Iran’s recently-concluded war games concentrated on preparations to block the Persian Gulf and wreck Western economies in the event that the United Nations Security Council tries to place harsh sanctions against it.
Forty percent of the world’s oil and gas sails through the Persian Gulf, and an Iranian blockade would cause an inflationary spike in energy prices and a fuel shortage that could cause catastrophe for the West, which is dependent on Iranian crude to fuel their gas-hungry economies.
Public affairs consultant Lenny Ben-David, a former senior Israeli diplomat in Israel’s embassy in Washington, pointed out on Cutting Edge.com Monday that the Islamic Republic stopped, searched or photographed several Western ships durng the eight-day war games.
The Revolutionary Navy searched a French and an Italian vessel for "environmental" checks, buzzed the U.S. Eisenhower in what American officials called a “close encounter,” and patrolled the Gulf, also known as the Straits of Hormuz, stopping and checking destroyers and cargo ships.
The Iranian Air Force also drove away a U.S. reconnaissance drone that was monitoring Iran's massive Gulf military exercises that concluded last Thursday.
During and after the war games, Tehran issued daily press releases boasting of new and advanced speed boats, an anti-submarine torpedo and advanced arms for attacking ships.
At the same time, U.S. President Barack Obama, who has allowed Iran to come closer than ever to acquiring atomic arms, is reportedly planning a crushing (to Americans), $1 per-gallon, national gasoline/diesel tax. Click here for the previously published report.
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 11:21 PM 
The craven British government has all but surrendered to the Islamonazi menace.
Winston Churchill must be rolling in his grave. As the heroic wartime prime minister might have put it, his country's cowardly bastards, forced to choose between war and shame, again chose shame. As a result, they will get war--on the enemy's terms.
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 8:00 PM 

Reuters reports:A nuclear-armed Iran would blunt Israel's military autonomy, a wargame involving former Israeli generals and diplomats has concluded, though some players predicted Tehran would also exercise restraint.
Sunday's event at a campus north of Tel Aviv followed other high-profile Iran simulations in Israel and the United States in recent months. But it broke new ground by assuming the existence of what both countries have pledged to prevent: an Iranian bomb.
This American Jewish reporter is embarrassed and ashamed to add that over 75% of American Jewish voters chose Barack Obama, a mysterious, left-wing Candidate of Changewith terrifyingly radical anti-Semitic/anti-American Marxist/Communist/Islamist associations, over John McCain, a trusted, genuine American hero, proven patriot and staunch supporter of Israel and the Jewish people.
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 7:42 PM 
The ultimate insult to the 9/11 victims: a mega-mosque at ground zero.
Read all about the insanity ... which threatens every decent American ... here and here.
IBD weighs in--over here--on the Ground Zero "monster mosque."
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 1:11 PM 

Iran has scored a diplomatic and propaganda victory, with help from Turkey and Brazil.Click here and here also for the story.
Jimmy Carter allowed Iran to go Islamist. Barack Obama is allowing it to become a nuclear weapons state.
The Obama game plan for Iran: a failed sanctions drive followed by a brief period of phony, Cold War-style containment leading to "peaceful coexistence" and, ultimately, a Grand Bargain with an Islamist superpower bristling with nuclear ICBMs.
The Obama plan is a prescription for catastrophe, for Islamist/Islamonazi Iran intends to not only drive the U.S. from the Middle East but to actually dominate the globe and destroy the "Great Satan" via an anonymous atomic or EMP attack on the U.S. by Iran's proxy, Hitlerian Hezbollah, and/or partner in international terrorism, Al Qaeda.
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 12:22 PM 

The screwing of the American middle class continues.
China Confidential has learned that the most progressive--code for left-wing--President in American history is seriously considering imposition of one of the most regressive kinds of taxes to help pay for America's monstrously large federal deficit--namely, a national gasoline (and diesel) tax. A $1 per-gallon tax on the fuels that power American cars and trucks would generate about $300 billion in additional annual tax revenues, experts say, and Barack Obama aims to get his hands on that money.
His argument: higher fuel taxes will spur green energy development.
The reality: a national fuels tax will crush rural America and create a world of pain in the suburbs, pauperizing the middle class and wiping out the working poor.
The Obama alternative: a whopping, European-style, national value added tax, or VAT, which, time and again, has proven to be a sure-fire way of reducing long-run growth and tax revenues.
The taboo topic: slowing government growth. The non-wealth producing octopus will continue to grow until the United States becomes another Greece.
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 11:20 AM