Tuesday, 18 May 2010 08:07 'The UK Telegraph reports that Rajendra Pachauri has "defended the use of grey literature" in the IPCC's reports. As long as it supports the IPCC's pre-conceived conclusion of man-made warming, that is. Because whenever grey literature challenges the consensus, the knee-jerk response is "but it isn't peer-reviewed!". Hands up who can spot the hypocrisy there?' Tuesday, 18 May 2010 07:56 'Unlike the lily-livered British red-tops, the main German tabloid, Bild Zeitung, puts nipples on the front page. Day after day for the past week, it has been metaphorically stripping naked the same victim, then pouring cold baked beans over her head. Once-divorced mother-of-none Angela Merkel, 55, from Berlin, a chancellor of Germany, has had probably the worst seven days of her life. To imagine the full scale of Mrs Merkel's disaster, think of it as a bit like that moment in 2008 when Britain suddenly had to find £46 billion of public money to bail out the banks, overnight storing up years of spending cuts, tax rises and general misery for everyone else. Then multiply the amount of money potentially required, and the amount of pain which could be inflicted, by three.' Read more: Germans Turn Against the EU as Eurozone Meltdown Heaps Misery on Angela Merkel Tuesday, 18 May 2010 07:32 'During a recent speech at a conference of elitists in Zurich Switzerland, IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn called for the introduction of a global currency backed by a global central bank which would act as the “lender of last resort” in the event of a severe economic crisis, which would represent another lurch towards fascist centralization of power by financial terrorists busy exploiting the fiscal chaos they created in order to impose world government. The IMF chief is basically arguing for an expanded model of a system that is habitually used to swallow up and turn entire countries into debt slaves to the IMF.' Read more: Financial Terrorists Want Global Currency, Global Central Bank Tuesday, 18 May 2010 06:37 'British scientists experimented with ways of spreading foot-and-mouth disease, and lethal infections such as dysentery, cholera and typhoid in secret biological warfare trials during the second world war. An extensive list of the contagious agents and plagues that could be turned into weapons of mass destruction is revealed in files from a War Cabinet committee released to the National Archives. The government was known to have produced 5m anthrax-filled cakes to infect cattle in Germany during the war, but the latest documents show research was carried out into a far larger variety of diseases, mostly in Porton Down, near Salisbury, and Pirbright in Surrey.' Read more: Files Reveal Britain's Secret Biological Weapons Trials in Second World War Tuesday, 18 May 2010 04:57 'A high-ranking army officer from Saudi Arabia has been accused of planning an attack during the upcoming FIFA World Cup in South Africa, an Iraqi official says. Baghdad security spokesman Major General Qassim Atta said Monday Colonel Abdullah al-Qahtani participated in the planning of a terrorist act in South Africa. Iraqi police arrested Qahtani two weeks ago. He was also in charge of security for the terror network in Baghdad, General Atta said.'
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
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Britannia Radio