The debacle poses urgent questions about the quality of Israel’s intelligence. The sight of those naval commandoes rappelling from their helicopter into the murderous arms of an Islamist lynch-mob was shocking to behold. As I have already noted, the commanders of this operation – including Defence Minister Ehud Barak – clearly believed the flotilla was merely full of anarchists, leftists and other useful idiots. How can it possibly have happened that they didn’t know the Turkish terrorist IHH were involved? And if they did, how can they have made such a dreadful error of military judgment? Next, the line being peddled that one of the casualties of this debacle is Turkey’s hitherto close tie to Israel demonstrates once again the ostrich-like ignorance of Britain’s political and media class which refuses to grasp the reality of the global Islamic jihad. Turkey, which indeed was once an ally of Israel and the west, has been steadily morphing from its secular traditions into an Islamist regime -- which is turning it into an enemy of the west (and also places it at odds with those secular Turks who are rightly horrified by the prospective loss of their freedoms). Only last month, after all, Turkey agreed to take 1200 grams of Iran’s ‘surplus’ uranium for enrichment – thus providing the fig leaf for Iran’s genocide bomb. The IHH are Turkish terrorists linked to al Qaeda. Turkey is now threatening to up the ante by providing a Turkish naval escort for the next Gaza flotilla. Go figure. Further evidence that the Marmara flotillistas were not your average humanitarian soup-kitchen run has apparently been aired on Israel TV news, which has reported that after interrogation 40 to 60 of these men have been revealed to be members of several units, each with its own commander and assignments. The men had no official papers, and each carried a large amount of cash. Some were equipped with night vision equipment and ceramic vests, and there appears to have been a military-style command structure on board. Meanwhile, as the IAEA reports that Iran has now amassed enough nuclear fuel to make two nuclear bombs and Turkish Islamists provide the pretext for UN bodies to make a frenzied attack upon Iran’s principal designated victim, Israel, to force it to cave in to Hamas, Obama has joined in the auto-da-fe. As Anne Bayefsky reports, America has for the first time chosen not to stop the political lynch-mob in the Security Council from tabling an Israel-bashing presidential statement and the ‘Human Rights’ Council from tabling an Israel-bashing resolution. Bayefsky writes: Day two of the HRC’s ‘regular’ session, therefore, saw the entire afternoon devoted to the flotilla incident, replete with accusations of massacres and genocide. The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) made no effort to cover up the real point, namely, the rejection of Israel’s right to exist and the concomitant right to defend itself. ... The Security Council Presidential statement paints the loss of life which occurred entirely in the framework designed by its Arab and OIC sponsors. All the civilians who participated in the flotilla are cast as humanitarians – including the armed thugs caught on video-tape brutally attacking Israeli soldiers. Gaza is made out to be a humanitarian problem arising in a vacuum. There is no mention of its government’s dedication to Israel’s annihilation, no mention of the smuggling of arms into Gaza, and no mention of the use of such arms against Israelis. Consequently, according to the Security Council there appears to be no justification for Israel’s interest in the ship’s cargo or its legal blockade of an entity with which it is at war. In fact, the Presidential statement does not mention Hamas at all. And this a few days after, again with Obama’s approval, the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons called for an international conference to force Israel to give up its nuclear weapons – which it holds purely for defensive purposes, as everyone in the region knows, with the result that this has never resulted in a regional nuclear arms race -- while making no mention at all of Iran’s development of nuclear weapons, which everyone in the region knows are intended to be used aggressively and so will result in an immediate nuclear arms race in the Arab world. In other words, Obama is now throwing his weight behind the frenzied attempt by the world’s tyrannies to wipe Israel off the map. And as the noose tightens round Israel, what is the response of the British government? Far from rethinking Foreign Secretary William Hague’s reproach to Israel for ‘lack of restraint’ (in not allowing its marine commandoes to be lynched, you understand) the Prime Minister David Cameron has joined in the onslaught, deploring the ‘heavy loss of life’ and telling Israel to lift the blockade of Gaza – which, let us remind ourselves once again, allows into Gaza tens of thousands of tons of aid per week and only stops weapons from being smuggled in that would be used to kill Israelis. Thus as the world starts to resemble a global pogrom in the making, Cameron has lined up Britain too on the side of the forces of darkness against their victims. And finally, this: one lone young Jew stands up for rationality and justice and confronts the hate. A symbol of Jewish isolation in the face of what is now gathering pace and venom across the world, as it goes progressively mad.A global pogrom in the making
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Some more thoughts about the Turkish terrorist flotilla attack.
Posted by Britannia Radio at 20:50