Monday, 10 May 2010

May 10, 2010

The Fate of a Pagan Nation
I give the country three years at the least and five years at the most. We are done; the floods, tornadoes, earthquakes and the massive oil infusion of the gulf waters are not happenstance. Everything that is upon us is directly attributable to the moral rottenness of the people. An economic collapse is around the bend and will be followed by famine, racial warfare, nuclear destruction and the captivity of the people.........
by Sheriff Jim Schwiesow, Ret.

The New Totalitarians
When unelected officials can take everything from a well meaning individual who has not harmed a soul, we know that liberty is at an end. We have reached that sad point in our history. It is time to end these abuses and replace the bureaucratic oligarchy that now rules so tyrannically with the limited federal republic that the founding fathers gave us in defense of individual liberty........
by Attorney Jonathan Emord

Obama Eyes Global Gun Control and Martial Law, Critics Say
While most news media outlets and the American people are engulfed in news coverage regarding the economy, the 2010 elections, the Gulf oil spill and other stories, little if any news coverage exists about two major actions being considered by President Barack Obama and progressive lawmakers. First, news of a increased role for the military within the United States is being totally ignored by the media. And second, apparently the United States will sign-on to an International Gun Control Plan, backed by Hillary Clinton.
by NWV News

Five Myths About Illegal Immigration From US Government
In a whopping “Pinocchio’s nose grows longer than a football field” essay, the Washington Post published a piece by former INS commissioner Doris Meissner, currently a senior fellow at the Migration Policy Institute. She wrote: “5 myths about immigration” 5/9/2010. Also published by the Denver Post. Once again, ‘experts’ of the U.S. Government fail, and fail miserably, to engage the American public with integrity, honesty and service to American citizens......
by Frosty Wooldridge