Saturday, 1 May 2010

Statement by Scotland Against Crooked Lawyers

(Can we have an Isle of Wight branch?)

The BBC's Mark Daly

'We therefore suggest that everyone who cares about decency and justice in Britain and in particular ex Main Facebook members stop expending time money and energy in arguing with each other in Facebooks or anywhere else about small and irrelevant points and rather direct their efforts to get Robert elected. In this regard we already have dozens of foot soldiers in Aberdeen but need dozens more to get all our Flyers distributed. We outnumber by far all the other parties combined in this regard!'

Read more....

Comedian Frankie Boyle responds: 'The BBC are cowards' over his exposure of Israel apartheid

At last a comedian with balls - whatever happened to them since Bill Hicks died?

'A few years ago I watched a documentary about life in Palestine. There's a section where a UN dignitary of some kind comes to do a photo opportunity outside a new hospital. The staff know that it communicates nothing of the real desperation of their position, so they trick her into a side ward on her way out.

She ends up in a room with a child who the doctors explain is in a critical condition because they don't have the supplies to keep treating him. She flounders, awkwardly caught in the bleak reality of the room, mouthing platitudes over a dying boy.

The filmmaker asks one of the doctors what they think the stunt will have achieved. He is suddenly angry, perhaps having just felt at first hand something he knew in the abstract. The indifference of the world. 'She will do nothing,' he says to the filmmaker. Then he looks into the camera and says, 'Neither will you'.

I cried at that and promised myself that I would do something. Other than write a few stupid jokes I have not done anything. Neither have you.'


P.S.: The truth about Israel is massively exposed in David Icke's new book, Human Race Get Off Your Knees - The Lion Sleeps No More

PA Tax Amnesty TV Ad 'We Know Who You Are'

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Levin: SWAT Team Response To Oil Spill Is Government Takeover Plot

'Radio talk show host and former Reagan cabinet advisor Mark Levin has slammed President Obama’s bizarre announcement that he will be sending SWAT teams to deal with the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, alleging that the response is part of a plan to grease the skids for government takeover and nationalization of the oil industry.

In a move that has shocked and dumbfounded political observers in equal measure, Obama said yesterday the “Department of Interior has announced that they will be sending SWAT teams to the Gulf to inspect all platforms and rigs.” '

Read more: Levin: SWAT Team Response To Oil Spill Is Government Takeover Plot

Health Ministry Finds that Fluoridation Does Not Reduce Tooth Decay

'Statistics from a study conducted by the New Zealand Ministry of Health suggest that there are no advantages derived from fluoridation. These statistics actually match similar arguments set forth by the American Dental Association. The latter organization conducted a large study on some 39000 American children and found that they did not derive any advantages from the use of fluoride.

Read more: Health Ministry Finds that Fluoridation Does Not Reduce Tooth Decay

Democrats Slip National ID Into Immigration Bill

'A plan by Senate Democratic leaders to reform the nation’s immigration laws ran into strong opposition from civil liberties defenders before lawmakers even unveiled it Thursday. Democratic leaders have proposed requiring every worker in the nation to carry a national identification card with biometric information, such as a fingerprint, within the next six years, according to a draft of the measure.'

Read more: Democrats Slip National ID Into Immigration Bill

'The Strange Death of Adolph Hitler'

'This is the title of a curious book published in 1939 that claims Hitler was poisoned and died shortly before the Munich Conference in March 1938. The book is written by the "double" who replaced him, a lookalike translator named Max Bauer.

The premise is absurd! Hitler's double writes a book: "Help! I'm being held hostage playing a dead dictator." They would have killed him at once.'

Read more: 'The Strange Death of Adolph Hitler'