Thursday, May 06, 2010
Iran Holds War Games in Persian Gulf
Iran is holding war games in the Gulf in line with Tehran's attempts to both deter and challenge the United States. Click here for the report.
Washington's weak response to Iran recalls the Anglo-German Naval Agreement of 1935, part of Great Britain's process of appeasing Nazi Germany during the catastrophic run-up to the Second World War. Pro-Nazi British aristocrats and other Nazi and fascist sympathizers supported the pact in the hope of not only appeasing but actually joining with Germany in an anti-Soviet alliance.
Under the guise of engagement, U.S. President Barack Obama has restored appeasement as a diplomatic strategy. Like the Nazi/fascist sympathizers who backed the Anglo-German accord, Obama has also transcended appeasement--in his case, by actually attempting to align with Iran in a Grand Bargain aimed at pacifying Pakistan and Afghanistan, and, possibly, even, countering resurgent Russia.
The U.S. strategy of trying to use radical Islam as a sword against Moscow dates to the Eisenhower administration's dealings with Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood during the 1950s and the Carter administration's complicity in the Islamist overthrow of Iran's Shah--a modernizing monarch and U.S. ally--and covert intervention in Afghanistan on the side of anti-Soviet, Islamist warlords prior to and in the hope of triggering the Soviet invasion of the country.IAEA Chief Calls for World Pressure on Iran
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Thursday, 6 May 2010
The U.N. nuclear watchdog is calling for concerted international pressure on Iran over its nuclear program. Click here for the story.
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Britannia Radio