Don't ya just love 'em - the greenies? BBC global warmist alarmist Mark Kinver details here the truly terrifying row between "environmentalists" and the European Commission over biofuels. On the one side, the EU is doing what it does best - creating new layers of lunatic buraucracy to "certify" that forests cut down for biofuel are not doing ecological harm. They proudly declare that their new laws are the "most stringent" (i.e. most repressive) in the world. Over in the other corner, those "environmentalists" (to the BBC, the most saintly group of people on earth) are yelping that - despite years of pressure to force biofuel production - they now think that cutting down trees by the million to do so is not a good idea. Mr Kinver, of course, reports it all without any attempt at balance. Centre stage in his mincing words are Sebastien Risso of Greenpeace, and - how utterly shameful that this should be the case - the Conservative MEP spokesman, who apparently applauds and supports the EU measures. BIOFUEL NONSENSE....
>> FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 2010
Not one squeak, of course, from Mr Kinver about the twin elephants in the room: It was the greenies who caused this idiotic quest for biofuels when we don't need them, and are now reaping the whirlwind; and that the EU's role in ploughing on relentless to wreak ecological havoc is beyond parody, but entirely true to form. We are ruled by eurocrats (supported by the Cleggerons)who make Stalin look amateur.
Friday, 11 June 2010
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Britannia Radio