Saturday, June 26, 2010
Peaceful Georgia neighborhood requires around the clock police patrols after mosque expansion denied
An update on the Lilburn mosque - a replica of a shrine to a Muslim holy warrior in Iraq (where more than 4,000 U.S. soldiers have been killed). When expansion plans were denied, the harassment of infidels began, the legal jihad kicked in, and apparently the Islamic intimidation has continued. ROPMA.
Lilburn’s Hood Road carries new Gwinnett into old Gwinnett. The mile of asphalt begins with a mosque at U.S. 29 and turns into a byway of houses, trees and gardens.
But now, when the sun goes down, tension grows in this tidy, middle-class neighborhood.
Some residents opposed to a mosque expansion on Hood Road say for the past seven months, they’ve been the frequent targets of harassment, mostly by those they describe as “Middle Eastern men”. But a founder of the mosque says the claims are unfounded and the city’s mayor, who lives on Hood Road, hasn’t witnessed anything unusual.
Nonetheless, residents have reported vehicles traveling the road at night with occupants yelling, making obscene gestures, snapping photos, even confronting two women in their driveway.
Since November, when city leaders ruled against a local Muslim congregation’s plans to expand, the Lilburn Police Department has received 21 calls of suspicious activity along Hood Road.
Lilburn police officials say they have investigated every claim and patrolled Hood Road around the clock for two months starting in April, when reports started to escalate.
Still, residents say, the harassment is real. Some have installed security camera systems. Others are carrying guns.
“A lot of people are locked and loaded because they don’t know what’s going to happen,” resident Angel Alonso, 46, said. “We have a feeling somebody is going to get hurt.”
Residents say the harassment started Nov. 18, the same day the Lilburn City Council rejected the congregation’s proposal for a 20,000-square-foot mosque, cemetery and gym at U.S. 29 and Hood Road. The council’s decision has since sparked a federal religious discrimination lawsuit against the city.
n November, more than 400 residents packed the Gwinnett County courthouse to protest the rezoning. They argued it would posetraffic and parking problems and run afoul of the city’s land-use plan.
After the meeting in Lawrenceville, resident Janie Hood said she was followed and boxed in on U.S. 29 by a van and sport utility vehiclefull of “Middle Eastern” males, according to a police report. The vehicles were pulled over. Hood didn’t pursue the matter further, the report said.
But Hood said she didn’t drop it. Since March, she said she has spoken three times to the Gwinnett County District Attorney’s Office, which is investigating.
Now the 56-year-old Hood, whose father and grandfather built Hood Road, won’t sleep at her house at night, not since an attempted break-in in late December, she said. And on April 23, Hood said five vehicles pulled in front of her property. Two to three men exited and approached, according to a police report. Hood’s daughter, Christi Nichols, who feared for her safety, grabbed a firearm and told the men to leave, the report said.
“It’s getting worse and worse,” Hood said. “All we get from the Police Department is, ‘Stay in your house.’ We will stay in our house, but we should haven’t to.”
Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, June 26, 2010 at 03:03 PM in Monitor the Mosques! | Permalink | Comments (29) ShareThis
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The problem is, we have no president. Seriously, the job is vacant, and in its place is this vainglorious assclown, preening, golfing, banging down kobe steaks, basketballing with Reggie, hanging in Farrakhan's hood, scowling, admonishing, blaming, bankrupting the nation, destroying capitalism, alienating friends and allies, and making a catastrophic mess of everything.
We need a president of the United States.
The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America
Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, June 26, 2010 at 12:44 PM in Illegal Aliens | Permalink | Comments (35) ShareThis
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I anxiously looked forward to the release of Andrew McCarthy’s new book, The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America, for several reasons. It was long overdue that a respected thinker, a senior fellow at NRO and former prosecutor of the most heinous Muslim terrorists (World Trade Center bombing 1993) would address what Robert Spencer so brilliantly warned us of in his seminal work, Stealth Jihad (Regnery, 2008). Stealth Jihad unmasked the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan to subvert America from within. McCarthy’sThe Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America confirms Spencer’s accuracy.
