Truth About Markets, London. For more download and listening options, visit Archive dot org Visa (V:NYSE) and MasterCard (MA:NYSE) are publically traded slave companies. Any pension fund or savvy investor can invest in debt peonage with just a click of the mouse. Tags:18 Comments At the suggestion of @sevendeacons, we talk to Loren Howe, author of The Real Story of Money Health and Religion. Tags: central bank · debt · loren howe · max keiser ·On the Edge50 Comments Found this on Youtube. By the way, for next week’s On the Edge, we will talk to Michael Hudson about Greece. Tags: greece · max keiser2 Comments I gather this show may be going live from next week. Every Saturday morning. For more download and listening options, visit Archive dot org Tags: gcn · max keiser · stacy herbert · truth about markets · usa18 Comments The BP oil geyser and the Wall St. risk geyser (in the form of HFT trading and algo trading) put enormous power into the hands of lethal psychopaths. Their message is simple, don’t try and stop us or we’ll kill and bankrupt all of you. Obama, the ‘Patty Hearst’ President, basically picks his nose and hopes for the best. Tags:51 Comments Indescriminate murder of civilians to satisfy twitching soldiers suffering from Xbox withdrawal mirrors the indescriminate murder of civilian wealth by twitching High Frequency Traders high on Meth. Human life is trading at new, all-time lows on the Pentagon’s Terror Exchange and Goldman’s NYSE. The world has no way to adequately express their hatred of American foreign and economic policies; so they buy gold instead. Tags:26 Comments With a new documentary coming out on French TV, “911 Jackpot” creator Hicham Hamza and his project are trending higher than “Broker Zero” on “911 Jackpot” 24% funded “Who is Broker Zero? The Story of How Alex. Brown made millions on 9/11″ 20% funded Rumor is, the producer for “Zero” had to expand the budget for the film to accomodate for some new writers coming on board, and as a result 911 Jackpot is now racing ahead in the funding race. Tags:46 Comments For more download & listening options, visit Archive dot org Tags: rdu · truth about markets7 Comments We have been working tirelessly to alert the public and the MPAA of the disaster that would be box office futures contracts. As the inventor of the idea and the technology, I know the problems these products would pose and the economic havoc they would cause. The MPAA is right to derail this future catastrophe. Robert Swagger needs to find something else to do with his time. He’s a somewhat creative guy. He should spend some time in the Gulf figuring out ways to plug the hole or maybe use his banking skills to figure out ways to stop the US housing market from further collapse. Tags:11 Comments Since we’re stuck in a monetary system that allows a tiny private sector clique to control everything (business, government, military, non-profits, schools, families, etc) by putting everyone else in debt, we’ve been living in financial dictatorship for a long time. It has been a soft PR dictatorship of Hickey-Freeman suits and Sax 5th Avenue ties, Harvard pedigrees and fratboy schmarm. But hard dictatorship has been coming out of hiding for several years, especially since 2001. Not only can the money powers steal trillions from the masses to hand over to themselves, but they can suck the military into conquering poor countries that aren’t subject to their usury vortex system, build Homeland to spy on Americans, and have the CIA assassinate US citizens. There is no question that full-blown fascism is planned for the supposed land of the free as they try to move us into the new global system. And all the Republicans blaming Obama for it, just like the Democrats who blamed Bush, need to stop being suckers and realize how the politicians are not in charge. The money powers knew 100 years ago they couldn’t subject their wealth and power to the whims of mass political opinion…they learned well from the Teddy Roosevelt days. Ever since, they have built increasing control into the system. Blame the politicians? Absolutely…each administration takes an incremental step for the money powers. But don’t get suckered into believing a politician from your side of the aisle playing the same old game of flipping between left and right is going to change anything. We’ve been sold on parties just like we’ve been sold on Coke vs. Pepsi–they’re the same. Find leaders who know their neighbors, who understand the mechanics of a republic vs. empire, who understand the power of those who control all money in our system, rather than repeatedly voting for unhappy, addictive Harvard/Yale elitists who get a rush out of “system managing” the masses for the money powers. Any narcissist who thinks one dude