FDA Wants to Control Everything Your Family Eats e Manipulation, Not Error, Behind Market Plunge The Situation Is Grave - Are You? Communists Given Invitations to Enter US
Dhe Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) has achieved a tremendous coup in their suit against the FDA regarding the FDA's abuses over transport of privately owned fresh (unpasteurized) milk. In a brief the FDA filed requesting that the case against them be dismissed for lack of standing, the FDA has shown that they truly think we cannot decide what we want to eat or drink without their permission. It's amazing. One would.....
by Doreen Hannes
The major media say the chaos on Wall Street was the result of a “trader error, possibly a typo,” as the Washington Post put it. Some reports claim the culprit was a “fat finger” on a computer somewhere that pressed the wrong key. But Zubi Diamond, author of the Wizards of Wall Street, says these claims are all lies. “What happened in the market on Thursday is a typical example of pure market manipulation” by unregulated hedge........
by Cliff Kincaid
There’s an interesting word used in the New Testament several times by the Apostle Paul on the proper conduct for Christians that starkly contrasts what is prevalent in the Church today. From what I can ascertain, it’s found only in versions of the Bible published on or before 1901. And, judging from the rapidly changing and declining 21st Century Church here in America, I dare say its teaching and practice would probably be offensive to many if not most contemporary.....
by Paul Proctor
Communists are no longer infiltrating our country; they’ve been invited in as our guests. The 4/30/2010 Statesman Journal (SJ) headlines said that the Nordic choir at North Salem High School was preparing to sing praises to the former South Africa President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Frederik Willem deKlerk. The soloist was asked about possible jitters. She said she’d just picture herself among the many groups of South Africans who fought against apartheid......
by Betty Freauf
Saturday, 8 May 2010
May 8, 2010
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Britannia Radio