Spencer is considered one of the world’s leading scholars on Islam, and his take is from the text -- pure Islam. Andrew McCarthy, on the other hand, came to the subject matter from a courtroom. He became intimately aware of the thinking and the motivations of the jihad against the U.S. when he acted as the federal prosecutor of the Blind Sheikh, Omar Abdel Rahman, and got the Blind Sheikh locked up for his role in masterminding the first World Trade Center jihad attack in 1993. And so respected was McCarthy by that killer, that he referred to McCarthy as “Sheikh Andy.” So when a man of McCarthy’s stature warns of the “grand jihad,” or as Spencer coined it, “the stealth jihad,” you can be sure the nation is in trouble. And it has only gotten worse under Obama.
Andrew McCarthy knows what it meant when Barack Obama bowed to the Saudi king: “The president’s bow to the Saudi king should have surprised no one. It was a submission to their mutual aspiration: a symbolic moment in the transformation from the America that was to the America of Barack Obama’s fancy, a vision that would mark a giant leap forward for the global Islamist project.”
When I interviewed him in November 2009 about the Obama Administration’s plans to move the 9/11 terror trials to New York City, McCarthy explained what is essentially the main point of this book: “Well, jihad is anything that advances their cause, which is to establish sharia as a first step towards Islamicizing this society. So anything that they can advance the cause with is properly categorized as jihad.”
Anything they can advance the cause with – not just terror attacks. The Grand Jihad is about all the many ways that the Muslim Brotherhood is working to “establish sharia as a first step towards Islamicizing this society,” with willing help from Barack Obama and others among the America-hating left.
The book’s title comes from a Muslim Brotherhood document that came to light during the Holy Land Foundation jihad charity trial in 2007, that said that the Brothers in the U.S. “must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion [meaning Islam, of course] is made victorious over all other religions.”
In The Grand Jihad, McCarthy shows all the ways the Brotherhood is working to make Islam victorious in the U.S. He explains how the Brotherhood works through its supposedly “moderate” front organizations like the Muslim American Society and the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which try to intimidate Americans (as in the “Flying Imams” case) into being afraid to oppose jihad activity or even report suspicious behavior by Muslims.
McCarthy also shows how they’ve infiltrated at the highest levels, placing Muslim Brotherhood operatives in government agencies where they hinder anti-terror efforts, as when Islamic law expert Steve Coughlin was fired from his job in the Pentagon at the instigation of Hesham Islam, a Brotherhood-linked operative who was assistant to Bush’s Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England. He explains how they are now also even running candidates for office, like Esam Omeish of Virginia, positioning them as “moderate” when they’re anything but.
Spencer deserves props for being the first to examine in detail the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic goals in the United States, and the many ways their stealth jihad is advancing here. Spencer’s book reveals the Brotherhood’s activities here in depth, as well as the international war on free speech that is being pursued by the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), and much more that McCarthy deals with in TheGrand Jihad. McCarthy deserves kudos for confirming Spencer’s research, and furthering and updating it with vital information about the complicity of the Obama Administration in these efforts. Too few people know what the Muslim Brotherhood is doing in the United States, and fewer still realize just how thoroughly anti-American Obama really is, and how that shows through in his policies. That makes The Grand Jihad one of the most important books of the year.
During our interview, McCarthy asked me: “You remember the CIA photographs, they were going to release the prisoner abuse photos? People rose up, they got angry about it, there were a lot of political backlash. And what happened? He reversed himself. So it’s not hopeless…It’s our courthouse, it’s our government and they get to serve it for a while, and I think that we should speak to them and let them know what we want.”
Right. And it isn’t hopeless now. It’s our government. And we don’t want the grand jihad advancing in America. We don’t want any more U.S. presidents bowing to Islamic kings. Get Spencer’s Stealth Jihad and McCarthy’s Grand Jihad, and educate yourself – before it’s too late.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, June 26, 2010 at 12:17 PM in Books, Creeping Sharia: American Dhimmitude | Permalink | Comments (10) ShareThis
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