Saturday, 5 June 2010
By Emanuel A. Winston,
Freeman Center Middle East Analyst & Commentator
Wall St. Journal June 3, 2010
WINSTON MID EAST ANALYSIS & COMMENTARY June 3, 2010 Email: Please disseminate & re-post. If you publish, send us a copy. Many of our articles appear in;; Outgoing mail is virus-checked.
The following article by Daniel Henninger in the Wall St. Journal June 3, 2010 reminds me of the many articles I have written, forecasting the Gathering of the Nations against the Jewish State of Israel. I claim no honor in being first since that prediction was written by G-d in the Biblical Torah during ancient times. Any observant Jew or Christian who has read what is predicted to come in the Biblical text knows that the nations will, indeed, descend upon Israel to take the Land and attempt to eliminate the Jewish people.
The underlying reason can be explained in a simple phrase of a few lines. The Jews have made a Covenant with G-d to be His servant as a “Light Unto The Nations”, practicing in plain sight the cosmological laws of G-d’s Universe as set forth in the Torah.
All pagan gods would be dismissed and mankind could no longer follow the teachings of religious cults to worship and sacrifice humans to their pagan deities. The priest cults hated the restrictions set down in the Torah by G-d and taught their followers to hate the message and the messengers.
History is replete with the hideous treatment of the Jews through the centuries that the shriek of agony had to travel deep into the cosmos and certainly to G-d.
After Israel was once again allowed to rise out of the ashes from the Holocaust, the pursuers of the Jews caught their collective breath and, once again, ramped up their hatred and started back on the trail after their prey.
On a more practical level, I noticed that the Europeans decided they needed a “Rapid Deployment Force” but didn’t want to spend their own money to build it so they went to NATO to act for them.
Clearly to me, it meant they needed an adversary to practice on and that was designated to be the small nation of Israel. This global act of hostility was to be merely an extension of collective Genocide as practiced by the Church, the Aristocracy and the peasantry during the centuries.
So I began writing about what would logically follow with the aggression and the penalties to follow. It was my practical conclusion that many of the seemingly natural calamities would simply follow as “an eye for an eye” punishment.
As the nations bonded with subhuman Terrorists, terrible catastrophes began to happen: Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanoes, crashing of the world’s wealth – sending people into the streets to riot.
I recalled the prediction that G-d would “send fire out across the nations”. So the “Ring of Fire” began to crack open, starting in Iceland, sending huge ash clouds across Europe as a precursor of what's next to come. I watched America sustain terrible blows as the “eye for an eye” played out as Israel’s former protector began to reach out to the plague of Islam. The Gulf oil spill is killing the once pristine fishing grounds just as President Barack Hussein Obama allowed Iran to go Nuclear.
I am deeply aware that speaking about G-d, Torah, predictions of the future are generally discarded into the mystic waste basket.
On the other hand, since I mostly write about the practical aspects of war, weapons, political and war plans of various nations, it’s not a leap of imagination when I observe the Nations Gathering to attack, crush and eliminate the Jewish nation. I see the fall of Europe into chaos.
Regrettably, I see America follow as it ramps up its attacks of Israel’s defense against primitive enemies. Obama and his hand-picked anti-Semitic advisors linked to the Arab Muslims want Israel eliminated and America is already paying the price.
I once thought that the obligation of the Jews was limited to being "A Light Unto The Nations" by merely teaching the laws of humanity. I now see that Israel was created to show the nations how to fight evil which Israel has been doing. Regrettably, the nations were given the choice of following good or evil and, so far, has chosen evil. Israel could lead the world out of despair and lethargy IF the nations would only follow the Light.
Will we be surprised to see a 9.2 trembler under Ankara, Turkey?
Will we see the Euro disappear, followed by the total collapse of the European Union?
Will the spreading oil in the Gulf send a message to Obama, with follow-on Super Hurricanes?
So, what is simply nature in turmoil and what is reminiscent of G-d’s Plagues that forced Pharaoh to free the Jewish people?
Or are they really both the same?
Wall St. Journal June 3, 2010
The ease with which the world’s governments condemned Israel over the flotilla incident has been something to behold. The Jerusalem-based correspondent for the Toronto Globe and Mail could not help but notice: “The speed and intensity with which governments around the world condemned the Israeli behavior appear unprecedented.” Why?
