Thursday, June 10, 2010
Will BP Stock Go to Zero?
Is the price of BP stock going to zero? Is the company doomed?
Probably, and deservedly so.
Click here for the story.
The legal, economic, environmental, political, and social ramifications of this manmade disaster are incalculable. Before it's over, everyone will suffer.
China Confidential prediction: some BP executives will go to jail; others will go to Brazil. But even that traditional, extradition-proof haven for wanted criminals will no longer guarantee the fugitives safety from prosecution and conviction. The world is becoming smaller every day in every way. Any and all wrong-doing--including deliberate misrepresentations and coverups--with respect to the giant, Gulf of Mexico oil spill are inexcusable and intolerable.
The world depends on oil and gas (and coal), and will continue to depend on these so-called fossil fuels for the next 20 years. But that does not mean that a multinational oil company has the right to act like a criminal organization. One hopes that is not the case; but the information that is steadily ... seeping ... leaking ... spilling ... out ... like so much toxic crude or sludge ... is disheartening, to say the least.Tokyo Clinic Develops 'Order-Made' Cancer Therapy Using Chicken Eggs and Patient's Own Cancer Cells
Good news from Japan.
A promising, new, "order-made" cancer therapy will be presented at a special press conference in Tokyo next Thursday, June 17. The presentation will begin at 12:00 Noon, at the Hotel Okura (Emerald Room). Media representatives are urged to arrive and set up early, starting at 11:30 AM.
The results of four clinical trial cases--all terminally ill, final-stage cancer patients--will be presented and discussed.
The results are said to be so encouraging that a major Japanese television network is planning in-depth coverage, including a documentary special scheduled to be broadcast in September.
The new therapy, approved by Japanese authorities, will be offered to cancer patients at the Tokyo Shibuya Clinic. The therapy uses a patient's own cancer cells, taken from a biopsy specimen of the patient's primary cancer tumor, and the egg yolks of hens to produce order-made--meaning patient-specific--cancer-fighting antibodies, which are then orally administered to the patient. The cancerous cells must be extracted from the primary tumor.
The egg-yolk antibody therapy may be used in conjunction with radiation therapy and other cancer treatments.
The egg-yolk system for producing antibodies is already widely used in other medical and scientific applications.
It is generally estimated that roughly 7.2 to 7.5 million people worldwide die from cancer each year. Worldwide, cancer causes more deaths than AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined.
Friday, 11 June 2010
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Britannia Radio