To illustrate the rational nature of so much of the reaction to the Turkish terrorist flotilla attack, here are some email messages I have received (printed as sent): 1) The whole world is disgusted with the terror state of Israel. It has again shown its true nature, kill anyone who opposes its murderous regime. What a disgrace to humanity the zionists have proven to be. I am of the firm opinion that Hitler was right in the assessment of the Jewish people. The protestors deaths have not been in vain as the support for Gaza & Palestine has reached all communities all over the world. It will only be a matter of time before they obtain their freedom. 2) Why don’t you go and live in that God forsaken insignificant desert called Israel and take your bile out of the Let me reiterate points which need to be put, urgently and forcibly, to Cameron and Clegg. 1) There is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The markets are full. There are fancy restaurants. An Olympic-size swimming pool was recently opened there. What hardship there is has resulted from the actions taken by the tyrannical Hamas regime which rules Gaza, which recently burned down an UNRWA summer camp for children, for example, and blew up one of... The debacle poses urgent questions about the quality of Israel’s intelligence. The sight of those naval commandoes rappelling from their helicopter into the murderous arms of an Islamist lynch-mob was shocking to behold. As I have already noted, the commanders of this operation – including Defence Minister Ehud Barak – clearly believed the flotilla was merely full of anarchists, leftists and other useful idiots. How can it possibly have happened that they didn’t know the Turkish terrorist IHH were involved? And if they did, how can they have made such a dreadful error of military judgment? Next, the line being peddled that one of the casualties of this debacle is Turkey’s hitherto close tie to Israel demonstrates once again the ostrich-like ignorance of Britain’s political and media class which refuses to...Wednesday, 2nd June 2010
'Hitler was right', and other rational responses
...The odious hypocrisy of Britain's Rt. Hon. Israel-bashers
I have just heard LibDem deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg on the Today programme parroting the line that is now British government policy – that the flotilla episode demonstrates the need for Israel to lift the blockade of Gaza and relieve the humanitarian crisis there. As I said at the end of my postbelow, David Cameron said much the same thing yesterday.A global pogrom in the making
Some more thoughts about the Turkish terrorist flotilla attack.
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Posted by Britannia Radio at 20:39