Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

china confidential


New Iran Sanctions Watered Down Rehash

Clinton's so-called tough new sanctions on nuclear-arming Iran turn out to be anything but tough--merely a watered down rehash of old measures and proposals.

Click here for the news.


Taliban Suicide Bomb Kills 5 Americans, 1 Canadian

A deadly reminder of the destruction that lone suicide bombers--and vehicular bombs--can cause. Click here for the story.

Time and again, across the bloody Middle East, radical Islam has shown that it has the evil expertise to carry out such attacks. It would be dangerously illogical and foolish, to say the least, to count on continued luck and incompetence--e.g. the botched Times Square and Christmas Day underwear bombings--to protect the U.S. homeland against these terrorist atrocities.


India Offers Talks Amid Maoist Shutdown

India's Maoist rebels have shut down five states for 48 hours, as reported here and in the above video clip.

At the same time, India says it is willing to enter into peace talks with the increasingly bold insurgents if they halt attacks for 72 hours. Click here for the story.

The Maoist uprising in India is a big, important story that has largely been ignored or underreported by foreign media (except for China Confidential).


Chinese Tycoon Huang Guangyu Jailed for 14 Years

The rags-to-riches tycoon, once China's richest man, has been sentenced to 14 years in prison for stock manipulation, insider trading, and bribery, as reported here.


On the Meaning of the Ground Zero Mega-Mosque

Daniel Greenfield's essay on the Ground Zero monster/mega-mosque is a must-read. Here's an excerpt:
What does building an Islamic "barracks" near Ground Zero really mean? What does taking over a building that was made defunct by the 9/11 attacks, buying up property for a fraction of their real price in a neighborhood whose commercial property values were destroyed by Islamic terrorism... in order to build one of those "barracks" really say? It's the next phase of the invasion. First you bomb and then you occupy.
After Al Queda "cleared the ground" in the attacks of September 11. This not only killed 3,000 people, but it also poisoned large numbers of rescue workers and damaged a number of nearby buildings, such as the Deutsche Bank building and the old Burlington Coat factory building-- which the proposed Mosque is taking over. And thanks to the massacre and devastation staged by their co-religionists, the 18 million dollar building was instead sold to a Muslim company for under 5 million dollars.

Quite a discount, wouldn't you say? Kill 3,000 infidels and you get to buy the building that your co-religionists devalued at less than a third of the price. Now that is what real Sharia economics looks like.


Using Google Earth and NASA Data, Student Spots Illegal North Korean Logging in Protected Forest

It's getting harder and harder for criminals, including criminal regimes, to hide the evidence of their crimes. Click here for the story.


China-Iran Update: Clinton Claims Washington, Beijing, Moscow Reach Agreement on Sanctions

Click here for the breaking news.

China Confidential analysts say the sanctions will not be truly tough and meaningful.

There is no diplomatic solution to the problem of nuclear-arming, Islamist Iran.

The countdown to conflict has begun; and the coming war, unfortunately, will be fought on Iran's terms, for the United States has given Tehran time to prepare for a major conflagration.


Real Press Barred from Chavez 'Press Conference'

State media only....

Venezuela's America-hating, Communist despot, Hugo Chavez, has barred private-sector media from attending his so-called press conference on new currency trading laws, as reported here.


China Backs Iran Move to Check US

China has expressed support for Iran's nuclear deal with Turkey and Brazil--a clever and effective deception and diplomatic and propaganda coup aimed at derailing the US sanctions drive that will fail even if it succeeds, so to speak, because Iran's nuclear program at this stage can only be stopped through military action.

Click here for a Reuters report on China's position and close relationship with Iran, which China Confidential has reported on for five years.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Opinion: Obama No Friend of India

An Indian analyst says Barack Obama "revels in appeasement," and is "no friend." Click hereto read the essay.


Iran Prepared to Block Gulf Oil

Iran’s recently-concluded war games concentrated on preparations to block the Persian Gulf and wreck Western economies in the event that the United Nations Security Council tries to place harsh sanctions against it.

Forty percent of the world’s oil and gas sails through the Persian Gulf, and an Iranian blockade would cause an inflationary spike in energy prices and a fuel shortage that could cause catastrophe for the West, which is dependent on Iranian crude to fuel their gas-hungry economies.

Public affairs consultant Lenny Ben-David, a former senior Israeli diplomat in Israel’s embassy in Washington, pointed out on Cutting Monday that the Islamic Republic stopped, searched or photographed several Western ships durng the eight-day war games.

The Revolutionary Navy searched a French and an Italian vessel for "environmental" checks, buzzed the U.S. Eisenhower in what American officials called a “close encounter,” and patrolled the Gulf, also known as the Straits of Hormuz, stopping and checking destroyers and cargo ships.

The Iranian Air Force also drove away a U.S. reconnaissance drone that was monitoring Iran's massive Gulf military exercises that concluded last Thursday.

During and after the war games, Tehran issued daily press releases boasting of new and advanced speed boats, an anti-submarine torpedo and advanced arms for attacking ships.

At the same time, U.S. President Barack Obama, who has allowed Iran to come closer than ever to acquiring atomic arms, is reportedly planning a crushing (to Americans), $1 per-gallon, national gasoline/diesel tax. Click here for the previously published report.


Longtime Leftist Ally Turns on Chavez

A setback for the Communist Crackpot of Caracas. Click here for the story.


Retired US General Warns Iran, Syria, Hezbollah Plan Attack on Israel with Chemical Warheads

Click here to watch the PJTV video interview.


Obama Shrinking and Exposing US Nuclear Arsenal

Click here for a frightening piece about America's rapidly shrinking nuclear arsenal and Obama's plan for further nuclear disarmament.


Falling Euro Hurts China

The plummeting euro is making Chinese exports less competitive, as reported here.


Official British Cowards Cave to Radical Islam

The craven British government has all but surrendered to the Islamonazi menace.

Click here for the shocking story--an Atlas Shrugs exclusive.

Winston Churchill must be rolling in his grave. As the heroic wartime prime minister might have put it, his country's cowardly bastards, forced to choose between war and shame, again chose shame. As a result, they will get war--on the enemy's terms.


What Obamappeasement Has Wrought: Israel Plays War Game Assuming Islamist Iran Has Atomic Bomb

Reuters reports:
A nuclear-armed Iran would blunt Israel's military autonomy, a wargame involving former Israeli generals and diplomats has concluded, though some players predicted Tehran would also exercise restraint.

Sunday's event at a campus north of Tel Aviv followed other high-profile Iran simulations in Israel and the United States in recent months. But it broke new ground by assuming the existence of what both countries have pledged to prevent: an Iranian bomb.

This American Jewish reporter is embarrassed and ashamed to add that over 75% of American Jewish voters chose Barack Obama, a mysterious, left-wing Candidate of Changewith terrifyingly radical anti-Semitic/anti-American Marxist/Communist/Islamist associations, over John McCain, a trusted, genuine American hero, proven patriot and staunch supporter of Israel and the Jewish people.



Tolerance for Islamist Terror Runs Amok in US

The ultimate insult to the 9/11 victims: a mega-mosque at ground zero.

Read all about the insanity ... which threatens every decent American ... here and here.

IBD weighs in--over here--on the Ground Zero "monster mosque." 


S. Korea to Formally Accuse North of Sinking Ship

The ship was torpedoed, as China Confidential first reported. Click here for the story.