and wounded three others, Women For Israel's Tomorrow and the Judea
Action Committee put out the following statement:
ADURAYIM is an army base in the southern Hevron hills that was
abandoned two months ago!!
TODAY, MONDAY, June 14, 2010, in reaction to the terror attack, we
will meet in Adurayim at 4:00 pm to demand the IDF return to Adurayim!
Transportation from Kiryat Arba at 3:30pm by registration only (see
below for phone numbers)
Every capitulation invites more terror!
* When we capitulated from Gaza - we received Hamas
* When we fight terrorists with paintball guns - the world is against
us and demands a commission of inquiry
* When we take down army checkpoints - the Arabs enjoy and the Jews
pay with their lives
* When Jews are forbidden to build and expand the Arabs take over our land
**When the IDF abandoned the Adurayim army camp near southern Hevron -
it enabled the Arabs to attack Jews
We MUST go back to our strong stand on our natural right to Eretz
Israel and start behaving like a sovereign people in its homeland.
The government and the prime Minister must draw strength from the
people of Israel who have shown to be strong and patriotic.
Women for Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green) and Judea Action Committees
Yehudit Katsover
Details of the terror attack:
Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380