in a distant white house can system manage 308,000,000 people should never come close to actually being in that white house. But that’s who we’ve put in that house for the last several decades. Luckily people are now breaking free of the PR programming. The choice isn’t left vs. right. It is big vs. small, republic vs. empire. Tags: damon vrabel · fascism106 Comments Stacy Summary: We look at the latest scandals of financial news presenters speaking in tongues, EU commissioners threatening the return of dictatorships and European fund managers piling into Australian property. In the second half of the show, Max talks to the Financial Time’s John Authers about his new book, The Fearful Rise of Markets. Tags: john authers · keiser report · max keiser106 Comments We never understood why sites like DailyKos were arguing that Obama’s health “reform” was somehow good. It was obvious from day one that the deck was stacked in favor of the companies and that the net result would be higher costs for the same or a worse standard of care. Tags:19 Comments Tags: keiser report · max keiser96 Comments All the market/finance news since 2008 isn’t just random criminal acts. It’s not just scandal. It’s not just greedy narcissists on Wall Street. Those are all symptoms of the larger problem–that nations are caught in a monetary machine designed to takeover everything over the course of several decades. The forces inside the machine precisely replicate the vortex forces inside a hurricane. As long as hurricanes are over warm water, their internal pressure lowers and they grow from Cat 1 to Cat 3 to Cat 5 storms as they suck in the outer bands of the territory over which they lord. This is precisely what JPM Chase, Goldman, and the rest of the Fed cartel have done in the territory over which they lord. It grew from a Cat 1 to a Cat 5 over several decades. But now the Cat 5 can’t grow anymore…there’s nothing left to suck from the outer bands, i.e. the population isn’t borrowing more and can’t afford increasing interest payments. The storm is hitting cold water. It’s going to DEFLATE massively. This is why we’re seeing all the scandals and corruption coming out…the bankers in the upper storm near the eye are scrambling to suck the last bit of value before the game’s over. So the key is to stay focused on the storm and fix the macro problem, rather than wasting emotional energy on the individual scandals. Here’s part 1 of a 3-part series discussing how to do it: Tags:217 Comments Stacy Summary: Max talks to Michael Hudson about debt, deficits, austerity, Greece and more. Tags: michael hudson · On the Edge6 Comments “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” That wasn’t just another cheap talking point from a politician’s speechwriter. It was the last real president’s attempt to remind the American people of the need to self-govern, to play our part in keeping the republic, rather than being passive, submitting to the rising banking/corporate/military empire, and becoming debt servants. Will we finally heed his call? This video explains some of the things JFK might ask us to do today–the “to do” list some of you have been asking for. It also points out the nexus between economics and our psychology and spirituality. Our current economic system, driven by the predatory financial system, has profoundly impacted both in negative ways. It imposes destructive, controlling energy from the top-down. We need to respond from the bottom-up with positive energy rather than the incessant negativity we typically see. I think it’s the only real hope of changing things, given the level of control in the system at this point. Some of you may already be shouting “impossible!” Well, it would require nothing less than the next Enlightenment…certainly no small task. But hardly impossible. Join us at the Council on Renewal and the Council’s blog after the video. Tags: base currency · credit money · damon vrabel ·federal reserve · jfk · m3 · sovereign money14 Comments For more download & listening options, visit Archive dot org Tags: jarvis cocker · max keiser · resonance · stacy herbert · truth about markets191 Comments Stacy Summary: Well the box office futures ban remains in the final bill. The Fannie Mae story is rather frightening in that the company, along with Freddie Mac, are currently underwriting more than 75% of mortgages in the US. So that they are turning so heavy handed and intrusive doesn’t bode well for the increasingly Fascist States of America. And in light of that, here is the most shocking quote of the three stories below, regarding the Gulf of Mexico oil spill; of her 17 month old daughter and three year old son swimming in the oil soaked ocean, a mother had this response – - – “And when her children emerged