Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Hail Storm Oklahoma City May 16th


Top Secret Gorbachev Files Unveil Globalist Agenda

'In 1999, the Moscow office of the Gorbachev Foundation granted access  to its vast digital archive to a limited number of vetted Russian history researchers.  One of them was Pavel Stroilov.  Parts of the archive were password restricted, but Stroilov noticed he could see the password by peeking whenever the office archivist booted the system.  He memorized it and for several visits managed to access and secretly copy volumes of folders amounting to 50,000 documents.
Stroilov couldn't believe what he read.  The restricted documents were the KGB transcripts of private and secret conversations of Mikhail Gorbachev during his years as leader of the Soviet Union (1985-1992.)
In a recent interview with urban policy magazine City Journal, he said they "tell a completely new story about the end of the Cold War. The 'commonly accepted' version of history of that period consists of myths almost entirely. These documents are capable of ruining each of those myths".'

Read more: Top Secret Gorbachev Files Unveil Globalist Agenda

Defiant Magistrate Falls Victim of PC Culture Obsession

'When Austin Molloy woke up on the 13th of May and prepared for his magistrate duty at Blackburn Magistrates Court, little did he realise that he’d woken into a politically correct nightmare. Four days later and Mr Molloy has had his position as bench chairman revoked as the Judicial Office of Communications conduct an investigation into him for his actions on that fateful Thursday.

So what heinous events of misjustice did he direct? Given that I’ve mentioned political correctness you can probably guess that it’s something that would make 99% of normal Brits (apart from self-obsessed PC generals in Whitehall) want to smash their face into their desk in despair. And you’d be right.'

Read more: Defiant Magistrate Falls Victim of PC Culture Obsession

Breast Cancer Breakthrough: Broccoli Component Zaps Cells That Fuel Tumor Growth

'University of Michigan (U-M) Comprehensive Cancer Center scientists say they've found a compound that could help prevent and potentially treat breast cancer. It's not a drug or a new radiation treatment but a natural component of broccoli and broccoli sprouts. And it has the remarkable ability to target cancer stem cells -- the specific cells responsible for fueling the growth of cancerous breast tumors.

The researchers tested the broccoli compound, known as sulforaphane, in animal studies as well as in breast cancer cell cultures in the lab. Their findings, which were recently published in the journal Clinical Cancer Research, showed sulforaphane not only targeted and killed cancer stem cells, but it also prevented any new malignancies from growing.'

Read more: Breast Cancer Breakthrough: Broccoli Component Zaps Cells That Fuel Tumor Growth


Hamas Demolished Homes In Rafah

'Local sources have reported that the Hamas security forces in Rafah, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, demolished several homes, Sunday, and intends to demolish more homes under the claim that they were built without permits.

The sources that clashes took place between a number of residents and the security forces leading to several injuries.'

Read more: Hamas Demolished Homes In Rafah

Senator: Kagan Argued Government Could Ban Books

'In an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Senator Mitch McConnell pointed out that Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan once argued that the government should have the power to ban books and censor political pamphlets, as yet more alarming information on Kagan’s hostility towards the First Amendment comes to light.'

Read more: Senator: Kagan Argued Government Could Ban Books


Hull City Council Residents Asked to Report Neighbours for Putting Rubbish Out Too Early

'Residents are being asked to report neighbours for 'environmental crimes' such as putting their bins out too early or late. A council is urging householders to snoop on fellow residents and fill in 'diary sheets' to log incidents - the same way it tackles violent anti-social behaviour. Such 'crimes' can be committed by putting bins out at the wrong times or leaving them in the wrong place.

Householders could face a £100 fixed penalty notice or be fined up to £1,000 in court for leaving rubbish next to a bin or blocking a path with a bin. The clampdown, by Hull City Council, has provoked a furious reaction, with residents insisting they won't do officials' 'dirty work' for them.