For starters, denouncing Israel for something like this is convenient for leaders who have failed repeatedly to do anything about more important and difficult problems such as Iran, North Korea or sovereign debt. Also, lesser nations learn by example: The Obama administration’s unrestrained criticism of the Israeli government in March over East Jerusalem settlements lowered the threshold for teeing off on Israel.
Still, I can’t think of any other nation, no matter how scummy and uncivilized its practices, that produces this response. Or any other event, such as testing a nuclear bomb.
Fast out of the gate was France’s nimble President Nicolas Sarkozy, who criticized the “disproportionate use of force.” But somehow it is only Israel that seems to elicit the disproportionate use of language.
Turkey’s prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, called the incident “state terrorism.” His foreign minister described it as “piracy,” “banditry” and “barbarism.” Also invoking “barbarism” were Saudi Arabia (“inhuman”), Syria (“blatant defiance of . . . civilized values”) and Morocco.
Italy’s foreign undersecretary, Stefania Craxi: “the massacre of Gaza.” Russia, always light on irony, condemned “the use of force against civilians.” The Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists: “an open attack on civil society” and the “true face of barbarism.” U.N . Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was “shocked.”
Denmark, Spain, Greece and Sweden summoned their Israeli ambassadors for an explanation. British Foreign Secretary William Hague extended his sympathy to the families of the victims. The Vatican voiced concern. The president of Bosnia likened the Gaza blockade to the 1992-96 siege of Sarajevo (at least 10,000 dead). The president of the European Parliament drew attention to a breach of the “fourth Geneva Convention.” All of this on Monday.
Turning on the evening news in New York City, one saw that a pro-Palestinian demonstration of a 1,000 or so had materialized in Times Square. Identical demonstrations mushroomed on the Champs Élysées, and in the streets of Washington, London, Rome, Cyprus, Oslo, Stockholm and Athens.
Catherine Ashton, the EU’s “high representative” for foreign affairs, demanded “an immediate, sustained and unconditional opening” of the Gaza blockade. This is especially noteworthy.
Until High Representative Ashton’s demand to end the blockade, the EU had been party to a clear, explicit policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian impasse. Since 2002, a group known as the Quartet—consisting of the EU, Russia, the U.S. and the U.N., with Tony Blair as its current special envoy—has said that no one could deal with Hamas, the occupier of Gaza, until Hamas fulfilled three conditions: Recognize Israel’s right to exist. Renounce violence. Accept agreements already made by previous Palestinian negotiators.
Hamas hasn’t met any of those conditions. After Ms. Ashton’s outburst, it knows it doesn’t have to.
The world’s peoples may pay soon for their leaders’ display of such a disproportionate double standard. Recall that the other, recent instance when the world’s governments deployed their collective authority and wrath was last June, against Lilliputian Honduras. The conclusion is inescapable: The smaller the problem, the larger the world powers’ output of hot air. But if a problem is large or difficult—especially if the problem is nuclear—they blink and deflate, and will do so repeatedly. Example: It emerged this week that the International Atomic Energy Agency believes Iran is pursuing higher-enriched uranium and “the development of a nuclear payload for a missile.” The world yawns. Or hides.
In any of the places where men discuss truly monstrous and dangerous plans, in Kim Jong Il’s Pyongyang or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Tehran, watching this hyperventilated criticism of Israel for a shoot-out on a boat must strike them as laughable. If one’s opponents save their collective status and authority for something like this, then the world is ultimately not serious about who must comply with its rules of behavior. With this unbalanced double standard, the world increases the odds that a truly irresponsible regime will miscalculate.
To its credit, the U.S. delegation on duty at the U.N. Monday managed to dilute the language that a somewhat unhinged Turkey demanded from the Security Council. (Amusingly, what the Turks called the U.S.’s “delays” caused the negotiations to slip past midnight into Tuesday morning when, like Cinderella’s pumpkin, Lebanon’s presidency of the Security Council expired and passed to less invested Mexico.) Germany’s Angela Merkel was also circumspect in her remarks. An adult or two is still on duty.
Set aside the troubling fact that the Jewish state alone gets this routine treatment. Israel should not be immune from criticism. But if the world’s powers unload like this only on relatively small, isolated nations like Israel, then clearly the keepers of the world order find it easier to be blowhards than statesmen. And that means we have a problem.
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