from the surf with light brown tar specks on their feet, she stayed cool: “Honestly, it wasn’t anything a baby wipe couldn’t get rid of. If it was really dangerous, I’m sure they would have posted a health advisory.” Re: the millions of gallons of oil spilled in the Gulf, here is the six of hearts from a deck of playing cards issued by theUS Army: ***UPDATE*** Highlights: Tags: box office futures · bp · fannie mae · gulf oil spill ·strategic defaulters97 Comments Stacy Summary: Well, it’s a gorgeous Friday here in Paris. I hope it’s nice wherever you may be . . . is it? (The chart is so that @Mike/Liverpool can see gold is getting killed!) Tomorrow, we have Michael Hudson for On the Edge to talk about Greece. There is also the very first edition of Truth About Markets USA broadcasting live. We will post it here as well. Tags: basel III · gold · pizza · social security191 Comments Stacy Summary: Thanks everyone who linked to or emailed me any of the headlines below, especially the Greek story which many sent. Who thought that so many of these predictions would come true so quickly. But then in the casino gulag, the drinks are free. Tags: china debt · fannie mae · greek islands105 Comments Stacy Summary: We look at the latest scandals of a rating agency’s threats, a two-tiered euro, and a rising gold price. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Gary Rivlin, author of Broke, USA. Tags: gary rivlin · keiser report · max keiser · stacy herbert207 Comments Stacy Summary: What I’m reading in the blogosphere this morning. I just can’t believe households are flocking into muni-bond market. It seems the exposure of the US-wide racket wasn’t enough to keep them out? Oh boy. Stacy Summary: So the next wave of global debt crisis appears to be sweeping through the global banking and economic systems. The last two headlines are just for chuckles, though these sort of times of financial chaos seem to bring out either the naked cowboy/girl sort of person or the Jesus / repenting sort. Tags: naked cowboy · naked cowgirl · uk budget · us home sales122 Comments Stacy Summary: Jerry Seinfeld says ‘Lady Gaga is a jerk,’ which inspired me to post this clip of Jerry introducing Max at the Comic Strip in 1978: Tags: jerry seinfeld · max keiser125 CommentsMF: Codex schmodex!
June 20th, 2010 by
Respond[1140] The Truth About Markets London – 20 June 2010
June 19th, 2010 by
RespondDebt Slavery Rising in America. Will This Be Obama’s Legacy?
June 19th, 2010 by
Respond[OTE59] On the Edge . . . with Loren Howe
June 19th, 2010 by
Respond[Video Mash] Max Keiser on Greek Debt Crisis
June 19th, 2010 by
Respond[1139] The Truth About Markets USA – Pilot 3 – 19 June 2010
June 19th, 2010 by
RespondEco(nomic) Suicide Economist Paul Krugman v. (Eco)logic Suicide Geologists at BP
June 19th, 2010 by
RespondMachine Gunning Civilians On Wall St. and Iraq Using Derivatives and Lead
June 19th, 2010 by
RespondPMF: Dueling 9-11 Flicks, “911 Jackpot” Trending Higher Than “Broker Zero.”
June 18th, 2010 by
Respond1141] The Truth About Markets NZ – 23 June 2010
June 23rd, 2010 by
RespondMPAA is naked short selling Robert Swagger of Trend Exchange to Zero
June 23rd, 2010 by
RespondGuest Post: Fascism–American Style
June 22nd, 2010 by
Respond[KR53] Keiser Report – Gold Rises on Armaggedon
June 22nd, 2010 by
RespondAs forecasted: Insurers Raise Health Bills Average 20%
June 22nd, 2010 by
RespondKeiser Report Teaser Time! Rewarding Eco-Terror
June 21st, 2010 by
RespondGermany and France examine ‘two-tier’ euro
June 21st, 2010 by
Respond“We believe that Gold’s recent rise began when investors sought a classic inflation hedge, but its real run came when deflation risks were far more obvious than any evidence of inflation.”
June 21st, 2010 by
RespondGuest Post: The Real Problem
June 20th, 2010 by
Respond[OTE60] On the Edge with Michael Hudson – 26 June 2010
June 27th, 2010 by
RespondGuest Post: Will you answer JFK’s call?
June 27th, 2010 by
Respond[1142] The Truth About Markets London – 26 June 2010
June 26th, 2010 by
RespondBox office futures, strategic defaulters and oil spills [UPDATED]
June 26th, 2010 by
RespondFrom Images Friday Night Ticker Tape – Basel III, Pizza Delivery and Gold Bubbles
June 25th, 2010 by
RespondFrom Images It’s a casino gulag in Greece, China & California
June 25th, 2010 by
Respond[KR54] Keiser Reports – Markets! Finance! Debt Whores!!!
June 24th, 2010 by
RespondInvestor Moths to Muni Bond Flame and the Buyers’ Strike in Securitization Markets
June 24th, 2010 by
RespondThe ‘longest, deepest’ cuts, biggest drops and naked cowpeople
June 23rd, 2010 by
RespondJerry Seinfeld – Max Keiser is ‘kind of a funny guy’
June 23rd, 2010 by
Sunday, 27 June 2010
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Britannia Radio