Guard of the Islamic Revolution, outfitted with its own army, air force, navy and Special Forces units, as well as an internal intelligence branch. The IRGC controls Iranian missile production, the nation’s chemical and biological weapons, and is believed to oversee the nuclear developmental program.

The politically-powerful IRGC not only serves as the Islamic regimes right arm, but as purveyor of its external interests. Through the use of the Guards’ special Qods Force the Iranian regime is able to nurture its proxies in the Levant, which include Hezbollah, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. These elements are important to Iran as an indirect means through which to strike at Israel - in the process ensuring Israeli military attention is fixated foremost on immediate threats emanating from Gaza and southern Lebanon. The Qods Force is charged with providing arms, training and financial support for these groups, while in the process gathering intelligence on Israeli military tactics and capabilities.

The Qods Force has also been active in Iraq, where its Ramazan Corps has aided Iraqi Shiite militants and been linked by the U.S. military to the flow of Explosively Formed Penetrators (EFPs) into Iraq and the proliferation there of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). Spreading its reach further abroad, the Qods Force is now believed to have placed operatives in Venezuela, adroitly posting them in embassies and cultural/charitable institutions.

Click here to read the entire article.

Analysis: Iran's Israel-Syria Game

An important Israeli analyst says Iran wants to see more tension on Israel's northern front, but no war (not now, at least).
Ron Ben-Yishai:

The “warnings” issued by Iran to its allies which border on Israel have a strategic aim: The Iranians wasn’t the global attention as well as that of Security Council members to be diverted away from Tehran’s refusal on the nuclear issue and the preoccupation with anti-Iran sanctions; instead, it will focus on the tension and threat of war that may erupt at any moment between Israel and its northern neighbors. And so, the Iranians can buy more time while erode the severity of the sanctions against them.

Read the
entire analysis here.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Belgium Unites to Ban Barbaric Burqa

Belgium could become the first European country to make burqa-wearing a criminal offense, as reported here.

God bless Belgium!

Venezuela Remaking Army Along Cuban Lines

An ex-general is alarmed by Cuba's involvement in Venezuela's military and access to Venezuelan national security secrets. Read all about it here.