Tuesday, 15 June 2010

ILSI Biomed - International Life Science & Technology Week

Tammuz 2, 5770, 14 June 10 10:33
by Yoni Kempinski
(Israelnationalnews.com) The Israeli BioMed Industry's largest annual event is taking place in Tel Aviv Monday through Wednesday. Considered the biggest life sciences conference held outside the United States, ILSI Biomed attracts the world's leading biotechnology, medicine and medical device entities.
New for this year's event, is an exclusive Innovation Pavilion that will provide Israeli start-up companies a venue to showcase their products. Company presentations, networking and an extensive exhibition accompany the event.
Set against the backdrop of the global market recovery and the recent proliferation of the life sciences field, this June's ILSI Biomed Israel 2010 international conference is being attended by the most prominent figures in the biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical device sectors.
Prior to the event, the organizers explained that ILSI Biomed Israel 2010 will place special emphasis on the practical and business aspects of one of the most advanced and successful industries in Israel. Moreover, they wrote in the invitation, this year's conference will give prominence to the cardiology, vaccines, oncology, 'cell care', personalized medication, and metabolic disease fields.
The conference serves as a platform connecting science, technology and industry, and is accompanied by an exhibition covering the latest biotechnology and medical device innovations. The innovation pavilion accommodates up to 60 start-up companies showcasing their products.
According to the event organizers, the Israel Life Science Industry (ILSI) and Kenes International, ILSI Biomed 2010 will attract an estimated 7,000 participants - including CEOs and senior officers of biopharma and medical device companies, scientists, researchers, entrepreneurs, venture capital fund managers and private investors.
ILSI Biomed 2010 will also welcome more than 1,000 international visitors. Despite being a difficult time for international conferences, the 2009 event brought 6,000 participants together, and more than 2,500 participated in customized one-on-one meetings, of which 800 were from 35 countries.
Presiding over the committees are the co-chairpersons; Ruti Alon, General Partner, Pitango Venture Capital and chairperson of the Israel Life Science Industry, and Israel Makov, Chairman, Given Imaging.
"Following a year of regulatory, political and economic changes, we see the upcoming 'Biomed Week' as a valuable opportunity to network with old friends and business partners and to make new connections," said Alon. "We aim to create a platform where participants have a chance to learn from each other and interact in a way that can lead to joint ventures, investments and other business structures. Moreover, with all the changes occurring around us, the conference is a great opportunity to be updated, analyze changes and their impact on future plans for each company and the industry as a whole."
"The investors, business development managers and delegations from foreign countries will have the opportunity to meet Israeli companies within this field. I am confident the new technologies and interactions between participating companies and the thousands of visitors will generate additional leverage for the local industry," added Makov.