Read more: Hull City Council Residents Asked to Report Neighbours for Putting Rubbish Out Too Early


Obama Czar Wants Mandatory Government Propaganda On Political Websites

'Disturbing audio has emerged of White House information czar Cass Sunstein, who in a previous white paper called for banning “conspiracy theories,” demanding that websites be mandated by law to link to opposing information or that pop ups containing government propaganda be forcibly included on political blogs.

In an audio excerpt of an interview which was posted on the website today, Sunstein discusses how conservative websites should provide links to liberal websites and vice versa or even how political blogs should be made to include pop ups that show “a quick argument for a competing view”.'

Read more: Obama Czar Wants Mandatory Government Propaganda On Political Websites


Vatican to Claim Bishops are Not 'Employees'

'The Vatican will today make its most detailed defence yet against claims that it is liable for US bishops who allowed priests to molest children, saying bishops are not its employees and that a document from 1962 did not require them to keep quiet. The Vatican will make the arguments in a motion to dismiss a federal lawsuit on jurisdictional grounds filed in Louisville, Kentucky, but it could affect other efforts to sue the Holy See.

Jeffrey Lena, the Vatican's lawyer in the US, said the Vatican would assert that bishops are not its employees because they are not paid by Rome, don't act on Rome's behalf and are not controlled day-to-day by the pope — factors courts use to determine whether employers are liable for the actions of their employees.'

Read more: Vatican to Claim Bishops are Not 'Employees'


Iran’s Uranium Deal a Serious Blow to War Party

'In a move that will likely drive a stake into the heart of the near-term prospects for the US-backed “crippling sanctions” against Iran, Turkey and Brazil have managed to come up with a compromise deal that provides everything the Western nations claimed to have wanted from the third-party enrichment deal in the first place.

The deal was announced last night but details were only made available this morning. According to the announcement, Iran will ship 1,200 kg of its 3.5% enriched uranium to Turkey, exactly the amount sought in the P5+1 enrichment deal, and will receive fuel rods for its medical reactor one year later, again the amount of time given in the P5+1 deal. Though the inclusion of Turkey is a new rub, everything else about the deal seems to be designed to be verbatim to the P5+1 deal in October, which the Obama Administration has repeatedly demanded Iran sign.'

IPCC Bias Exposed Yet Again

'The UK Telegraph reports that Rajendra Pachauri has "defended the use of grey literature" in the IPCC's reports. As long as it supports the IPCC's pre-conceived conclusion of man-made warming, that is. Because whenever grey literature challenges the consensus, the knee-jerk response is "but it isn't peer-reviewed!". Hands up who can spot the hypocrisy there?'

Read more: IPCC Bias Exposed Yet Again


Germans Turn Against the EU as Eurozone Meltdown Heaps Misery on Angela Merkel

'Unlike the lily-livered British red-tops, the main German tabloid, Bild Zeitung, puts nipples on the front page. Day after day for the past week, it has been metaphorically stripping naked the same victim, then pouring cold baked beans over her head. Once-divorced mother-of-none Angela Merkel, 55, from Berlin, a chancellor of Germany, has had probably the worst seven days of her life.

To imagine the full scale of Mrs Merkel's disaster, think of it as a bit like that moment in 2008 when Britain suddenly had to find £46 billion of public money to bail out the banks, overnight storing up years of spending cuts, tax rises and general misery for everyone else. Then multiply the amount of money potentially required, and the amount of pain which could be inflicted, by three.'

Read more: Germans Turn Against the EU as Eurozone Meltdown Heaps Misery on Angela Merkel


Financial Terrorists Want Global Currency, Global Central Bank

'During a recent speech at a conference of elitists in Zurich Switzerland, IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn called for the introduction of a global currency backed by a global central bank which would act as the “lender of last resort” in the event of a severe economic crisis, which would represent another lurch towards fascist centralization of power by financial terrorists busy exploiting the fiscal chaos they created in order to impose world government.

The IMF chief is basically arguing for an expanded model of a system that is habitually used to swallow up and turn entire countries into debt slaves to the IMF.'

Read more: Financial Terrorists Want Global Currency, Global Central Bank